Legend of the Five Rings Play by Post

By tubatimb2, in Your Stories

Yoshi - indeed, Sama would be correct, he may be a former ronin but he's now a Unicorn Vassal Samurai, so above you in the food chain. Besides, 'sama' never hurts if you want something...

Hekasu - Recall (Earth)/Design TN1.

"Well, we do have business with Ide-sama directly, so no, I don't think delaying that would improve our chances. The letter from Ito-sama should be all we need."

Earth 1 / Design 0: wait, what's that weird solid circle? I don't get it...

Oh a success! I forgot those existed. That's one success.

Hekasu remembers that you do have more than the letter to go off.

Whilst the horses can probably be handed off to one of Arban's henchmen with no particular problem, in Wildfire's saddlebags is Ito Sora's scrimshawed antler, which is a fairly valuable-looking piece of artwork that's supposed to be returned to her personally, and according to Sora " it should serve as more than sufficient credentials with any of her senior guards old enough to recognise it".

If Bakin is important enough to Ide Arban to have been adopted into one of the Ide's vassal families, he probably qualifies - and as a Unicorn samurai and her chief guard, is probably important enough to get you into the Pavilion if you want.

Yoshi blinks. The tries again.

"Well. As one of the Great samurai she is probably in the Grand Pavillion. We could just go over there and hope she's there. And that she remembers Ito no Asahina-sama as fondly as Ito-sama remembers her. And hope she is interested enough in dealing with our modest four-horses-and-a-sword to to welcome our interruption in whatever Ide-sama is currently doing. Or instead of just barging in we could be Courteous and take a softer approach. Set up a meeting at a time convenient to the samurai we are essentially seeking help from on behalf of Ito-sama. Make sure she's where we know her to be so we don't look like presumptive fools if in fact she is not there..."

Hekasu thinks a moment, then nods. "Well, let's speak to her retainer then. I just don't intend to compete and have other work to do on behalf of my city. I had hoped to resolve Ito-sama's task expediently is all."

Suio Bakin proves relatively easy to find; he is one of the group of samurai maintaining bows in the tented inn not far from where Aruzhan and Kenshin are holding the horses. The group are mostly ronin - some in service to various clan samurai attending the festival, others waiting their turn to compete in the first round of the archery tournament later that day.

The ronin Hekasu asks has a simple silk band tied around her upper arm, with a Unicorn Mon stamped on it, which she explains is the 'uniform' of ronin who've taken service with Arban-sama. She gestures at a figure at the back of the inn. "The gunso is over there." she says. "Bakin-sama is in a bit of a foul mood at the moment because the Yasuki are disallowing him from using his favourite weapon in the competition, but that's hardly your fault. You'll do better to speak to him now than later; once the hangover I suspect he has coming kicks in he'll be as grumpy as a Doji ordered to 'dress down'."

A brutal-looking crossbow - Yoshi has seen Kaiu-made weapons like it on the wall - is sat on the table in front of him, on a waxed cloth, along with two bottles of sake. Both have been opened, and it is clear from the heavily-built samurai's slightly unfocused expression where the majority of their contents now are. Various fiddly-looking mechanical components are also laid out on the cloth.

Smithing/Scrutinize (Air) TN2 or Labour/Scrutinize (Air) TN1 will give you an impression of the crossbow. Sentiment/Scrutinize (Air) TN1 to assess the individual (Hekasu's

Subtle Observer will apply if you need a reroll to find those funny circle things...)

Hekasu glances over the crossbow, then back to the one they're speaking with. "My name is Hekasu. An honor to meet you." He gives he a proper bow. "What weapon would he prefer to be using?"

Air 3 / Sentiment 0: opp/strife, success/strife, opp/strife. Reroll the opp/strife dice: [blank], success/strife, success. I'll keep the one success; v TN1 = succeed.

Yoshi thinks as he takes in the surroundings. Hmmm.... not what I was expecting. And disappointing if I am going to live here serving in the unicorn's guards. I don't want to serve under a drunkard or belligerent samurai...

"Would I be correct in guessing that the archery completion is bows and arrows only?" Yoshi ventures.

::Air 3/Labor(or Smithing) 0. I roll a success, an explosion with strife, and a blank. Going to go conservative here and just keep the Success to "save room" for possible future strife. I succeed, but not wildly.::

"It is. For the first time in at least seven years I've been attending First Cloud." Grunts Suio Bakin, trying to fettle one of the components back into place. "The Crab normally accept a quarreller in their competitions - they invented the cursed things, after all - either in a separate competition or with a hundred-pace handicap. But this time - no. No notice given, no reason offered, just 'go away'."

