How common are non-Human PCs in your games?

By Concise Locket, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

1 hour ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

It might just be comfort level.

I am sure you’re right!

Oh boy, lets start the list

Campaign 1:
Zabrak then Nautolan
Droid then Sluissi
Besalisk then Shistavanen

Campaign 2:

Three Clones, one then Arkanian
Wookiee and then Clone (Not of the original 3)
Squib then Zeltron
Droid then Besalisk

Note first campaign was EotE style set about 5 years before ANH and second is a Clone Wars special forces unit.

I haven't played a human yet in this game. I've got 3 main characters, and their all Rodians that are related to each other. First there is Meep who's a rebel ace pilot/sharpshooter, then there's his twin Neep who is a heavy. Neep is a walking tank when he's got his PX-1 modded power armor on, along with a heavily modded Heavy blaster rifle. Finally we get to their older sister Zeep, she is what you would call a shotgun medic. She can patch allies up, and lay the hate on imperials and other enemies with her 8 gauge shotgun.

Current game




Melitto (Me)

I decided to make most of my character just using Cyphers and Masks. Melitto are interestingly alien, both in appearance and society. I actually chunked Balosar because "human with fuzzy antennas" was too close to just being human.

My PC group is 4 humans, 1 Twi'lek, 1 non-canon alien, and 1 droid.

Personally, I prefer a ratio like this. I think it better reflects the feel of the movies.

On 11/2/2019 at 4:56 AM, Donovan Morningfire said:

Hera in Rebels was somewhat unusual in being a Twi'lek that was a main part of the principal cast, but then again she's a Twi'lek and is reasonably close to being Human as is regarding her general appearance and mannerisms.

No love for Zeb or Chopper?

8 hours ago, DarkHorse said:

No love for Zeb or Chopper?

Zeb was the replacement for Chewie as the token alien, and Chopper the replacement for R2 and 3PO as the droid sidekick, both only rarely getting their own focus episodes as opposed to the principal focus on the Humans.

46 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

Zeb was the replacement for Chewie as the token alien, and Chopper the replacement for R2 and 3PO as the droid sidekick, both only rarely getting their own focus episodes as opposed to the principal focus on the Humans.

It is hard for Zeb to be the token alien when the crew was 2 human jedi, 1 Mandalorian, 2 aliens and 1 droid.

(While I hate-watched most of Rebels) I would argue Zeb had one of the most meaningful arcs of the whole series. He and Agent Kallus had a journey through the series over many seasons that I found far more impactful and interesting than Sabine's.

Plus to say the focus was on the humans, well Ezra's story is intertwined with Maul (a zabrak) and later with Ahsoka (a togruta). I would argue that the series was not focused on the human crew, it was focused on the jedi who just happened to be humans.

I probably liked Sabine's arc more than Zeb's, but I'm a Mandalorian junkie (only 1 more week!!) so I might be a bit biased on that front. Zeb's arc, I have to say, was my second favorite. In seasons 3-4, Zeb and Kallus were my favorite characters behind, again, Sabine. Can't beat Mandos...

Rebels' version of Rex and Ahsoka are in there somewhere, but I'm not sure where. It's hard to rank since they were in the Clone Wars show as well, and were two of my favorite characters in a show I much preferred.

I tried to add everything up so far. Some comments were left off because they details were unclear. Possible I've messed up some spelling here and there. Am not sure if every listed species is actually published, because theres so many and I certainly dont have them memorized.

