Conquerors of the Paellos Sector: IC [Players Only]

By The Jabbawookie, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic


Someone forgot to Set Us Up The Bomb.

We Did Not.

End of Line.

Is anyone sending forces to A3 this turn?

Negative from our end.

3 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

Is anyone sending forces to A3 this turn?

CP9-J: The Wookies will be doing our collective best to knock it out of commission.

Edited by BiggsIRL

Excerpted from the Vaulting Standard-Enterprise:

Malarian Drones: Murder Machines or Bio-Combine Harvesters?

New findings taken from the remains of a drone recovered after fighting in the destabilized Paellos Sector region has shed new light on the mysterious creatures, and may even provide some insight on their motivations.

A new paper published by researchers at the University of Sullust suggests that the Malarian "locust drone" appears to be a kind of bioengineered harvester creature. According to the paper, the drone's biological components and genome are a near-match to those of the Culisetto, a sentient insectoid species that feeds on blood. The drone is very heavily bioengineered from the core of the species, however, and appears to be modified as a sort of soldier/worker caste.

This assessment, the paper claims, is consistent with the creatures' observed behavior of mass incarceration and inscrutable "processing" procedures on blockaded planets. While there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm, the researchers conjecture that the drones are in fact harvesting the blood of the sentient creatures on these planets to send back to feed higher castes.

This hypothesis, while clearly quite shocking, may illuminate another recent paper published by the Naboo Military Academy at Otoh Gunga which describes observed behaviors of the creatures. According to this paper, the drones do not appear to exhibit aggressive behavior toward non-biological entities unless provoked. Droids, specifically, appear to be able to move with relative impunity among the creatures.

The NMA-OG paper has interesting political implications, as it suggests that the drones are unlikely to press offensives against droid-owned planets after learning that the planet has no life forms. Behavioral observations suggest that, while the drones are likely to move on after finding a planet inhabited primarily by droids, they will also defend themselves vigorously and reciprocate any attacks against them by droid forces.

The U of S biologists also found, unrelatedly, that the drones appear to consider horseflesh a delicacy .


11 minutes ago, Ardaedhel said:

The U of S biologists also found, unrelatedly     , that the drones  appear to consider horseflesh a delicacy . 

It might disappoint the Swarm to learn that the Evil League of Evil is comprised of many member species, the minority of which are horses.

Primarily, it is the leader of the League, and several prominent members of the Cavalry that are horses.

Also, they are not currently in League space, so please kindly bugger off.

Lastly, I'm told that if you like Horse, you will LOVE Gungan. The ears are particularly nice when seared over a hot grill.

And Gungans love to eat locusts. Locusts and honey, Mmm mmm!

No pirate CR90s destroyed yet? I guess they move around.

On 5/6/2019 at 6:37 PM, The Jabbawookie said:

Pings: A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, dsC, D1, D2, D3, E, F2, G2, H2, I1, I2, I3, dsI, J, K1, K2, L2, L3, N1, N2, N3, dsN, O, Q, R, dsR, S, T1, T2, T3, U, V, W, X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3, dsY, Z.

Lone, 1 point Malarian Brood scouts are destroyed over A3 (by 260 points Wookiee), B2 (30 points Tactical Remnant), B3 (327 points Tactical Remnant), C1 (246 points ELE), D1 (118 point URASC), D3 (15 points Wookiee), I1 (60 points GNIPian), I3 (398 points GNIPian), K1 (73 points Merry Crew), L2 (440 points Proprietary Limited), N1 (60 points Proprietary Limited), N2 (44 points Proprietary Limited), N3 (120 points Proprietary Limited), R (103 points Gungan), S (13 points Gungan), T1 (96 points Gungan), T2 (54 points Gungan), U (96 points Gungan), V (132 points ELE), X1 (110 points ELE), X2 (33 points ELE), X3 (28 points ELE), Y1 (75 points URASC), and Y3 (67 points URASC.)

A2 (Wookiee), B1 (abandoned), C2 (neutral), D2 (Wookiee), F2 (Wookiee), G2 (GNIPian), H2 (neutral), I2 (GNIPian), J (Merry Crew), K2 (neutral), L3 (Prop Ltd), O (Prop Ltd), Q (Prop Ltd) and Y2 (URASC) are blockaded by the Malarian brood. 1 GF and 1 credit production are destroyed where applicable. Neutral GF are not drained.

Z is under unenforced URASC blockade.

L2 is successfully invaded by Proprietary Limited Forces. 5GF and 2 DF (Droid Forces) lost.

203 points of Locust Drones engage 73 points of defending Naboo Forces over Wajda. A 3 is rolled and converted to -1. All Naboo forces are destroyed. No Malarian Casualties. Wajda is under Malarian blockade. 1 GF and 1 credit production are destroyed.


