B, X, Y Trio vs Vulture Swarm (Plus Darth Maul)

By Mark Caliber, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I'm still testing out my trio of pilots and I stuck with just the three ships to see how they would fare with triple proton torpedoes.

This is my Mk VI build and comprises:

Wedge in his X-Wing with Swarm Tactics, R3, Shield Upgrade, Protorps (and S-Foils).

Ten Numb flying B-Wing with Outmaneuver, Fire Control System, Shield Upgrade, Protorps (and Jamming Beams just in case . . .).

Dutch in the Y-Wing shows up with Swarm Tactics and a Proton Torpedo.

Setup: We just had our local regional championships last Saturday and I was playing the player who earned 2nd place . . . with a Sith Infiltrator piloted by Darth Maul and sporting Duku as a passenger. There are 4 Vulture droid fighters all with PS1. Darth Maul is built defensively and has ready access to two attacks per turn! Yikes!

But I still beat this team.

The opposition attempted to draw me in and set up a flank attack. I chose to swing in and focus on the Vulture Droids while Darth Maul fell on my port flank. But I used rocks to block Maul's initial attack and broke off with Wedge to anticipate the Vultures turning in to go head to head with my team.

However, instead of Vulture turning toward my team they Talon Rolled away from my team. I was able to only lock up one droid on a Target lock with Dutch & Ten and one proton torpedo scratched the intended target.

Darth Maul tried two attacks and scratched Dutch's shields.

The rest of the fight I was able to anticipate my opponent pretty well. I split my focus between Darth Maul and the Vulture Droids every other turn. While Darth Maul was highly capable of nullifying a single attack, being hit with two proton torpedoes per turn did not work out so well. And the Vulture Droids with only three hits seemed about as robust as your average TIE fighter . . .

In the end, I lost Dutch (as my opponent focused his attention on Dutch) and the other two ships were at half points in the end. so a Win with 200 - 127. And IIRC Ten only had one hull point left so a VERY close game!

Shooting at I6 vs Darth Maul's I5 was a big help. On the last turn, Maul did swing in for a final head to head attack (Opponent Dialed in a right sloop), but Wedge and Ten were both at range one and with Swarm Tactics Maul wasn't going to survive that volley (he also only had one hull left).

Also, in this game I fired off all six protons and did not wait for the Target Lock Focus action for most of the game. HOWEVER, with Dutch passing an extra Target Lock, Ten (most often) and Wedge (very occasionally) were able to get both actions for some of their proton attacks.

One of my weaknesses was that Wedge stayed on the edge of the battlefield for most of the game, so he didn't see a whole lot of action at first. Part of that was my opponent trying to keep his Vultures out of range, but all that did was allow me to pick off one droid per turn with protons. I don't think the Vultures made more than one or two attacks all game.

Darth Maul is a tough cookie (no doubt) but his force powers run out quickly if he faces a concentrated attack volume. And with Wedge and Ten sporting Outmaneuver, there were a couple of attacks where Maul had no defense dice. And that makes it really hard to avoid withering damage from multiple opponents.

In this case the triple protons worked out pretty well. I'm looking forward to seeing how this team fares next week.