Aleena 2
Arkanian 3
Besalisk 2
Bothan 6
Cerean 1
Chadra Fan 2
Chevin 1
Chiss 8
Clawdite 4
Clone 8
Corellian Human 6
Devaronian 4
Drall 5
Droid 20
Dug 1
Duros 3
Falleen 5
Fargul 1
Gamorrean 1
Gand 2
Gank 3
Gigoran 1
Givin 1
Gotal 1
Gran 1
Human 57
Ithorian 1
Jawa 2
Kaminoan 1
Kel Dor 1
Klatoonian 1
Mandalorian 5
Melitto 1
Mirialan 5
Mon Calamari 3
Mustifarian 1
Nagai 1
Nautolan 2
Pantoran 2
Rodian 3
Ryn 1
Sathari 1
Selonian 1
Shistavanen 3
Sith 1
Sluissi 1
Squib 1
Sullustan 3
Togruta 3
Trandoshan 5
Twilek 16
Verpine 1
Vurk 1
Weequay 2
Whiphid 3
Wookiee 12
Yuzzem 1
Zabrak 9
Zeltron 2
Zygerrian 1

I think the FFG system is flexible enough that any species can develop into an interesting, competent character. But I've never been one to look for race/career synergies. Way back in my d20 days, my party had a Rodian, a Cerean, a Zabrak, and a human. In the first session, the Rodian got killed and was replaced with another human.

With EotE, our main crew started as a Wookiee, a Togruta, and two humans (one raised by B1s). When the Wookiee left, that character was replaced by a human (raised by a Gand). The players had a B crew they would sometimes run, and that was a Twi'lek, a Nautolan, a Squib, and a Yuuzhan Vong (an advance scout who had deserted).

I made a beginner game to introduce the system to people that included pre-gens (astromech, Twi'lek, Wookiee, Rodian, and Force-Sensitive human). I ran the game three times, and every time, the astromech, human, and Rodian were chosen to be played.

As a GM, I try to have NPCs of a wide variety of species. The only one that I feel I really succeeded at making feel alien were the Vratix. During our adventure set on Thyferra, they really weirded-out some of the PCs.

19 hours ago, Krazma said:

My PC group is 4 humans, 1 Twi'lek, 1 non-canon alien, and 1 droid.

Personally, I prefer a ratio like this. I think it better reflects the feel of the movies.

NON-CANON ALIEN??? Do the Disney Canon/Lore Police need to call on you? 😄

One of my first take aways from the data was that there are 4 Drall. Which, with their high intellect stat, kinda made sense.

But three of them are from one players series of 3 campaigns. Which makes me wonder if theres just one guy/gal out there who really really loves Drall. And thatd be neat.

Thanks very much for doing the tally. It does surprise me so many Humans are being played. I have been listening to some Hydian Way and no Humans in their Pirate Queen sessions.

Really surprised not more Twi'leks were being played. That was my bet on the most popular.

Only played on one campign so far, the party started as-
Drall (me)
A Human joined later.

The next campign I know will include a Wookiee.

One of the things I love about Star Wars is the number of species that are both playable and feel different to each other. D&D has more races but many aren't really playable or are indistinguishable from each other.

On 11/5/2019 at 9:18 PM, player1580670 said:

One of my first take aways from the data was that there are 4 Drall. Which, with their high intellect stat, kinda made sense.

But three of them are from one players series of 3 campaigns. Which makes me wonder if theres just one guy/gal out there who really really loves Drall. And thatd be neat.

I think Drall are awesome, mine was inspired by the Drall in the Corellian trillogy.

I have played so far as a human cyborg (using gank), a Trandoshan and a Pyke (using Neimoidian I think). My first group I GMed had a Droid, a Duros, a Besalisk and a Chandra-fan. My second one has a Dowutin, a Besalisk, a Kel Dor and a Wookiee. My Fantasy Game has had a Goliath, a Tiefling, a Gnoll, a Goblin, a Dwarf, a Thri-Kreen and a Dragonborn....I was honestly surprised to see people actually play human oO

first campaign: three humans, one mando, one corelian humam, 1 trandoshan

second campaign: rodian, torguta, 2 humans, gand, droid

current campaign: rodian, arkanian, 2 humans, mandolorian, duros

personally- I always play aliens

We now have a side game starring a rebel cell of all alien characters.

Diva and Binq , twin Twi'lek singers and spies of the rebellion .

Bar Hasko , their Duros "manager" and operations guru .

The Tens , a trio of re-purposed ID10 Seeker droids.

