Legend of the Five Rings Play by Post

By tubatimb2, in Your Stories

"Well, if my experience in Nanashi Mura's tea houses means anything, then I would posit a proper solution is..." Hekasu explains as best he can.

Fire 2 / Culture 0: success, explosion/strife. Just keeping the lone explosion.

1 success v TN1 = Pass.

:Earth 3/Courtesy 1. a blank, two successes & an option. I keep the 2 successes. Pass. I use option to minimize danger. If there is a safer way of multiple options I lock on that. ... and maybe keep an eye out for a certain Yasuki.::

"I heard once that..." Yoshi starts in at about the same time as Hekasu-san

Edited by Void Crane

Suio Bakin nods. "That makes sense, samurai-san," he agrees. "Since you're not part of the Unicorn, the ambassador only becomes interested in you once you are sworn to, or doing business with, a member of the clan. I thought I detected a Nanashi Mura accent, by the way; is Razan-san well?"

Hekasu: I'm assuming either you've read up on Nanashi Mura previously or have access to Way of the Wolf - if not, Razan and Ujikira are the two Sake house proprietors in Nanashi Mura - one of them (quite possibly both, given the cost of friendly traveller's best!) will be your patrons for your current task (I'll leave that decision, if relevant, to you).

Yoshi: The check is culture (what are the social rules?) rather than courtesy (following the rules). Since it's an honest enquiry and he doesn't know himself I don't see that there's really a dangerous way you could answer that, especially since Hekasu has an acceptable 'right answer' to hand.

If by " If there is a safer way of multiple options I lock on that " you mean you could have spent 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , then I'll come up with something, otherwise you might as well use 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to let Hekasu remove some strife - it's always nice when someone else's reasoning lines up with yours.....

:: done! Happy to help if Hekasu has strife to dump. Hekasu can remove 2 strife... ::

"Ah, my master's rival is well, thank you. Keeping up the challenge of being the best house in Nanashi Mura!" he chuckles.

I know precisely what is on

https://l5r.fandom.com/wiki/Nanashi_Mura . I don't have Way of the Wolf.

"I know better than to get into that particular argument...." Bakin responds with smile.

"I'll go inside and ask Arban-sama to speak to you." He says, reaching the corner of the row of samurai pavillions, immediately round from Onodera's grander structure. "I imagine 'someone from Ito Sora-sama bearing gifts' will probably interest her enough for her to make excuses and come out to speak with you immediately, but if there's anything else I should be saying to her immediately, now would be the time to mention it."

In front of the ronin is the small group of yojimbo Yoshi saw earlier, along with Yasuki Aki and the discrete guards. "As to registering for the competitions, the administrator's Yasuki aide is who you want to see. I'll introduce you to her as we go inside."

"Thank you," Hekasu says, and waits.

Suio Bakin nods, and walks to the side entrance ahead of you, bowing stiffly to Yasuki Aki, who bows back with a slight smirk. He speaks briefly to her and disappears from view inside the silk walls of the Grand Pavillion. As she straightens, she looks across at the quartet with a slightly quizzical look.

Hekasu's higher vigilance and subtle observer means he will be aware she is looking rather intently at Yoshi.

Hekasu glances towards Yoshi briefly, then back to the Pavilion, making a mental note to possibly bring it up later.

Yasuki Aki continues to look for a few moments longer, then starts to make her way over to the ronin.

As she does so, a tall samurai dressed in a kimono gorgeously tailored in lavender with gold and white thread, steps out from the pavillion. Yasuki Aki pauses immediately, and turns and bows to the newcomer - far more respectfully than she has done to the ronin - as Suio Bakin emerges in tow. One of the yojimbo detaches herself smoothly from the group and drops in smoothly beside her.

The newcomer has a strangely shaped, wide-nosed saya - " jirab ", Hekasu thinks, remembering the strange gaijin word Ujikira-san sometimes uses - fastened at her waist, presumably holding one of the Unicorn Clan's iconic scimitars rather than a more civilised wakizashi, and her long black hair falls loosely over her shoulders, woven back and forth through a series of decorative chains not dissimilar to those worn by Aruzhan.

Bakin steps forwards, and bows to a spot between the ronin and his liege.

"Ide Arban-sama," he says, "may I present to you the samurai Hekasu, Yoshi, Kenshin and Aruzhan. They bring gifts for you from Ito no Asahina Sora-sama of Flint Quay Village..."

Hekasu bows deeply and waits for Arban to acknowledge him.

Ide Arban returns the ronin's bow.

"I have been remiss in allowing such a time to pass since I have spoken to Ito no Asahina Sora-san. You are most welcome. Bakin-san suggests you bring interesting news from Flint Quay Village..."

"Thank you, Ide-sama. The village is recovering well from the recent - ah - unpleasantness regarding some local scuffle." He provides any further details Arban may request.

