Legend of the Five Rings Play by Post

By tubatimb2, in Your Stories

Tamago listens to Hekasu's storytelling, spellbound.

After the ronin has finished, he bows again - if anything even deeper this time. "Thank you for the story, Lord Hekasu!" he says, promising to look after your horses well. can With that, the boy turns back to the stables and start furiously hunting through boxes, hoof picks and various other farrier's tools raining over his shoulder as he searches.

As Hekasu joins the others to enter the inn, he can see Tamago straighten up triumphantly, with a set of brushes for the horses' manes in his hand - before his shoulders slump as he sees the trail of debris on the floor behind him. Stuffing the brushes in his tunic pocket, he starts tidying up the tools, apologising for the delay over the stable door to Wildfire, who is watching him curiously.

The attendant introduces herself as Hatsue, welcomes you to Pleasant Mooring Inn, bowing again. She asks how she can help, and if the samurai are planning to eat at the inn, stay overnight, or both.

Inside, the inn feels surprisingly open.

The door emerges into one of the internal courtyards, which is floored with lacquered decking and covered with tables, those in the centre of the courtyard rather than its edges set below small awnings in case of bad weather.

Three sides of the courtyard - those on the external walls - have simple-looking but well maintained rooms running off the courtyard, or off a balcony on the floor above. The opposite side - the central part of the figure '8' building, which doesn't touch the external walls, is built on a rather grander scale. The ground floor closest to you looks to contain an office, a small shrine, and some small rooms of unidentifiable purpose, whilst the other is a well-appointed waiting room around a painted wooden staircase to the first floor. The whole of this first floor section has paper walls, painted and carved balconies and tapestries running along the wall facing the courtyard, suggesting it is suites intended for higher-ranking samurai.

The courtyard itself hardly packed but there are a dozen or so people in evidence, mostly peasants but with a handful of samurai in evidence as well.

Two of them, one a woman wearing a simple but well made kimono of reddish brown, and the other a man wearing the deep blood-red and elegant half-mask of a Scorpion courtier sit, debating with one another and a frustrated-looking merchant. The remainder are each sat alone at their respective tables, reading or enjoying their food. Two of them wear Crane colours whilst a third wears the deeper blue of the Crab. There are also several groups of prosperous-looking heimin, though not all have the look you associate with merchants. One table tucked discretely at the back has a full family sat at it, with children of varying ages sat between their parents and making a credible attempt on a huge bowl of smoked fish broth.

"Eating and staying overnight," he replies, a content smile on his face. His spirits have been lifted by the good cheer that he brought to the young stableboy.

He looks around, seeing a nice mix of people at the inn. A brief consideration of sitting near the Crane passes his mind, but he shakes his head, certain he wouldn't be welcome.

"Certainly, samurai-sama." Hatsue responds. "With your permission, I will seat the four of you now and go and ask Obaasan to come and arrange your rooms. With the Fortunes' grace, there should be four meals' worth left in the kitchens without you having to wait for the next portions to be cooked."

The attendant shows you to a table not far from the centre of the courtyard, near the table of the merchant and the two samurai, and gestures over Kenshin's shoulder. A second attendant scurries out with a bottle of sake and a tray of cups and chopsticks, and starts setting the table. As he turns to head back to wherever he materialised from, one of the Crane samurai gestures him over and tosses a coin onto the tray, asking for another bottle of sake. The attendant bows - taking the opportunity as he does so to gather up a couple of empty bottles from the table.

Survey (Water)/Design could be used to try and get a better feel of the various samurai in the room, by their clothing, or a similar check with Sentiment for their behaviour. Hekasu can use Subtle Observer on this check if needed.

Analyse (Air)/Commerce might let you get a feel for the subject of the debate - which, if not precisely an argument, is certainly tending to 'heated'. Kenshin's Keen Hearing would apply. Note that spending at least one 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 on listening subtly to not get caught eavesdropping might be recommended...