The droids are ostensibly their "camera crew," but are really intended for surveillance.

Session Zero (character generation, setting expectations for the game, etc) for a new Edge of the Empire campaign is next week. My wife and I created a character and she wants to play... a Human. ☹️ And with the chatter I've overheard from a couple of other players, they want to play... Chiss. ☹️

As a GM, I'd love to delve into a lesser-known species with one of my players. Maybe help develop some interesting lore that stands on top of what Lucasfilm has already approved. I think Thrawn is a cool character and the Chiss are an acceptable take on Vulcans-in-the- Star-Wars -universe; but they're probably the most well-covered species in the franchise outside of Wookiees. Which makes finding something cool, unique, and/or interesting about them as a people a little tough.

Maybe I can talk one or both of them into playing something else, if they aren't committed.

Edited by Concise Locket
On 1/2/2020 at 9:23 PM, Concise Locket said:

Session Zero (character generation, setting expectations for the game, etc) for a new Edge of the Empire campaign is next week. My wife and I created a character and she wants to play... a Human. ☹️ And with the chatter I've overheard from a couple of other players, they want to play... Chiss. ☹️

As a GM, I'd love to delve into a lesser-known species with one of my players. Maybe help develop some interesting lore that stands on top of what Lucasfilm has already approved. I think Thrawn is a cool character and the Chiss are an acceptable take on Vulcans-in-the- Star-Wars -universe; but they're probably the most well-covered species in the franchise outside of Wookiees. Which makes finding something cool, unique, and/or interesting about them as a people a little tough.

Maybe I can talk one or both of them into playing something else, if they aren't committed.

I wouldn't try that, it risks them acquiescing and then losing interest because they're not playing the PC they were looking forward to embodying.

On 1/2/2020 at 2:23 PM, Concise Locket said:

Which makes finding something cool, unique, and/or interesting about them as a people a little tough.

I don't know. Humans are pretty well-covered, too, and yet we're always finding ways to explore what's cool, unique, and/or interesting about us. Why can't the Chiss have as much variation?

Maybe start with figuring out what it is you'd like to explore, then ask yourself how could that be made to apply to some Chiss? What fits one doesn't necessarily need to fit others. The Mandalorian has a different take on Ugnaughts than I had previously seen in Star Wars canon. Do something different from Thrawn. For example, what would be considered deviant or outcast behavior among the Chiss?

On 1/3/2020 at 3:49 PM, Stan Fresh said:

I wouldn't try that, it risks them acquiescing and then losing interest because they're not playing the PC they were looking forward to embodying.

We'll see. It's been my experience that my players will pick something either because it "looks cool" or they feel it gives them a statistical bonus. Typical trad gamer behavior. I've told them that I'm going to run a very character-focused campaign and if they're struggling to come up with something that's appropriately Chiss-y about their character, we may end up working together to come up with a different character concept.

Session Zero/charagen sessions are a long conversation in order to make sure everyone, including me, is on the same page with what's going on. I definitely don't dictate what my players play but I do expect them to put some thought into what they want to play because I don't want to do all the narrative heavy lifting when it comes to generating adventures. That's... exhausting.

My current party (starting tonight) consists of one Human pilot, one Zabrak bounty hunter, one Jawa tech, and one Ortollan.

Campaign I'm GMing is a party of 6.

2 Humans, 1 Gank (that's narratively human), 2 Twi'leks, and a Droid.

These are the parties of my previous campaigns - I'm not including the beginner games and one-offs that I've run.

First major Edge campaign - 1 Rodian big game hunter, 1 Besalisk enforcer, 1 Human assassin/gadgeteer

Second major F&D campaign - 1 Twi'lek mystic, 1 Wookie colossus/warrior, 1 Human executioner/gunslinger

Third major Edge campaign (current) - 1 Droid (astromech) mechanic, 1 Chadrafan thief, 1 Pantoran charmer/gunslinger, 1 Sullustan pilot/slicer

so about 80% non-human

Edited by VadersMarchKazoo