103 points of Locust Drones assault the Wookiee world of E, and find 298 points of Kashyyyk University forces waiting. A 9 is rolled and converted to a 13. All Malarian Brood Forces are destroyed. No Wookiee casualties. Two captains make the Dean's List for acts of valor.

Turn 11 orders are due in 48 hours. I'll give you all personal updates where relevant in a bit.

Awaiting orders from:



On 5/6/2019 at 6:53 PM, Bertie Wooster said:

No pirate CR90s destroyed yet? I guess they move around.

Indeed, no pirates are yet destroyed, nor have any worlds been raided this turn. They're in deep space sleeping off their hangovers...

Edited by The Jabbawookie
1 hour ago, The Jabbawookie said:

103 points of Locust Drones assault the Wookiee world of E, and find 298 points of Kashyyyk University forces waiting. A 9 is rolled and converted to a 13. All Malarian Brood Forces are destroyed. No Wookiee casualties.

[Angry Wookie yelping]

1 hour ago, The Jabbawookie said:

A2 (Wookiee), D2 (Wookiee), F2 (Wookiee) , are blockaded by the Malarian brood. 1 GF and 1 credit production are destroyed where applicable.

[Angrier Wookie yelping]

CP9-J: On the plus side we did manage to exterminate A3. Though it seems that we've lost A2 in the process to the bugs.


CP9-J: We seem to be finding these bugs to be quite a bit of a problem. As you discovered them first, do you have any insights into their presence here?

None of our explorations has turned up any sign of a homeworld, or how they produce their brood.

6 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:


CP9-J: We seem to be finding these bugs to be quite a bit of a problem. As you discovered them first, do you have any insights into their presence here?

HK-47: "Negative."

HK-47: "Conclusion: You speak the truth. This discovery is also causing me some degree of anger. And humilation."

We, the Naboo, have some speculation about the advantages and disadvantages of the Malarian Brood.

Advantages: their 1-point drones are able to travel independently, even though our squadrons do not have that ability.

They are able to drain 1 GF and destroy 1 credit production just by blockading, even with just 1 drone.

Perhaps they don't use fuel, or use less fuel? (Very speculative)

Perhaps "draining" 1 GF gains them 1 GF on their side? This might explain why they've spread out so much. (Very speculative)


Invading seems difficult for them. Perhaps they didn't start out with GF (see above).

Their 1-point drones can't blockade if you have a bigger force on that planet. Leave no planet unoccupied! Even a Z-95 or TIE Fighter is better than nothing. I built an X-Wing on S the previous turn; this was sufficient to squash the intruder.

17 minutes ago, Bertie Wooster said:

We, the Naboo, have some speculation about the advantages and disadvantages of the Malarian Brood.

Advantages: their 1-point drones are able to travel independently, even though our squadrons do not have that ability.

They are able to drain 1 GF and destroy 1 credit production just by blockading, even with just 1 drone.

Perhaps they don't use fuel, or use less fuel? (Very speculative)

Perhaps "draining" 1 GF gains them 1 GF on their side? This might explain why they've spread out so much. (Very speculative)


Invading seems difficult for them. Perhaps they didn't start out with GF (see above).

Their 1-point drones can't blockade if you have a bigger force on that planet. Leave no planet unoccupied! Even a Z-95 or TIE Fighter is better than nothing. I built an X-Wing on S the previous turn; this was sufficient to squash the intruder.

CP9-J: Theory posited by the professors: The bugs breed through the "draining" method as they have not yet appeared to occupy a world.

It is unknown how much growth they are capable of. In addition it is unknown what their current relative strength is. All currently blockaded sites should be treated as potentually crawling with 100-200 drones.

Alternatively, it is possible that given the swarm / hive nature of the bugs, they have a "queen" or "queens" responsible for growing new bugs. If so, identifying and eliminating this threat must be the highest priority.

We agree with @Bertie Wooster that a minimum planetary defense is paramount at this time. All local systems should immediately produce some sort of fighter defense. Enough to scare off a single scout brood that would otherwise be able to feast, or enough to discourage a pirate.

On 5/2/2019 at 1:09 PM, Ardaedhel said:

Excerpted from the Vaulting Standard-Enterprise:

Malarian Drones: Murder Machines or Bio-Combine Harvesters?

New findings taken from the remains of a drone recovered after fighting in the destabilized Paellos Sector region has shed new light on the mysterious creatures, and may even provide some insight on their motivations.

A new paper published by researchers at the University of Sullust suggests that the Malarian "locust drone" appears to be a kind of bioengineered harvester creature. According to the paper, the drone's biological components and genome are a near-match to those of the Culisetto, a sentient insectoid species that feeds on blood. The drone is very heavily bioengineered from the core of the species, however, and appears to be modified as a sort of soldier/worker caste.

