Rise of the Separatists - Spoilers/ Q&A

By AgniAvis72, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

1 hour ago, Harlock999 said:

This is the kind of thing that *really* ticks me off.

You don't go about making a consolidated Clone Wars volume and then make the excuse (although I know this is you, not FFG) that you can find the stats for something seen in tons of source material - and in various illustrations throughout said volume - in some random book elsewhere.

While I see a ton of apologists for this kind of thing on these boards, I guarantee when we're on to the next publisher - or the next edition? - this kind of thing will indeed be a criticism of the line.

Having worked on a publication or two I admit I'm more sympathetic to the hard decision of existing appropriate content vs. new content.

What gets me are things like the Phase II armor illustration for phase I, and the RPS-6 being listed but with the stats of the PLX-1.

3 hours ago, Kualan said:

I get your point, but I would rather have as little reprinted material as possible if it means more page space for new content.

Yeah. I would rather dedicate page count to new stuff. But maybe if we all ask the customer service email for a pdf index of what books have clone wars ships and equipment they could put that up on the resource page for free.

On 5/11/2019 at 4:33 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

Besides, if you really need Jango’s stats, just use Boba’s. Heck, you could probably use a Clone Commando’s stats for that matter, given that they’re all genetically identical to Jango.

Boba is an unalteres clone

2 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

Boba is an unalteres clone

There's no reason to believe that an unaltered clone will have the same skills and physical or mental development as the original. Nature and nurture combine to form the end product. While the nature part might be initially identical, the nurture would not be (in part because Jango was not himself raised by a clone, and Boba developed differently than planned after Jango's death).

1 hour ago, HappyDaze said:

There's no reason to believe that an unaltered clone will have the same skills and physical or mental development as the original. Nature and nurture combine to form the end product. While the nature part might be initially identical, the nurture would not be (in part because Jango was not himself raised by a clone, and Boba developed differently than planned after Jango's death).

Sure. But also there is no reason to have stats for a character who is dead in the war be in a book about the clone wars. And given that NPC stats are no where near as granular as a PC the Boba Stats are good enough point to reskin from.

7 hours ago, Ghostofman said:

Having worked on a publication or two I admit I'm more sympathetic to the hard decision of existing appropriate content vs. new content.

What gets me are things like the Phase II armor illustration for phase I, and the RPS-6 being listed but with the stats of the PLX-1.

Is that armor illustration for the ARC trooper? In canon Phase 1 ARC Troopers have a unique-looking armor design that is a blend of Phase 1 and 2 regular clone armor. You can tell it is the Phase 1 variant because it has the fin on top of the helmet.

5 hours ago, Daeglan said:

Sure. But also there is no reason to have stats for a character who is dead in the war be in a book about the clone wars. And given that NPC stats are no where near as granular as a PC the Boba Stats are good enough point to reskin from.

Speaking from a lore perspective Boba was meant to been a better Bounty Hunter.

7 hours ago, Daeglan said:

Yeah. I would rather dedicate page count to new stuff. But maybe if we all ask the customer service email for a pdf index of what books have clone wars ships and equipment they could put that up on the resource page for free.

I can respect the move, but it still means the person must already *own* those books. Unlike many of you here, I don't spend all of my available disposable income on gaming materials; I have varied interests and a family.

So If I buy a Clone Wars era supplement, I expect it to include everything I need. And seeing illustrations of ships and characters that are not included is exceedingly frustrating.

(Speaking of illustrations, FFG could *easily* make more room in their books for additional stats by shrinking the size of many of their lovely pics by a small percentage.)

20 minutes ago, Harlock999 said:

I can respect the move, but it still means the person must already *own* those books. Unlike many of you here, I don't spend all of my available disposable income on gaming materials; I have varied interests and a family.

So If I buy a Clone Wars era supplement, I expect it to include everything I need. And seeing illustrations of ships and characters that are not included is exceedingly frustrating.

(Speaking of illustrations, FFG could *easily* make more room in their books for additional stats by shrinking the size of many of their lovely pics by a small percentage.)

And you get everything you need. All the other equipment and droids fall in the category of nice to have and available. Complaining they made more stuff available for a reasonable price is silly. They arent a charity. They are a business that sells rpg books. Giving you a teason to buy more books should be expected.

Edited by Daeglan

Anyone mind spoiling the new crystals' stats?

Cash is low, and I had to decide between this and A&A .

On 5/13/2019 at 5:00 AM, Daeglan said:

Complaining they made more stuff available for a reasonable price is silly. They arent a charity. They are a business that sells rpg books. Giving you a teason to buy more books should be expected.