"Ito no Asahina-sama sent along a few gifts for you," Hekasu gestures to Yoshi to present them.

Hekasu notices Ide Arban's eyes widen somewhat as she sees the scrimshawed antler.

"This...was made by a cousin of mine in Khanbulak," she says, "and was given to Sora-san when he walked his warrior pilgrimage, many years ago. I would not have imagined him giving it up if I had not seen it with my own eyes. I take it there is some letter to explain?"

Yoshi respectfully hands over Ito Sora's letter to the Unicorn samurai. She reads it and bows her head sadly.

"Rather more than a 'scuffle', then, I suspect. Sora-san downplays his skills with a blade but I do not imagine any common ruffian besting him easily, despite his age. I hope the village has not suffered too greatly; I have seen the wreckage 'bandits' can leave of an un-walled village too often recently on our Clan's border with the Lion. I..." she pauses. "I should not commit myself to results with so little information, but at the least I can promise to view these horses and blades and see what can be done."

"I take it these are the horses in question?" She asks, gesturing past Yoshi's shoulder to where Aruzhan and Kenshin are holding the reins of the four horses.

"Yes Ide-sama. These are the horses."

"The leader of the ronin, the so called Jaw-cracker, had a reputation as a very dangerous man. Ito-sama believes the wounds he inflicted on him were mortal. I regret that we do not bring you happier tidings."

Arban sighs wistfully. "Then I thank you for the service you have done him and Koharu-san - and it is fitting we try and turn this last victory into a lasting legacy for the village."

She turns to her yojimbo "Aisha-san - you and Bakin-san have a far better eye for steel than I. Have a look at these blades and tell me what you make of them. Meanwhile....."

The unicorn makes her way to where Kenshin is holding Wildfire's bridle, bows, and holds out her hand for the bridle. "If I may, Kenshin-san?"

Taking the bridle, she begins a very thorough check of the horse. She begns tutting audibly and clicking her tongue like some heimin merchant whenever she sees something she is not satisfied with, but then stops abruptly as if this is was a reflex she has trained into herself. Surprisingly, she takes a knee to examine the horse's hooves and forelegs in person, squelching audibly and looking remarkably unconcerned as a mudstain spreads richly dyed fabric of her kimono.

"Not exactly Shinjo cavalry steeds, but healthy, and well-cared for, if a bit over-enthusiastically groomed." Arban says, inclining her head respectfully towards Aruzhan. "I wouldn't want to try fighting a battle on one, and the average Hida bushi would probably dislocate their backs if they tried to ride one in plate. They'd fetch a tolerable price as remounts for couriers for one of the minor clans or vassal families around here, though, I imagine. Including Sorachi-san's work should help sell them, though - you are, I assume?" She asks, looking questioningly at Yoshi.

TN1 Air(scrutiny)/Courtesy from either of you to notice a detail about the conversation.

TN3 Earth (recall)/Survival to see if you recognise the reference to 'Sorachi' (feel free to ask if not)

TN2 Water (survey)/Sentiment to notice Bakin's response to your statements (Subtle Observer reroll can be used).

Edited by Magnus Grendel

"I do not believe I had the opportunity to meet Sorachi-san. But if you mean the tack and saddles Ide-sama, then yes. They are also from Flint Quay village and should be sold for the benefit of the village. Ito-sama was hoping to buy or trade for ashigaru armor to better outfit the village defenders in case of additional future attacks."

Yoshi bows to the Unicorn samurai.

:: Air3/Courtesy1. 2 successes, an explosion with strife, and an option. I keep the a success, the explosion and the option. The explosion comes up with another option. Courtesy is my WR skill at Tier 1 so I ignore a point of strife. That results in 2 success and 2 options. I'll use the two air options to "take the pulse" of Ide-sama & Bakin by learning their demeanor and strife::

"In a crab province, makers of armour and weapons - at least, to equip a heimin militia - are never too hard to come by. Suio Bakin-san supervises with the day-to-day provisioning of the guard, and I am certain his assistants can find armourers who can help."

The latter point, you might recall, was in Sora's letter.

Succeeding in the courtesy check you realise that Arban never actually accepted the scrimshawed antler and has instead deflected the conversation onto the horses; with Sora not being here and the gift being a not-easily-refusable death bequest, she doesn't want to refuse it openly, but she was trying to do the polite thing of declining three times by avoiding accepting the gift without actually ever saying 'no'.

The option to lean another character's demeanour and strife is a " 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 " option not a " 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 +" option - you can only invoke it once in a check, so you have one additional 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to spend.

Since the check is effectively targeting Ide Arban, her demeanour is 'Shrewd' - (Air +2, Fire -2) and her current strife, for someone who's just been in a luxurious drinks reception watching a festival, is a surprisingly high 9.