The gear finally slots back into the crossbow's crank with an audible click after several attempts.

"Ah! That got it." Bakin says, reaching for the next component. "We all know why, of course. This year, of course, Onodera-sama is determined to prove how significant he is, and for some reason he's acting like he's just married an Imperial princess rather than some second-hand Isawa with no particular dowry, and that frustrating Yasuki woman Nobuto-sama has managing everything is trying to show his Crane guests how terribly cultured her lords are, so of course anything that she thinks doesn't line up with 'how Lady Doji would have done things' is right out the door....which is going to go down like sour mochi with the local heimin, of course. They still think of this as 'their' festival and will be none-too-pleased having it appropriated by a bunch of preening nobles. There's already enough tension with them over..."

He looks at the small gear in his hand.

"....and this was supposed to go in first, wasn't it." He growls softly under his breath, gesturing with it at Yoshi. He reaches for a different tool - this time with a hook - and then stops, thinking better of it.

"Regardless, I'm being rude." He stands and bows. "Which has it's place, but there are other people who deserve it far more than you at the moment. Hekasu-san, wasn't it? It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Suio no Ide Bakin of - well, of wherever Ide Arban-sama happens to have parked her pavilion this week - and I have the honour to command her caravan guards." He gestures at the crowd in the tent . "Roughly one-third of which consists of the assorted ne'er-do-wells you see before you. So, since you seem to be looking for me rather than for sake, what do you want?"

Hekasu - Bakin is immensely frustrated. The care he is taking over his weapon and the passion he is speaking with implies he was very much anticipating competing in the archery competition - which would make sense if he's a regular - and he feels being excluded is unfair, especially since he is a regular attendee and the person banning him (presumably Yasuki Aki, not that Hekasu knows who that is) is no more local than he is.

Yoshi - The crossbow appears well-made. Yoshi is no particular expert on the weapons but he is a competent archer himself and served on the Kaiu wall with his father. This looks like one of the examples of mechanically driven 'repeating crossbows' he saw far more rarely - able in the hands of a skilled quarreller to maintain a rate of fire almost equal to a yumi, but with enough power to nail a bandit - or pretty much anything else man-sized - clean to a wall. The weapon's components look miss-matched in the age and composition of metal, suggesting either it is old and has been repaired several times or that it has been extensively customised.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

"Yes, I see your dilemma. The Crane may be particular in their style, but they are powerful allies. It could be that the Yasuki have reason to seek to impress them." He turns and gestures to the ponies.

"We have just arrived from Flint Quay Village. The governor, Asahina Sora-sama, has sent us along with gifts for Ide Arban-sama. We had hoped to present them to her to complete Asahina-sama's request."

"Gifts? After he...why, the smug, supercillious..." Bakin begins, then jerks himself up short in clear surprise. "...Wait - Sora ? Ito Sora ? Since when is Ito Sora-san the governor of Hiuchiishi Ganpeki Mura? Hashimata-sama making him a town governor's karo came as a surprise, and I think that mostly happened because of that...of Satake-sama. How in the Kami's name has the old man ended up governor ?"

He turns and gestures at one of the older ronin. "Hayai-san, get over here. I've a feeling you're going to want to hear this, too."

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Yoshi turns and looks mildly concerned at Hekasu. "Was he a governor Hekasu-san? I though Ito no-Asahina-sama was just in charge of Flint Quay village. Though I am only a ronin as my father before me...I could be wrong." Yoshi's voice goes droll, "Alas, a humble ronin must be prepared to be wrong about complicated politics."

"It seems you are well familiar with Ito-sama." Yoshi turns back to Suio Baunkin-sama. "I only met him recently, but was favorably impressed by him. For what one ronin's humble opinion is worth sir. I regret that I must report that he is in ... poor health. And hoped that Ide-sama, who travelled with him in his youth, might help him in what might be a final - modest - transaction to help his successor find success."

"We were hoping to arrange an audience with the powerful samurai here at the festival. At a time convenient to her."

Finished speaking, Yoshi bows.

Edited by Void Crane

Bakin shakes his head. "With respect, that's not what I meant, samurai-san. Hekasu-san may or may not be right about his exact title. What I mean is, what happened to Ito Satake-sama? As far as I knew, he is the man Ito Hashimata-sama trusted with responsibility for Flint Quay."

He leans in as the other ronin sits down at the table, and continues with a slightly lowered voice. "Or at least, he is the person who nominally owned the administrator's seal, if you know what I mean."

