Seattle Eastside

By Clamatius, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Count me in most fridays. I plan to make it there this week around 9ish.

I think the big killer is the time to main honcho shows up is 9 pm, and on a friday I like to start my gaming around 6-7 ish. (FYI the main honcho is you! ;p)

Yeah, I know. Alas, the wife has me on a short enough leash that I don't get to get out till the kids are in bed. Otherwise I would be earlier. Also, Izzy also can only play late because he works too much.

On that topic, apparently there were a couple of people playing some WH:I at the Uncles last Friday but they left about 20 minutes before I got there. Was it anyone here?

Well, I've been trying this since April with not a lot of luck. Yeah, a lot of it is down to me not being able to get out of the house, but in the end I'm going to be able to play more WH:I at friends houses.

I'm not going to bother going to Uncles any more.