::I'll toss the other option into social subtlety. Yoshi is being mindful around a surprisingly stressed out VIP::

Yoshi falls back on basic courtesy. "Ide-sama you have not indicated if you would accept the antler from Ito-sama. Again we offer it to you..." and then a third time, "I hope you will consider accepting it. I believe Ito-sama would view it as a great courtesy..."

If Hekasu isn't interested in checking out Bakin's response. Yoshi will make an attempt. .. Meanwhile ... Sorachi?

::Earth3/Survival 0. I roll a success, a success with strife and a blank. failure. I confess I don't remember who this person is. ::

With appropriate courtesy, Ide Arban thanks Yoshi for the work of bringing the antler all the way from Flint Quay village, inquiring about the journey - as she is arranging a trade caravan which will, after the fair, travel much of the route in reverse - before Yoshi manages to wrangle the conversation back onto the antler.

The third time, correctly, Ide Arban smiles and says "It is a great courtesy to see it returned. It is a sadness that Ito Sora-san has no son or daughter to whom he might leave it, instead."

Bowing, she accepts the scrimshawed, antler, inspecting it appreciatively before replacing the wrappings.

"Yoshi-san, Hekasu-san, Kenshin-san, Aruzhan-san." she says, bowing. "I hope to speak to you all soon, and I promise try and get Sora-san the funds to provide a legacy he can be proud of. There are enough horse-merchants at this fair who owe me a favour - or money - or both, that I think you'll do fairly well." She grins in a manner rather surprising for a Great Clan highborn addressing a quartet of ronin. " But for now, I must offer my apologies. I can afford to absent myself from Yasuki Onodera-san's reception for personal matters, but not for minor matters of commerce - which, with all due respect, this is. Besides, I ought to inform Iuchi Chagaan-san that I will be acting as your broker. I would be surprised if he insists on meeting you; though. Bakin-san can see to matters for you until I can join you later ."

She makes a shallow bow.

"If you will excuse me." and moves to re-enter the pavilion.

"Apologies are unnecessary, Ide-sama. We have interrupted and appreciate your time."Hekasu responds with a deep bow. "We will work with Bakin-sama to see these mounts fetch a fair return for Asahina-sama."

After Arban departs, Hekasu turns to Yoshi. "It seems this is where we part ways, then? Unless I'm needed to conclude the dealings with these beasts?" He gives a light chuckle, walking to the pony he'd ridden and giving it an affectionate pat on the neck.

"I hope to see you again tomorrow to conclude matters. If Chagaan-san decides to insist on speaking with you, please ensure Bakin-san can reach you."

Ide Arban departs, leaving Suio Bakin with the ronin.

I'm going to wait and let Yoshi decide how to respond at this point.

  • Strictly speaking Hekasu (or Yoshi for that matter) isn't needed for sorting out the sale of the swords and horses. Bakin might appreciate a spare pair of hands, and whilst he (or at least Arban) has the contacts, there's a reasonable chance Yoshi and Hekasu are better at courtesy than the much more martially-focused Bakin.
  • Hekasu himself has no further business at the pavillion; Kenshin and Yoshi have both expressed a desire to sign up for the sword contest, but Hekasu hasn't publicly committed to doing so (it might be good for some prize money and/or lead to work but it's not mandatory), and meanwhile the northerner will probably be wanting to find this 'Soji Third-Key' and order Ujikira's sake.
  • Even if you do part ways temporarily, you have at least one activity in common - both of you have agreed to call on Hiruma Aoi whilst in Uimi Mura. Since you've not arranged a particular time in advance, calling in the evening might well get you the benefit of a good meal, or even a guest room to sleep in, if you play your cards correctly.

Also - once this element finishes, however its resolved, I'll probably pass some XP - you've been running for a while and deserve some.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Yoshi bows deeply at the departing samurai.

"Well, there is still the matter of the Crab merchant. I think we all owe Hiruma-sama a visit. I had the thought that I might turn up around diner time...are you interested in going there as a group to investigate his new find? We could meet up the sun gets low on the horizon." Yoshi looks up at the cloudy sky "Though maybe that might be difficult..."

"I do need to sign up for the tournament tomorrow. Since it is going to be open to what contestants agree to I was wondering, if you truly are not competing, if you might agree to represent me in negotiations?..." Yoshi trails off hopefully.

or to put it another way, please would you speak to someone I have clearly never met before on my behalf......

Since the festival has events going on in and around the main arena, it can be assumed that even if you can't see the sun, finding someone who's keeping track of the time with a water-clock or hourglass is not difficult

Edited by Magnus Grendel

"Ah, Yoshi-san, I would be honored to assist you." Hekasu gives him a warm smile. "And you do have a good idea for visiting Hiruma-sama. It would be ingracious of us to delay that to another day."

He gestures for Yoshi to walk with him, "What were you thinking of for terms you'd like in the competition?"