Untrained either way. Water 3/Sentiment 0:

1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 1521230551_ExplosiveSuccessSmall.png.2cc 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 . Keep all.

Resolve explosions: 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 .

Resolve strife: 6/8.

Resolve opps: 1 for -2 strife (4/8). 1 for "spot a unique or identifying quality." 1 for removing a strife gained from this check (3/8).

Resolve success: 1 v TN2+ (even if it was 1, that's my lightly wounded ring). Fail.

Yoshi settles in with a sigh of contentment. "Its not often a humble ronin fares this well at days end."

Though his body is relaxed, the big ronins eyes take a quick look around ... a bit like a big predatory cat. Someone is talking about merchant matters ...

::Air 3/Commerce 2. Yield 2 successes, an option, a success w/ strife, and an option with strife. I keep 2 successes and 1 option. Spend the option on being subtle.I wonder what they are talking about... ::

gonna make the commerce check too. Air 3, commerce 0. 2 success 2 strife.

Kenshin, after sitting down, begins to listen to the conversation of the samurai behind him, but was not able to hide his interest well.

sorry for the delays btw, q busy irl

I didn't actually say the TN, though I forgot to say that explicitely. Everyone may have a void point - you deserve to recover one!

Kenshin; remember you have Keen Hearing, entitling you to a reroll of up to two dice. You passed to hear what's being said but right now Yoshi's listening discretely and you're...not.

Hekasu; you don't really know enough about southern fashion to deduce much. One thing you do notice, though, is that the Crab samurai is wearing a beautifully ornate, antique-looking amulet which you're sure is the symbol of the Order of Isahi. The Order are a loose association of Ronin Shujenga; they're not unknown in Nanashi Mura because they are essentially an order of charitable healers, who, sitting outide the clan hierarchy, represent some of the village's best access to magical healing. The order is supposed to be pretty common in Crab lands, but it is a ronin group; you can't read much into the Crab's clothing but he is wearing Crab Clan mons so he's presumably not a ronin and hence presumably not a member himself.

The two samurai at the table adjacent are not precisely arguing, but are clearly having to make great effort to stay as calm as they'd like to be. They are discussing something to do with a spice shipment; the merchant of ill-defined clan is attempting to plan the shipment of spices north along the Golden River towards the capital, but is struggling to find a place to land it on the western bank without paying dues that will wipe out any revenue from the venture - limited profit is one thing, but to lose money is quite another and if the matter cannot be resolved the spices cannot be sent.

The brown-clad samurai seems unconcerned by this prospect, but nevertheless is suggesting possible riverports out of courtesy, noting where different lords hold sway who might be more amenable to reason, given that the shipment is merely passing through their lands rather than being sold there; whilst the red-clad samurai seems to be finding a degree of glee in suggesting increasingly obscure and ridiculous ways - but arguably legally defensible - the cargo could be creatively re-classified to fall under less extortionate customs levies.

As they talk, the Scorpion becomes aware of Kenshin listening in, and turns to the ronin. "May I help you, samurai-san?"

kenshin doesn’t have keen hearing as a advantage...? He only has ambidextrous and ally

Kenshin looks at the male and bows in apology.

My apologies, samurai-sama. I just happened to hear your conversation and got sucked in by how passionate you two are talking. I’m really sorry about my intrusion.

The male bowed again in apology at the samurais.

"Indeed?" Says the scorpion, looking Kenshin up and down. "Since you find the subject so engaging; would you care to make a suggestion, Ronin-San?"

It is difficult to judge his facial expression due to his half-mask, but his body language suggests he is irked to have his 'game' interrupted. The samurai in brown and the merchant appear to want to object, but don't feel justified interrupting.