" Ito Hashimata-sama always struck Ide Arban-sama and me as a sensible man and between you, me, Hayai-san and this sake bottle, trusting Ito Satake-sama with anything important, like the welfare of a village, or a serious diplomatic incident, or a meaningful budget, or the virtue of someone's prettier daughters, without wiser hands at his elbow would have been foolish in the extreme. Rumours say he could have caused several incidents between the clans over recent years if it wasn't for his friends."

He shrugs. "Your impression of Ito Sora is an accurate one. He never quite fit in when he walked his Musha Shugyo, but he is a principled man, and an honest one, if a touch too formal for one keeping company of ronin. If he is in poor health, as you say, I am certain Ide Arban-sama will be happy to offer her help - and I imagine she would welcome a distraction. Give me a minute to clean myself up, and I can take you up to Onodera's pavilion now, if you would like. You mentioned gifts?"

Charm (Water)/courtesy 1 will pretty much let you arrange the meeting to taste - clearly he wants to be helpful.

Air (inquiry)/Culture or Government check (you can have one each) would let you poke nearby members of his group - such as Hayai - whilst he's getting 'cleaned up' - or ask him directly - about one or of the things (please specify what in particular you're asking about - you'll get information proportional to bonus successes in roughly the order of priority requested) he's mentioned in passing:

  • Ito Satake, his past and why he reacted so badly at the (mistaken) thought of Satake sending Arban-sama gifts
  • Ito Satake's 'friends'
  • Ito Sora's Musha Shugyo
  • The fact that 'there's enough tension' with the heimin
  • Onodera-sama's marriage and the festival
  • Ide Arban's current business dealings

I'm making it an unknown TN - you can each have a void point, since I don't think either of you have one.

Yoshi's passion for Gossip will apply if useful.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Southerners call their village administrators something else... got it , Hekasu thinks, but voices no explanation to Yoshi.

"If there's somewhere to shed the dust from the road," he smiles, "I would appreciate a moment as well. Then, uh, perhaps we could, ah..." his shoulder injury flares up suddenly and Hekasu winces in pain. He focuses on pushing that aside, "apologies, I, mm, I need a minute."

After taking a step back, he presses his hand against the sore area, the pressure momentarily helping.

Water 3 / Courtesy 1: [blank],

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 . Keep all not-blanks.

Resolve strife: 7/8.

Resolve opp: -2 strife, 5/8; add 1 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 to my next social check this scene.

Resolve success: 1 v TN2 (Lightly Wounded Water). Fail.

Edited by Hida Jitenno

"Are you well, Hekasu-san?" the ronin introduced as Hayai asks.

"If you need to refresh yourself or get some fresh air," Bakin says, "there are some spaces through there" - he gestures - "set aside for quick ablutions - screened off, with water - cold, I'm afraid - and some seating. The walls may be canvas instead of paper, but the proprietor has established quite the travelling mansion here."

looks like Yoshi's up

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"I would certainly appreciate a chance to refresh myself. Thank you"

::water2/courtesy1. I roll a success w/strife, a success with option(!) and an option with strife . I keep the successes & spend the option to keep a die set to an option on a later social check in the scene. Courtesy is my worldly ronin skill so ignore the 1 strife.::

While washing Yoshi strikes up conversation with a Unicorn. Maybe Bakin-san. While trading chit chat about conditions on the Wall, the roads 7 the price of spices he eventually slips in, "I am unfamiliar with the honorable Ito Satake-sama. I gather he has powerful allies.... " Yoshi goes digging into Satake with the spirit of a "scouting expedition" looking for possible hazards ahead.

::Air3/Government0 I get a success, an explosion and a success with option(!). The explosion turns into an option. I keep 3 successes and 2 options. I the options to be subtle in my questioning....

Aruzhan also thanks the Suio samurai and say she and Kenshin will take the offer of refreshing themselves, waiting with the horses until Hekasu and Yoshi have finished.

At a gesture from Aruzhan to remind him, Kenshin reaches into Wildfire's saddlebags and digs out the wrapped-up antler, passing it to Hekasu along with the ronin's washing bag.

Yoshi, meanwhile, is busy talking to Hayai, who turns out to be Suio Bakin's nikutai, and second-in-command of the caravan guard. A half-dragon ronin hailing from the City of the Rich Frog, she is somewhat more diplomatic than her commander, but it is still clear as Yoshi talks that her opinion of Ito Satake is no better than the gunso's, and quite possibly worse.

Courtesy Check

Well, you can clean up, and then Bakin will discuss you meeting with his boss. Given the context of the conversation so far, he's probably going to take you directly there, given the 'welcome a distraction' comment.

