Legend of the Five Rings Play by Post

By tubatimb2, in Your Stories

Hekasu rises and bows to the pair. "You've been more than kind, Yasuki-sama, monk-sama. I thank you for your compassion."

Inwardly, he forces himself to keep breathing and to focus on the feeling of his feet beneath him.

If everyone's more or less happy, we can end scene here and you can move on.

I'm good to move along.

I'm good

let’s move on

Yasuki Niku bows, and - with the monk in tow - picks her way carefully back to the merchant road, with the monk occasionally reaching over her shoulder to hold branches out of the way of the distracted courtier. Some time later, the ronin set off south towards Uimi Mura.

About an hour later, the woodland canopy begins to thin somewhat, and the road starts to slope downhill again. The slope is running eastwards towards the river, and a pleasant dappling of light passes through the leaves.

you can recover yourselves to half composure if over that.

Please make a TN2 Survival/Survey (Water) check each

Water 3/ Survival 0:

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 .

I'll keep one opp and one success.

Resolve strife: 3/8

Resolve opp: Remove 2 strife. 1/8

Resolve success: 1 v TN3 (due to Lightly Wounded): Failed, shortfall 2.

"So...uh...anyone? I do not like to admit ignorance. But since its just us on the road... Can someone tell me what hikiniku is? I'm pretty sure its bad. But is it like a place. Like Yumi-do or Jigoku? Or is just a village that's far away?"

Yoshi looked self absorbed and concerned about the answer.

::water (2)Survival(1). That would be a blank. And two options. I keep the two options. I guess I remove some strain from myself as I consider the last encounter, and let go of worrying over Hekasu & the border. And totally miss whatever i should be paying attention too::

3 success, 2 strife for water survey

Kenshin looks round suddenly, hearing something crashing through the undergrowth, his hand snapping to the hilt of his sword.

A fraction of a second later, a heavy-set forest boar tears through a gorse thicket, already at a run. It has a wound just behind it's right shoulder with something embedded in it, and blood streaming freely down its flank.

The beast seems to be maddened with pain. Seeing the ronin, it lowers its head, and charges.

Yoshi - Aruzhan would definitely be able to answer without a check. Hikiniku is ground meat - think burger-meat or sausage filling; although in Rokugani society it's usually chicken or game. It's a gaijin concept (though they use other meats too), so is only really prevalent in Mantis and Unicorn lands, but it pops up occasionally elsewhere because it's a simple way to prepare food in large quantities.

Note that you can only use 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , not 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 +, to remove strife, so that still leaves an option left. Unless you have something specific, I have a suggestion for "establish an interesting physical detail".


This will be a skirmish scene, with a single Wounded Boar as your opponent, beginning at range 3 of you.

Kenshin may use his Focus for initiative.

Hekasu and Yoshi will be limited to their Vigilance

(Aruzhan will use whichever is appropriate once she has a chance to take a check).

The Boar has previously suffered a Flesh Wound, giving it 1 Fatigue, Lightly Wounded (Fire) and Bleeding.

However, it is also therefore Enraged (which means its Sustaining Fury ability is active)


Wounded Boar (Fire 3, Martial 1) performs TN2 Tactics Check (TN1 +1 for Lightly Wounded)

Rolls 3 ring dice: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , Blank, 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Rolls 1 skill die: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343

Keeps 2 dice: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Explosive Successes: None

Resolve Strife: 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1 Fatigue from Bleeding (2/9 Endurance)

Resolve Opportunities: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Yoshi receives 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0

Resolve Success/Failure: TN2 - 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 - Success with no bonus successes

Initiative 7 (Focus 6 +1), enters Fire Stance.

note that you are all currently mounted, so the rules for Mounts and Riding on page 326 will apply - giving you three automatic bonus successes if you succeed at a movement-type action (including combined attack and movement actions!), and allowing you to substitute Survival for Fitness if you wish to.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

rolled a fire tactics check. Got explosive, success, opp and strife. Rolled another opp for the explosive. Using one opp to resolve the strife. So i would have 8 initiative?

You have Focus 6, so will be initiative 8, in fire stance. That leaves you with

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to spend.

"Really? I didn't know that meat could be "ground." I don't think I am a fussy eater, but I confess that I ... BOAR!" Yoshi points with one hand " There! A Boar! Right there!"