(The last time you wrote out Kenshin's stats you still had 'keen hearing' as your advantage. I know you'd talked about having ambidextrous instead, but you hadn't actually changed your character's stats in the post. Fair enough, though. )


Checks that might be relevant - for anyone at the table, not just you:

TN1 Analyse(Air)/Design would help get you some clues about the two samurai opposite you from their appearance

TN3 Theorise (Fire)/Commerce might help you get a clever idea to address the merchant's problem along the lines the Scorpion was suggesting

TN3 Recall (Earth)/Government might help remember someone else the merchant might want to talk to with regards to shipping (I would let Kenshin use his Ally advantage here for rerolls - he may not be an expert on commercial matters but his association with Daidoji Kyouka means he might know useful names and faces. Yoshi can also invert one of his disadvantages for a void point as they represent his knowledge of more...creative?...parts of the shipping trade)

For you specifically:

TN2 Charm (Water)/Courtesy to try and defuse the potential angst. Note that you'll receive 3 strife for attempting this as - since this is a Scorpion of unknown family, rank and profession - I'm going to invoke your anxiety.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

rolled 2 success, 1 opp, 1 strife for the water check to diffuse the situation.

I’ll roll the fire check, cause my earth rings one and i dont have governance.

Whew. Scrapped through with 4 success, 3 strife.

kenshin is now 11/6 composure. Outburst incoming XD

And sorry for the misunderstanding.

Edited by Von3679

Upon hearing this exchange Yoshi looks at Kenshin and then over at the other Samurai feigning mild surprise. "Scorpion-Sama." And does a respectful bow to the Scorpion samurai and the one in brown.

Well this could get interesting fast. Scorpions respond to movement. Better to be still when they are crawling around. Still I better help Kenshin.

"Kenshin-san. You maybe should mention Flint Quay Village. I believe their docks have been rebuilt. And the honorable Ito no-Asahina might be very interested in receiving medicinal spices. At a fair price. Spice prices are weird these days..."

::Spend a Void point to invert my difficult past with the Soshi is a great idea! Done. Yoshi has an epiphany on how certain goods might be legally but "advantageously" moved. Also Yoshi TN1, tries to figure out who the guy in brown is with... Air 3/Design 0. I get a success with strife and two options. I keep them all. Sadly I don't have a weapon out, so I can't use the options to just crit the Scorpion. But I will use them to assist Kenshin with his interaction with the Scorpion. Assuming he wishes to avoid conflict. ::

"...Oh, Kenshin!, I am just a humble ronin. But I just remembered a Mantis samurai involved in shipping once told me ..."

Edited by Void Crane

Hekasu remains quiet for now. He relaxes considerably in the inn, watching the bustle of people as they move, discuss, and go about their lives. A soft smile rests on his lips as he soaks in the noise of civilization.

Air 3 Design 0:

792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 , 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 , 1211841275_OpportunitySmall.png.acf41343 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 . I'll keep them all assuming the bonus success will get me more info.

Resolve opp: Being subtle.

Resolve success: 2 v TN1. Hoping the bonus success can get me the families of the two samurai in addition to whatever else the success would get me.

Kenshin clearly bridles somewhat at the scorpion samurai's dismissive bluntness, but despite having to keep a grip on his temper with both hands, manages to defuse the tension with a courteous apology.

He is unable to think of a useful suggestion, although Yoshi's suggestion sounds promising and he hopes one of the other ronin might be able to help.

Yoshi takes the measure of the two samurai sat opposite as he makes his suggestion. The masked samurai in red is clearly of the scorpion clan, but is dressed in comparatively plain travelling clothes suitable for any situation. He wears no armour but wears his full daisho, though in the common room of a comparatively rural inn that means little in and of itself. The mask itself proves the most useful clue - the half-mask is neither plain nor one of the various or bestial or daemonic visages Yoshi is used to seeing on the masks of scorpion bushi, nor the abstract pieces of artwork most courtiers he has met in his former life wear, but shows the left half of a strangely familiar stylised human face that is clearly not the face of its wearer. It takes him a moment to realise that he has most recently seen it in Ito Sora's 'Kakita Room' - it is the face usually used to depict Mirumoto Hojatsu, son of the first Mirumoto Daimyo. Whilst the scorpion's use of the legendary Niten master's face for his mask could be some sort of subtle pun or insult in Crab clan lands it's hard to see who would be offended and why. It seems more likely that he is a Shosuro actor who is somehow associated with the role.

