I bought this several weeks ago but had my first game only couple of days back. There have been some threads in this forum where people are wondering if to buy or not to buy so I wanted to give my thoughts here:
You can not play this game with the goal to win in mind as you will most of the time be disappointed as whatever strategy you have or had does not really matter as the game is entierly luck based. So if you can put this aside and concentrate on "having fun" aspect of the game then this game is a blast - it's very chaotic exactly as I expected an orkish army to be:).
Our first game lasted 1.5 hours and most of the time we spent on consulting the card reference booklet. The booklet is good and even must to read as the special card effects have too many side effects and exceptions which you need to follow.
So as a conclusion I say that this is a very fun game if you concentrate only on the fun aspect of the game and just follow what weird/funny situations can happen on the table (battlelines). The only gripe I have is that on first games you will be consulting the card reference booklet too many times which slows down the game.
I still recommend it!