Campaign Mode - Mansions of Madness

By Sanscouer, in Mansions of Madness

Hi Guys... I really love Mansions of Madness... I think, like Descent they must have a Campaing mode.

I think in some mode that you can interconnect all scenarios, make track about itens, upgrades, investigator's deaths and retirement (finish a mission insane)...

This universe is big in lore and really imersive so why not?

Is just me and my group of playes that think this will be great?

1 hour ago, Sanscouer said:

Hi Guys... I really love Mansions of Madness... I think, like Descent they must have a Campaing mode.

I think in some mode that you can interconnect all scenarios, make track about itens, upgrades, investigator's deaths and retirement (finish a mission insane)...

This universe is big in lore and really imersive so why not?

Is just me and my group of playes that think this will be great?

Hi Sanscouer, this topic came up recently in this thread . The problem with carrying upgrades and items from scenario to scenario is that the software has no way to deal with making adjustments to the scale. Starting with items and upgrades will definitely make the game seem a lot easier. That coupled with the fact that you might run into some issues in which the software might make use of something that you have in a players inventory. It may be something that FFG could consider for the future of the product, but right now it would really come down to how you want to make house rules work within the confines of the software.

Well now they can work whit a ,,clone,, of LOTR supports a campaign mode, so why not mom?

1 hour ago, moryc said:

Well now they can work whit a ,,clone,, of LOTR supports a campaign mode, so why not mom?

It's not to say that they can't. They also did something similar with Descent. They just haven't created a way to do MoM yet. I was simply talking about the idea that house ruling could skew the difficulty and inventory control that the app plays in setup.

I've actually been giving this topic a lot of thought.

I write scenarios for Valkyrie (Homebrew scenario editor for MoM2) and as my next project an looking at creating a scenario campaign for MoM2.

Here is the active Valkyrie thread on bgg and here:

I've built a PoC to test the functionality and it is certainly possible with Valkyrie in its current state. I've given examples and discussed ideas in this thread on BGG:

Also a few of the community have started discussing a converting a German campaign (released in a German magazine) in Valkyrie:

The majority of the MoM2 discussion seems to be on BGG, it seems like a more active community for HomeBrew ideas than these boards.

If anyone is interested in Valkyrie there is more information in the first link I have posted, including play statistics and reviews for Homebrew scenarios.