Convergence- Chewbacca

By TIE wing, in Star Wars: Destiny


I opened a convergence booster yesterday (only 1) and I got chewie. Is that good and what characters do you recommend using it with?

His die is really poor for his cost. Until he has six damage on him, he’s just not that efficient. Thirteen health though for a 12/15 is insane. I would play cards that make him the damage target. Playing with a Smuggler to get Guardian is probably the best bet. Cards like Decoy are good too so you can make sure Chewie is taking the damage. After that it’s about keeping Chewie alive. I think he’d pair well with Red to get access to Field Medic and Riot Shield.

With only one die at 12 points, I would pair with maybe the new Maz and then Rose or a Clone Trooper.

As you say, his die may be poor for his cost, but you're paying for the 13 health and guardian. I'd say he's worth playing with a single die at 12 points, with another scoundrel for the guardian ability, just to get him to 6 damage quickly. And these days, there are plenty of scoundrels to pair him with.

I'd probably go three wide, maybe with Enfys's Marauder and a 10 point character in another color, since you're only doing one Chewie die. You'll have a ton of health to tank while going for a slow, steady attack, which seems to be what Chewie was built for.

I think for theme you have to go with:

08134.jpg + 05052.jpg

Thank you Amanal for your suggestion, but sadly, I only have a single die Han Solo from the Luke starter set. Is it possible to make a character list with the following characters?

Han Solo and Luke (Luke starter)

Rebel soldier (awakenings)

Obi wan and satine (obi wan starter set)

Force flow (plot- obi starter)

and potentially

Mon mothma (SoR)

Padawan (SoR)

Thank you

Since you only have the 1 die, i would go with obi. You could also do mothma and padawan (1 die each)

thanks, but your second option actually costs 31 points.

As for the first list, I tried it out, but every time chewie would roll a +2 ranged, I had to either preroll it or leave it so I was trying to have another character with some ranged sides.

45 minutes ago, TIE wing said:

thanks, but your second option actually costs 31 points.

As for the first list, I tried it out, but every time chewie would roll a +2 ranged, I had to either preroll it or leave it so I was trying to have another character with some ranged sides.

Mothma is erata'd and is technically now 9/12.

You could also do Eluke+force flow or satine/mothma

I had a quick game of obi and Han vs Luke and chewie and the obi side won. That list has TOO MANY SHIELDS!

But I am going against my friend who only has Kylo Ren starter and a few awakening and SoR boosters opened. Last time we played kylo general grievous and force flow against obi Han, just barely health left obi and full health Han against dead kylo and the general.

Maybe a deck that is not too much max shields?