The woman in brown takes a moment longer to place - not helped by a lack of obvious clan mon - before he realises how well-made her simple clothing is. Whilst clothing cut in the style she has chosen is far from uncommon amongst ronin or even well-off heimin, few of them could afford the costs of such exacting quality of cloth and tailoring, whilst those who could would generally choose something far more ostentatious to allow the tailor to show off their skill. For a samurai to deliberately choose the clothing style of someone much less wealthy makes him instantly think of the Sparrow clan - a minor clan famously sworn to pious poverty, who often travel courts of southern Rokugan as storytellers.

Hekasu, leaning back, takes in the two samurai and also looks across to the merchant as he does so - noting the impressive quality of the merchant's clothing, but as yet does not draw any attention.

The cut and colouring of the merchant's clothing suggests he is a Crab, but quite likely to be a heimin vassal rather than a Yasuki samurai himself - especially given the deferential way he seems pulled back and forth between his two social superior's 'helpful advice'. Regardless of his social status, he appears well-off - though if, as the conversation was implying, he has a buyer for his goods (or at least his lord's) arranged as far away and in so splendid a place as Otosan Uchi itself, that is hardly surprising.

On ‎9‎/‎18‎/‎2019 at 8:43 AM, Von3679 said:

kenshin is now 11/6 composure. Outburst incoming XD

....okay. You took 4 strife on the water check (1 rolled, 3 from your disadvantage), but how did you get up to 11?

Because if you were already compromised (strife>composure) for the second check (if you got to 11 strife you must have been at 8 strife to begin with) - the Theorise (Fire)/Commerce one - you are not permitted to keep any dice including 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 results. Which means it should be impossible for you to have gained strife on that check.

So receiving 3 strife on that check is unlikely, and it's quite likely that you may have actually failed that check, given that you couldn't keep any 792424631_SuccessSmall.png.f580b7641c8c8 1518491343_StrifeSmall.png.6434e11e967f0 results.

TL:DR - You do succeed in calming things down, but have failed to come up with a useful idea.

21 hours ago, Void Crane said:

Sadly I don't have a weapon out, so I can't use the options to just crit the Scorpion

I'm pretty sure randomly stabbing members of the great clans in a public inn is generally considered improper behaviour. Even if it's the scorpion clan. :ph34r:

Your suggestion will be hanging for anyone else who comes up with an idea (counting as skilled assistance for whoever - i.e. Hekasu or Aruzhan - next attempts Theorise/Commerce check)

the second roll caused kenshin to go over composure. Sorry for the misunderstanding

If one of them found my suggestion helpful, maybe they might feel compelled to help me in turn, Yoshi thinks. Then he probes...

“Most honorable samurai, and Crab merchant. ...” the Big Samurai starts, “ Could you help enlighten a humble Ronin? I do not understand why spice prices are so strange throughout the South. Even a samurai cannot help but notice something is amiss. Even a monk of Osanowo I met had crazy theories that the Daidoji and Yasuki were conspiring together against the Hida because of an alleged insult to someone clothing. That can’t be right, can it?”

”But then again in my most recent travels I have seen both a village where even the rice farmers enjoy a most generous helping of spices in their food. And then not long after a samurai who has found it hard to secure medicinal spices for his village.”

Looking down like he is a little embarrassed...

”I know an honorable samurai should not concern himself too much with such things as mere commerce, but a humble Ronin cannot aford to be too ignorant in this area. I wish I had some idea what was going on...”

Hekasu is just passively watching. Haven't seen anything that would pique his interest, so I haven't posted. Just don't want you guys waiting on me for anything. I'll hop in if something comes up.

The merchant bows and replies.

