Title card thoughts

By Lord Citrus, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

So after my first solo campaign both my hero’s and like 4 titles each, which is cool but some of them were so situational I didn’t use them much.

the problem I found is that I feel they made my deck weaker for characters who don’t have a lot of inspiration. Reading the rules it looks like you have to include title cards once you get them. Has anyone read elsewhere that you can leave them out?

You can always prepare them when you scout to get them out of your deck. Like weaknesses...

I did end up with 12 tittle cards for 2 characters... Yep They did make my deck worse. Not much but definitely worse. It the pain of being publickly know person 8 think! Your reputation menona that you have less time effective adventuring because you have to make signatures ro all you fans ;)

and no, there is no way of taking them of from your deck. I Also ended up of having 9 trinkects and I only could use two of them (one for each character). It was sometimes really hard to chose what trinket to use to each character.

i think that those Are good ways of keeping the game balance right. Without those title cards the last scenario would have been too easy and same if I would have had all those trinkets instead of just one / character.

Scouting helps, but there allready Are 11 dead cards in your deck in the befinning of the game and you can scout and prepare only 4 of those. I did end up using several classes (multiclassedj and only did put 12xp cards to the deck to increase odds of getting success cards. Everything else would just make the deck even worse...

Edited by Hannibal_pjv

I think it's probably a balance thing, as mentioned. That's why I really like abilities that can give you ongoing inspiration. Cards like "On the Hunt" (hunter), "Guarded Strike" (guardian), "trailblazer" (pathfinder), or "Quiet" (burglar). Yes, most of those cards require discarding something , but generally they give another benefit along with the inspiration. Another way to mitigate the dead cards is to use "Master Tactician" (captain), although I haven't tried captain much in 2-player as I'm not sure it's the best role for a 2-player game (same with musician).

I like the flavour aspect of the titles though. And the abilities are usually good enough to warrant preparation over a weakness card or a basic card.

Edited by *player3640663