Sorry, but I believe most sane individuals would consider 30 bucks for a small stat block on a fighter used in the Clone Wars to be an insanely unreasonable price.

And I also believe most sane individuals would believe that a book focused on the Clone Wars - especially the first year or so of the war - should include the prominent vessels and vehicles from that particular era. (Namely, the missing STAP, Acclamator assault ship, and Torrent fighter.) I also believe it's a bit of a slap in the face to consumers to plant various illustrations of these missing items throughout that Clone Wars book. There are Acclamators on the back cover, for God's sake.

But, look, maybe you also think EA's DLC and microtransaction business model, for instance, is fair, just, and completely reasonable. I mean, why not gouge the fans, right? Ha.

As for me, I still assert the new RotS book looks amazing and is a fantastic resource. However... It absolutely should have featured a wider, more comprehensive, and more appropriate assortment of vehicles and starships. And I just don't buy the argument that space is an issue when some of their illustrations take up 3/4 of a page.


Edited by Harlock999
52 minutes ago, Harlock999 said:

Sorry, but I believe most sane individuals would consider 30 bucks for a small stat block on a fighter used in the Clone Wars to be an insanely unreasonable price.

And I also believe most sane individuals would believe that a book focused on the Clone Wars - especially the first year or so of the war - should include the prominent vessels and vehicles from that particular era. (Namely, the missing STAP, Acclamator assault ship, and Torrent fighter.) I also believe it's a bit of a slap in the face to consumers to plant various illustrations of these missing items throughout that Clone Wars book. There are Acclamators on the back cover, for God's sake.

But, look, maybe you also think EA's DLC and microtransaction business model, for instance, is fair, just, and completely reasonable. I mean, why not gouge the fans, right? Ha.

As for me, I still assert the new RotS book looks amazing and is a fantastic resource. However... It absolutely should have featured a wider, more comprehensive, and more appropriate assortment of vehicles and starships. And I just don't buy the argument that space is an issue when some of their illustrations take up 3/4 of a page.


58 minutes ago, Harlock999 said:

Sorry, but I believe most sane individuals would consider 30 bucks for a small stat block on a fighter used in the Clone Wars to be an insanely unreasonable price.

And I also believe most sane individuals would believe that a book focused on the Clone Wars - especially the first year or so of the war - should include the prominent vessels and vehicles from that particular era. (Namely, the missing STAP, Acclamator assault ship, and Torrent fighter.) I also believe it's a bit of a slap in the face to consumers to plant various illustrations of these missing items throughout that Clone Wars book. There are Acclamators on the back cover, for God's sake.

But, look, maybe you also think EA's DLC and microtransaction business model, for instance, is fair, just, and completely reasonable. I mean, why not gouge the fans, right? Ha.

As for me, I still assert the new RotS book looks amazing and is a fantastic resource. However... It absolutely should have featured a wider, more comprehensive, and more appropriate assortment of vehicles and starships. And I just don't buy the argument that space is an issue when some of their illustrations take up 3/4 of a page.


Most sane people recognize they arent buying a single stat block but are getting multiple specializations, gear, gm useful stuff. Etc. So no it isnt 30 bucks for 1 stat block. It is 30 buck for a book of stuff that happens to include a stat block that is clone wars related.

Edited by Daeglan
On 5/12/2019 at 9:06 PM, Daeglan said:

Boba is an unalteres clone

Exactly. 😎 That’s why he makes a good “stand in” for Jango; that and Jango trained him for the first ten years of his life. The clone troopers too benefited from Jango’s instruction, along with that of other Mandalorian warriors. So, they too makes for a good stand in, particularly the Commandos.

On 5/14/2019 at 6:09 PM, Tramp Graphics said:

Exactly. 😎 That’s why he makes a good “stand in” for Jango; that and Jango trained him for the first ten years of his life. The clone troopers too benefited from Jango’s instruction, along with that of other Mandalorian warriors. So, they too makes for a good stand in, particularly the Commandos.

Didn't the Mando trainers bit get tossed into Legends and no longer canon ?

4 minutes ago, WarlockHCP said:

Didn't the Mando trainers bit get tossed into Legends and no longer canon ?

Some of them, but not all. In canon, Fenn Rau was one of several Mandalorians hired by Kamino to help train the clones.

To quote:


Some time later, Rau, other Mandalorian warriors, as well as various mercenaries were hired by Kaminoan cloners, who themselves had been hired to create a clone army for the Galactic Republic , to train and equip cloned human males of the bounty hunter Jango Fett . Rau traveled to the ocean planet Kamino , where the Kaminoans were centered, in their capital , Tipoca City . In recognition of Rau's ability as a pilot, Rau specialized in training clone troopers who went on to become pilots in the Republic military .