This assessment, the paper claims, is consistent with the creatures' observed behavior of mass incarceration and inscrutable "processing" procedures on blockaded planets. While there is currently insufficient evidence to confirm, the researchers conjecture that the drones are in fact harvesting the blood of the sentient creatures on these planets to send back to feed higher castes.

This hypothesis, while clearly quite shocking, may illuminate another recent paper published by the Naboo Military Academy at Otoh Gunga which describes observed behaviors of the creatures. According to this paper, the drones do not appear to exhibit aggressive behavior toward non-biological entities unless provoked. Droids, specifically, appear to be able to move with relative impunity among the creatures.

The NMA-OG paper has interesting political implications, as it suggests that the drones are unlikely to press offensives against droid-owned planets after learning that the planet has no life forms. Behavioral observations suggest that, while the drones are likely to move on after finding a planet inhabited primarily by droids, they will also defend themselves vigorously and reciprocate any attacks against them by droid forces.

The U of S biologists also found, unrelatedly, that the drones appear to consider horseflesh a delicacy .


"Amusing telegram: Please accept my resignation. I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member."

6 hours ago, Matt3412 said:

HK-47: "Negative."

HK-47: "Conclusion: You speak the truth. This discovery is also causing me some degree of anger. And humilation."

If it's any consolation, we don't blame you for the bug problem. If we discovered a secret route to the A system, we'd have taken it too.

21 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:

CP9-J: Theory posited by the professors: The bugs breed through the "draining" method as they have not yet appeared to occupy a world.

This actually may make sense. It's possible that they don't even need to invade planets at all; just blockading is sufficient for producing more drones.

On 5/6/2019 at 9:56 PM, The Jabbawookie said:

Z is under unenforced URASC blockade.

@idjmv thank you again. You can feel free to withdraw your forces and deploy them elsewhere.

I'm beginning my assault on the Remnant in earnest this turn. We would be honored to further the cause of Evil alongside you!

1 minute ago, FortyInRed said:

@idjmv thank you again. You can feel free to withdraw your forces and deploy them elsewhere.

I'm beginning my assault on the Remnant in earnest this turn. We would be honored to further the cause of Evil alongside you!

No problem. We will be protecting our own planets while the Swarm runs rampant (Congrats @Ardaedhel to causing so much chaos. You have my respect.), but we will be glad to join in the assault.

The mail room in your fleet intelligence HQ receives a package, clearly poorly-wrapped and stained with some kind of... ichor . It is addressed for the attention of the head of the Economic & Industrial Analysis Division, and contains in-depth scans of two planets your analysts are not immediately familiar with, labelled "Anthill" and "Arthropod".

Cross-references with the agency library's databanks, though, quickly reveal that the planets are a spectrographic match to two heretofore-unsurveyed planets near the black hole at the core of the cluster which had previously been known only by their astrographic survey numbers, A3 (Anthill) and A1 (Arthropod) .

A detailed estimate authored by your agency's best all-source analysts reveals a staggering amount of industrial development on the surface of both planets, coupled with some of the richest deposits of natural resources of any known planets within local space. They estimate that Anthill likely boasts an industrial capacity at least 30% in excess of any other known planet in the sector: a whopping 60 standard credits of capacity per galactic turning ("turn", in the shorthand of galactic trade). Arthropod likely approaches its capacity, with a 45 credit -per-turn gross output.

Your EIA Division chief quickly forwards this intelligence out to the Navy Operational Planning Center...

Sounds like baiting to us..

CP9-J: An odd tactic. It may have been more exciting to stage a race for these planets before one of them was "swarming" with wookies instead of bugs.

Either way, a fitting reward for being willing to go on the offensive against the bugs.

1. Send 500 points of ships and squadrons to A3

2. Leave my planets nearly undefended

3. ????

4. Bugs profit!


Greetings from Proprietary Limited. Your occupation of the “A” system has brought your forces into proximity of our forces in “N” and “Q”.

The leaked data package indicates that planets in “A” are of remarkable value. We congratulate you on seizing the opportunity and reaping the rewards of initiative.

Proprietary Limited has no interest in conflict with the Wookies at this time. We suggest a non-aggression pact based on our current borders. We will pursue our interests in the South West of the sector, you in the North and Centre.

Both parties will find advantage from this arrangement.

1 hour ago, LTD said:


Greetings from Proprietary Limited. Your occupation of the “A” system has brought your forces into proximity of our forces in “N” and “Q”.

The leaked data package indicates that planets in “A” are of remarkable value. We congratulate you on seizing the opportunity and reaping the rewards of initiative.

Proprietary Limited has no interest in conflict with the Wookies at this time. We suggest a non-aggression pact based on our current borders. We will pursue our interests in the South West of the sector, you in the North and Centre.

Both parties will find advantage from this arrangement.

CP9-J: We see no issues with this agreement.