"You are well-informed, noble samurai. At this point in such a conversation, tradition dictates a merchant like myself would attempt to dazzle you with my knowledge of trade by telling you far more detail than you wanted or needed, and then your honourable selves would rightly point out that if you did not know it was because it was below your notice, not for lack of knowledge. And then I would slink away, suitably chastised by my betters."

He gives a resigned shrug before continuing.

"I cannot. I can see that prices are behaving strangely. Because I work in the trade I know that most of this is due to different districts imposing higher tarrifs to generate funds, or else reducing them to draw the trade through their lands. But I do not know why . Whenever I or any of my friends find a route where tarrifs have dropped to a more sensible level, inevitably one or more unavoidable provinces have raised their duties by that, and more on top, after any sizeable shipments are en route and there is no longer any way to move around them. It is so inconsistent where the tariffs spike, and they do so for such short periods, that it is impossible to identify why, and by whose order, they were raised, especially for a mere merchant. But it seems co-ordinated so well, so quickly, and across such a wide reach of the south, in different clan's lands, that it is funnelling a massive amount of wealth off somewhere , and it is almost impossible to prove it is happening. Which means there seems to be little I can do about it."

He sighs.

"It is almost tempting to attempt the journey, declare the cargo lost revenue and abandon it on the side of the river just to drawn the attention of the Capital to the matter. Almost . But not enough to risk disappointing Seppun Kunitake-sama. He has never been someone to disappoint lightly, and especially not since he has been granted Wakita-sama's former post at the Imperial Histories."

So....Apologies for an enforced week's absence from the internet due to a cornucopia of ineptitude featuring a jug of unrefridgerated buttermilk, Google Maps not recognising any road without a postcode despite it being about 700 years old and having the ****ing main regional court building on it, two camels with widely differing ideas about which one is supposed to lead when one is roped to the back of the other, and a network connection infested by what I can only describe as the 'anti-cookie monster' given that it wasn't capable of remembering it was logged in to anything for two minutes in succession.

just.....don't ask, okay?

Edited by Magnus Grendel

"A very great pity." Yoshi says solemnly. "A noble samurai always upholds traditions. And a humble ronin gets so few chances to properly chastise someone..." It's possible that Yoshi's On slips a little with amusement and humor. " Thank you for offering what enlightenment you have to us."

"I apologize if our group has disturbed your discussions. I hope that if you consider Flint Quay village it proves to be a felicitous choice and that the Fortunes will bless your endeavor on behalf go yourselves and the most honorable Seppun."

Yoshi bows to the group, "Scorpion-sama." Yoshi pauses briefly looking for a mons and not finding it on the Sparrow. "Most honorable samurai. And industrious merchant."

Unless someone in their party has something else to say Yoshi goes back to our tables business.

As Yoshi settles back, Hatsue can be seen bustling over, with her face set in a moue of intense concentration as she balances three plates - one holding a couple of plain bottles and some cups, the other two holding a selection of jugs, pots and a stack of bowls, and a spray of protruding chopsticks carefully slotted into gaps like a bizarre piece of wood and clay ikebana.

The effect is especially remarkable since she is managing this with one-and-a-half arms; her right elbow being offered to support a rather wizened if fearsome-looking grandmother in a greyish-blue kimono who seems determined to move at her own pace and not one jot faster.

As they arrive at the ronin's table, Hatsue somehow translocates the various things festooned about her left arm and right hand onto the table without anything dropping or even looking especially out of place, with a bowl and chopsticks materialising in front of each of the ronin in moments. The bottles prove to be a locally brewed blend of sake, whilst the pots are some pickled ginger and vegetables with small jugs of soy as an appetizer, along with a wicker steaming tray of blisteringly hot but delicious-smelling gyoza. There is also a pot of fresh-smelling green tea, along with a couple of jars next to it - one of which the ronin can tell from the smell contains fresh mint. No sooner is everything deposited than she turns and scurries back toward the kitchen door, shaking out her thick kimono sleeves.

