Learn to play video!

By MyBoardMind, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

We were able to borrow a copy between Adepticon and Star Wars Celebration and made a learn to play video.

Error in video.

During the market action the reviewer says that you can bury a card and/or buy a card *in any order*.

This is not correct. If you want to bury a card, you must do it before you buy a card. You cannot buy a card and then decide to bury a card afterwards. See the Rules Reference page 10, the actions are numbered steps, not just possible (bulleted) steps to be performed in any order.

This does make a difference since it does not let a player bury a card revealed by buying the top card on a deck.

I think I remember one of the SWCC demo videos showing that's how the game was taught to at least some of the players, so perhaps that's where this mistake originated.

Was doing same mistake, thanks for clarification