Yoshi fumbled for his bow...

::Focus is 4. Air 3, Tactics 1. I roll ... 3 options and an option with strife. I keep ... 3 options. Well. We're on a trail in the forrest. I think. I spend an option to learn a disadvantage of the boar (if it has one beyond bleeding). And use the other two options to provide assistance to the next person to roll for initiative.

On the Water/Survival Check i was going to use one option from "Water" and one from "Any" to drop three strife. But I am happy to use the second option instead to add an interesting detail if you have an fun idea....::

Ah - you mean to counter the strife gained

in the check itself . Fair enough. Yes, you can do that.

Sorry to tell you, but since you've been surprised, you're on your vigilance of 3, rather than your focus of 4.

Since you failed the check, it's pretty academic, since your initiative slot either way will be " after the turn of five hundred pounds of frenzied pig with tusks like naginata "

The wounded boar has the 'hot-tempered' (water, martial, mental) disadvantage.

::Yes. yes. Vigilence 3. Stupid (fast) pig... ::

((Sorry. On the survey roll I would have totaled 2 successes and 1 opportunity. I have focus 3 and no tactics. I rolled my earth 2 and got one blank and one success with strife, so my initiative should be 4. ))

What are you using the

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 on the survey check for?

Air 3/Tactics 0:

1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , [blank].

Resolve explosion: 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 . Not keeping it, was hoping for an opp.

Resolve strife: 2/8.

Resolve success: 2 v TN1. Vigilance 3 + 1 (success) + 1 (bonus success) = 5 Initiative.[/quote]


Initiative order:

  1. Kenshin - initiative 8 - fire stance
  2. Wounded Boar - initiative 7 - fire stance
  3. Hekasu - initiative 5 - air stance
  4. Aruzhan - initiative 4 - earth stance
  5. Yoshi - initiative 3 - air stance

The wounded boar is currently at range 3.

can i attack?

It's your go first, so broadly, yes with a 'but'.

  • You're at range 3, so you'll need to do something clever to attack the boar, since a Katana is range 1 and a Jitte is range 0, and both are currently sheathed.
  • You can draw the Jitte as part of a strike action, but the shorter range means you need to get a range band closer, so I'm not entirely sure it helps relative to your sword.
  • You can move 1 range band 'for free' to range 2, but getting into striking range would require you to move a second range band to get to range 1. You could do this with a manoeuvre action, but if you want to do that and strike, you need to be in water stance, and you don't then have a 'free' action to prepare and draw your weapon, and you don't have an iaijutsu technique that you can use with a sword.
  • You can potentially move the extra range band as part of the strike action with " Water: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 - Move 1 range band ", but that will increase the demands on the roll to 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , since if you fail to move far enough as part of the strike action the boar won't be in range and the action will fail automatically*. That's a pretty big ask with only a water ring of 2. Still it is possible, and it's about the only way you can strike this round.
  • Alternatively, you could either prepare in air stance, or prepare and guard in water stance (which pretty much amount to the same thing in practice) and wait for the boar to come to you, or even open the range slightly by backing away up the road.

* GM note to everyone. Yes, you can declare actions targeting someone who is out of range if you have a credible way to move into range (or move them into range of you) before success/failure is resolved. Otherwise the Hawk's Precision Kata (which allows you to increase the range of a ranged weapon by spending 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 ) doesn't do anything.

Kenshin breathes out as he slips into the water stance, ready to reflect the boar’s attack when it comes charging at him, drawing his blade and holding it in a ready position.

Assuming that's a Guard action, Guard is a TN1 Tactics check.

Success increases the TN of attacks targeting you by 1, every two bonus successes increases the TN by a further 1.

You have no relevant advantages - technically, you should probably have gotten the benefit of your Keen Hearing advantage on your initiative check, but since you're going first anyway it's probably irrelevant.

rolled fire tactics. Got a explosive, 2 success, 1 opp, 1 strife.

Resolving explosive got another strife. Can i cancel out strife with the opp and still use it to increase the tn? [/spoilers]

Edited by Von3679

No. If you use a

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 remove a 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , it happens at the resolve opportunities stage. That means it's gone before the resolve success/failure stage.