Flipping Face Down Fear/Damage

By indianajo883, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

In previous games such as Mansions of Madness, if you are ever instructed to flip a facedown fear or damage card you flip and resolve the card. The Journeys in Middle Earth rulebook is not clear on this. The way it reads is that you flip it face up but do not resolve. The few cards you have that let you Rest only let you discard face down fear/damage. So is the intent that you resolve the text after flipping face up or that they are a detriment and stop you from healing?

In my understanding you flip it face up AND resolve, so in most cases it goes facedown right after you flipped it up.

Grace Holdinghaus” wrote:
Yes, when damage or fear is flipped faceup the text on the card goes into effect. Most effects will either instruct you to flip the card facedown again, or even discard it. But all faceup damage and fear must be resolved, whether it was suffered that way originally or flipped faceup later.

To make this intention clear within the rules, we will be revising subsection 22.8 under Damage and Fear in the Rules Reference to explicitly address this issue.

"22.8 When a game effect instructs a hero to flip one or more damage ([DAMAGE]) or fear ([FEAR]) faceup, that hero selects those cards at random from among all of their facedown damage or fear cards, then flips each of those cards faceup and resolves its ability.
When flipping multiple damage and fear, the hero flips each damage and fear one at a time, flipping and resolving one card completely before flipping and resolving the next card."

I didn't want to start a new thread since my question I feel is sort of connected to this. But I had this Fear card the other day, that it said to keep face up and (I'm paraphrasing) that you suffer a new Fear damage at the end of your turn, basically meaning you get one fear every turn and you cannot get rid of the card (not through a last stand or a Rest action).

Isn't that a bit overwhelming? I felt it was a bit too much since some characters have like 3-4 fear tolerance (and there is no shortage of suffering Fear as it is through the game). did I read it wrong? Anyone else have seen this card?

Yes - it killed me in several adventures. One thing to note is that it gives you an auto-success on all Wit and Knowledge checks, so you are basically guaranteed to pass your first Last Stand.