"So..." begins the older woman, dusting her hands off with a small lean forwards towards Yoshi that might be either a slight bow or a chronic back problem. "Samurai-sama. Hatsue-san says you are needing rooms. I'm sure we can meet your needs. May I record your names for the ledgers?"

As @Void Crane notes, this won't prevent anyone talking more to the merchant's table if they wish to pick the other samurai's brains on anything; waiting staff are heimin and hardly going to complain about being asked to wait.

Yoshi: obviously she is after your names, but the subtext is 'and who's paying since I wasn't expecting you' . The way you and your colleagues phrase your current status will probably determine the quality of the rooms 'available'...

Kenshin; you've never mentioned it to anyone so far (so the others won't know) but you may recognise Seppun Wakita's name from one of the rumours you heard en route out of the Daidoji lands, even if you didn't know much about her.

Aruzhan; everyone will be used to tea, but green tea with mint and - presumably the other pot is honey - is not an especially normal way to drink the stuff. In fact, it's something unusual in the south - as far as you know - a Nehiri adaption of Rokugani tea-drinking tradition, which was in turn re-adopted by the Unicorn.

Anyone with with Vigilance 3, you may notice that the Crab on the other table with the Isahi amulet keeps glancing over at your table. Hekasu - since you also have Subtle Observer, you're pretty sure he keeps looking at Aruzhan in particular.

Edited by Magnus Grendel

Rising and giving a kind bow, he smiles. "Certainly Obaasan, this one is Hekasu of Nanashi Mura. I thank you for the supper and for any place I may rest my head tonight." He returns to his seat, glancing to the Crab, then purposefully shifting aside to put enough room between himself and Aruzan for another person to join their table.

"Yoshi-no Kazi. " The big ronin says. Glancing over at the Crab Yoshi tries to raise an eyebrow and offer a modest nod. Turning back to the grandmother, "Like my friends here I am traveling to deliver letters from Ito-no-Asahina to a friend of his expected at the Cloud Festival." Well that's certainly incomplete. But it's not a lie, the big guy thinks.

"Like Hekasu-san, I am not overly fussy about where I sleep. This is my first time visiting the Inn... It is as delightful as I was told it would be. Thank you."

"You are most kind, samurai-san. I'm glad we can be of service to weary travellers." She responds. "We're always pleased to host those serving Ito no Asahina-Sama."

She produces a small bound book from a pocket somewhere and begins scrawling in shorthand. "If my lords find it acceptable, I can get the upper floor on the river-side wing prepared. That way the four of you can have adjacent rooms, and you'll have the balcony to yourself, and you get the benefit of the dawn over the bay." She glances you up and down. "You...look to be travelling light. Do you have anything I need to see brought up to the rooms?"

"I thank you, though a private room is unnecessary for myself. A simple spot in the commons would suit my needs adequately."

As the ronin discuss rooms, Yoshi notices the crab set aside the book he was reading, stand, smooth down his kimono, and walk over. He bows deeply to the four ronin in general but to Aruzhan in particular.

"Shujenga-sama." he says. "I could not help but notice the implements of your calling." He gestures at the Asahina jeweller's kit, and Aruzhan's new Meishodo trinket.

"I was hoping I could join you briefly. My name is Hiruma Aoi. I have made something of a private study of the various ways that the peoples of the Empire commune with the Kami, though I am not so blessed as to clearly hear their voices myself. I have never had the opportunity to meet one of your nature from amongst the daughters of Shinjo before; I would take it as an honour if you would allow a few idle queries."

Feel free to demand or agree what you like with Hatsue's Granny - though accepting a simple spot in a shared room is an honourable thing to do, since the money will ultimately probably end up coming out of the price of the horses once the money earned and the inn's bill meet up back in Flint Quay....

Unless you have any particular requests, I'm not sure it's useful to do in detail; unless you ask for something especially luxurious or outré; you wouldn't have to make a check - the inn is empty enough now the big crane cadre has left that people can be juggled round to accommodate you.