Government Check

Well from the context of Hayai's description of Ito no Asahina Satake:

  • It doesn't sound like you'll be meeting him.
    • Given the description of his post, and when he's supposed to have held it, it's likely that he was Sora's previously-unnamed predecessor in the role - the one who died in the fight between Kazama and Shingen's men (quite possibly when one wing of the Flint Quay Village mansion was burned down)
    • Since Arban's retinue apparently haven't heard about this yet, you can decide whether or not to tell them....
  • It was assumed he received the position because he is (was!) closely related to Ito Hashimata and hence had to be given some sort of title or position, and Flint Quay was as safe a place as the Ito daimyo could find to put him; prosperous, stable, and with no significant military threats, with a respected Ito samurai (Ito Sora) to act as karo, and a ji-samurai (Koharu) as a spare pair of hands on the assumption Satake wouldn't put in much effort himself.
    • He performed tolerably in the role - largely carried by a combination of social precedence in an area with few great clan samurai, and a handful of remarkably close friendships with other samurai around the Black Crane Estates who are apparently just as unpleasant individuals as he was. Hayai doesn't claim to know an exhaustive list of them, but they included amongst others:
      • Iuchi Chaagan
        • Adjutant to the Ide Abaqa, Unicorn ambassador to Yasuki Yashidi.
      • Daidoji Akinari
        • Eldest son of Daijoji Geda, Abaqa's Crane counterpart, normally resident in Otosan Uchi when not visiting his father.
      • Yasuki Onodera
        • The local Yasuki daimyo
          • Significantly older than the other three but seemed remarkably indulgent of them, and would inevitably squelch any protests Nobuto Tohashiro tried to raise about the three's behaviour when they passed through his territory.
    • His one major success - which aside from renewing Ito Sora's acquaintance was what drew Ide Arban to the place - was using said contacts to make a fair income from the spice trade. Ide Arban had Suio Bakin and Hayai make inquiries after her visit, she suspects Ito Satake talked Yasuki Onodera into discretely 'leaning' on some of the merchants in the region into offering Flint Quay favourable prices.
  • Not getting to experience Ito Satake's company doesn't sound like a particularly bad thing.
    • Hayai describes him as a 'troubled young samurai'. Further questions and reading between the lines suggests what she actually wants to say was "smug, arrogant, drunk lecher".
    • It's implied he made ham-fisted and insulting passes at some of the female samurai in Ide Arban's retinue, and possibly Arban herself, when the group stopped at Flint Quay Village after First Cloud Festival two years ago.
    • Given what Hayai implies about Ito Satake's behaviour, it prompts the question about how unpleasant life would have been for Koharu, who was of a similar age and stuck there full-time...

"Hayai-san do you know when the sword fighting competitions are being held? I had thought I might enter. Either in performing forms or facing opponents. If the later I want to make sure i have time to change armor."

Yoshi finishes washing up and dons his grey ceremonial robes. Guess I now get to see what goes on at the big Pavilion.

"I imagine asking to join that competition would be seen as a little unfair..."

Hayai grins, and gestures in the direction of the just-about-audible sound of the young students currently on the practice field.

"The individual competitions are tomorrow, but contestants are being registered today so they can arrange pairings. In addition to the archery contest the gunso was waiting for, there's a swordsmanship contest in the morning. It's a rather interesting one I've not seen elsewhere; pairing elimination, but with no specific rules other than nothing deadlier than first strike; each pairing is free to compete against one another with an iaijutsu, tameshigiri, a duel to first strike, or sparring, or a kata demonstration, or whatever they like. If the pairing can't agree on the competition form, the adjudicator picks one for them, and you can't compete with the same form twice in a row. Half the skill, they say, is figuring out what to challenge an opponent to, and getting them to agree to it, before the sword ever gets involved."

"Maybe more than half." Yoshi murmurs. He looks out over the field. "Oh, fairness. You are overrated. I like my odds of glorious victory with that group..." Yoshi's on softens as he gives a small laugh and looks back at Hayai with twinkle in his eye. "Thank you for the information on registering. I will have to prepare for tomorrow."

"I'd like your odds as well." Hayai says. " Though Hiruma Reo-Kun might surprise you. He's the one leading the youngest students from the Willow Falls school - the ones with the grey tunics, if you saw?"