Edited by Tramp Graphics
1 minute ago, WarlockHCP said:

Didn't the Mando trainers bit get tossed into Legends and no longer canon ?

The Clone Wars cartoon had Jedi and some odd bounty hunters overseeing the training, but none of them resembled what Clone Wars showed as Mandalorians (Death Watch or otherwise). Of course, this is after the war begins, and no direct mention is made of who (other than possibly Jango himself*) did the training before the Jedi came along.

* And, IIRC, current canon has it that Jango was not Mandalorian. He just used Mandalorian gear.

2 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

The Clone Wars cartoon had Jedi and some odd bounty hunters overseeing the training, but none of them resembled what Clone Wars showed as Mandalorians (Death Watch or otherwise). Of course, this is after the war begins, and no direct mention is made of who (other than possibly Jango himself*) did the training before the Jedi came along.

* And, IIRC, current canon has it that Jango was not Mandalorian. He just used Mandalorian gear.

And yet canon still has Jango as heralding from Concord Dawn, a Mandalorian world. Go figure.

21 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

The Clone Wars cartoon had Jedi and some odd bounty hunters overseeing the training, but none of them resembled what Clone Wars showed as Mandalorians (Death Watch or otherwise). Of course, this is after the war begins, and no direct mention is made of who (other than possibly Jango himself*) did the training before the Jedi came along.

* And, IIRC, current canon has it that Jango was not Mandalorian. He just used Mandalorian gear.

What's the source for this info on Jango?

17 minutes ago, WarlockHCP said:

What's the source for this info on Jango?

From Wookieepedia's Canon entry on Jango:

Jango Fett was born in the years prior to the Invasion of Naboo.[1] He claimed to have been born on the planet Concord Dawn,[2] a Mandalorian world,[8] but the exact authenticity of this claim was unknown. He wore Mandalorian armor after becoming a bounty hunter and assassin for hire,[1] a fact that led officials of Mandalore to disavow any connection to Fett, claiming he was simply a bounty hunter who somehow stole an artifact from their planet's troubled past.

Does anyone know if an errata been released for the book? Think found some descrepences in damage. Looks like at least to things have a15 for damage. Lol

8 minutes ago, Zuldan said:

Does anyone know if an errata been released for the book? Think found some descrepences in damage. Looks like at least to things have a15 for damage. Lol

Much too soon for an errata. If you think you've found an issue, send it to FFG, citing the book, the page number, and what you think the error is.

Of course, depending on what the thing in particular is, they just reply, "not an error, that's correct as printed" which they've done a number of times in the past for things that some folks were convinced had to be a typo or error of some type.

6 minutes ago, Donovan Morningfire said:

Much too soon for an errata. If you think you've found an issue, send it to FFG, citing the book, the page number, and what you think the error is.

Of course, depending on what the thing in particular is, they just reply, "not an error, that's correct as printed" which they've done a number of times in the past for things that some folks were convinced had to be a typo or error of some type.

Page 67 heavy repeating blasters 15 damage

its main cannon does only 6?

Seems like be an error, there’s a weird space between the 1 and 5. Like 1 5.

The other item I couldn’t find currently. Plus it’s nap time.

Edited by Zuldan
18 minutes ago, Zuldan said:

Page 67 heavy repeating blasters 15 damage

its main cannon does only 6?

Seems like be an error, there’s a weird space between the 1 and 5. Like 1 5.

The other item I couldn’t find currently. Plus it’s nap time.

Heavy repeating blaster is personal scale while heavy laser cannon is planetary scale. That means the base damage of the cannon is actually 4x that of the repeating blaster.

14 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

From Wookieepedia's Canon entry on Jango:

Jango Fett was born in the years prior to the Invasion of Naboo.[1] He claimed to have been born on the planet Concord Dawn,[2] a Mandalorian world,[8] but the exact authenticity of this claim was unknown. He wore Mandalorian armor after becoming a bounty hunter and assassin for hire,[1] a fact that led officials of Mandalore to disavow any connection to Fett, claiming he was simply a bounty hunter who somehow stole an artifact from their planet's troubled past.

It's an unreliable narrator type situation.

Maybe Jango wasn't Mando, and just really liked Mando history, culture, and gear....

Maybe Jango was Mando, and the Peacenick new Mandos were just distancing themselves from a Mando gaining notoriety through violence and the training of an entire frelling Army.