"I've been watching that young boy grow over the last half-decade at the festival. He's been determined to be allowed to play with us grown-ups since he was old enough to pick up a pair of bokken and clout himself smartly twice in the head, trying to copy a niten demonstration. He's probably about ready for his gempukku, and his uncle would probably have talked Tohashiro-sama into letting him join if it was just the Nobuto family overseeing the festival. With everything being so formal this year, though, I've no doubt he'll be sent on his way yet again." She shrugs. "Anyway, if you're going up to the pavilion, tell Bakin-sama and he'll show you how to register whilst you're there. "

Bakin - changed into a more formal-looking kimono with a distinctly exotic-looking surcoat decorated with woven knotwork.depicting the Unicorn Clan mon - re-enters at this point

Hekasu failed his courtesy check but also has the chance for a culture/government check. You'll probably want to pick a different subject to inquire about to Yoshi, as you got most of the information going about Ito Satake. [/spoilers]

After washing and changing into his better kimono, Hekasu rejoins them. "The relationship between the heimin and samurai is always an important one, for both halves of the equation. You mentioned tension with them?"

So sorry for my absence. Busy last week/weekend. Anyhow, show me them blanks!

Air 3 / Culture 0: [blank], success/strife, success. I'm keeping only the one success, dropping the blank and success/strife.

Bakin nods. "It's not my place to pass judgement on another clan's lands," he says, "but there's been something building over the last few years. Just grumbling, but real trouble always starts with grumbling."

He makes a lazy gesture southwards.

"Go that way, and within sight of the wall - or close enough to it that you know you're at risk from what lurks beyond it - and the heimin are no more happy, but they know in their bones why their life is so hard. Here in Yasuki hinterlands, away from the big trading ports, you have families who share ancestors with their cousins just north of here. The only thing dividing them is a line on a map that few of them could read; the land is just as fertile, but they - by comparison to those in southern Crane lands - see themselves ground into poverty; their lands drained of rice and manpower to feed the endless demands of the armies of the wall. That comparison, just or not, breeds grudges."

The samurai cracks his neck and shoulders.

"Hayai-san," he says, addressing his nikutai, "you're in charge of this lot, Kami help you. Try to keep them from drinking themselves to death until I get back."

Enough for only a vague answer with little detail, I'm afraid.

Also - not specificed by either Yoshi or Hekasu; what (if anything!) are you telling them about Ito Sora/Ito Satake and what Kazama did to Flint Quay?

Edited by Magnus Grendel

I haven't mentioned anything about the jaw-cracker ... yet. Since Ito-samas health is directly tied to his fight with Kazama I am (currently) planning to share that knowledge with Ide-sama first. I kinda like these guys but I don't know that Ito-sama would want that information shared with the ronin guard first...

Suio Bakin nods to himself, seats his daisho properly, and gestures out of the tent.

"Samurai-san? If you would care to follow me?"

Kenshin and Aruzhan fall in behind Hekasu and Yoshi, leading the ponies carefully. The crowds have - mercifully - thinned a little between the pavilions, as the bulk of the heimin customers seem to have vanished into one eating stall or another. The practice field is surrounded by parents, siblings and guardians as a constant stream of young students proceeds in and out of the enclosure; several not old enough to maintain their on rushing to their families in elation or despair at their performance. Applause fades away as two new groups bow to the pavilion, heft their bokken and step forwards more-or-less as one with a somewhat timorous kiai in the first stroke of Standing On The Heavens .

"So." Bakin says, leading the ronin around the crowds. "Ide Arban-sama is inside the Grand Pavillion; last I saw she was talking to the Ide Ambassador's representative. I've been granted access to the pavilion to speak to her pretty much at will, given my post."

He leads the group behind a line of distinctly finer-looking pavilions with various great clan samurai, mostly in the deep blue of the Crab clan, circulating between them. Bakin becomes noticeably more careful in his direction at this point; his standing as a member of the vassal Suio no Ide no longer carrying much weight in this surrounding, and more than once he halts the group to allow other samurai and their attendants to pass in front.

"Just to throw a rock into the garden, though - the Ide did try to talk her into acting as the clan's formal 'guest' here, since she outranks all of Abaqua-sama's vassals and comes close to outranking him. Arban-sama felt it wouldn't be appropriate for a formal guest to be running around behind the hosts back snapping up trade agreements, though, and she has no intention of letting a good deal slip past, so she made it quite clear she's here as an influential private citizen, not a representative of the Ide family. Which arguably puts her under the aegis of the local clan ambassador - who, to make things even more complicated, is not here in person, but has sent a representative to whom he's delegated his authority. The whole thing is not an issue for me - Arban-sama is my liege, so everyone else up to and including the jewelled champions can wait on what she says - but I'm no courtier and I'm not entirely sure what that means for the precedence of presenting a third party to them."

Figuring out the appropriate precedence, if you choose to help, is Culture - TN2 Recall (Earth) or TN1 Theorise (Fire) - I'm making recall harder as I can't imagine your characters are likely to have been in a similar situation.

Edited by Magnus Grendel