Red Castle's gallery (updated 06/08/20 Iden and Dio)

By Red Castle, in Painting

It never ceases to amaze me what people can do when they actually try instead of speeding through like I do.

2 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

It never ceases to amaze me what people can do when they actually try instead of speeding through like I do.

For me personally, painting them is part of the game, so I don’t mind taking my time. Especially now that I have enough painted miniatures to make an army, to there’s less of a rush.

very nice job on all of the miniatures. I happen to like Veers over then Krennic (does have nice blond hair though). I don't have the patience so tend to paint too fast, but I am happy with my tabletop quality. It is a relaxing hobby for my son to paint

I finally had the time to finish the Imperial Officer before starting on the tank! I must say, the miniature doesn't look as bad as I thought she would. I might be in the minority, but I like the sculpt. It reminds me of Arihnda Pryce (and I painted her with that in mind).



TX-225 Occupier Tank done and ready to be deployed!






Great work all round. Love the bases especially, very realistic

Awesome paint apps mate.

Very nice! The metallic highlights are great.

While waiting for Bossk to arrive, I took the time to paint my Imperial Bunker:




Beautiful work all around


After having spent 6 months on primer, I finally decided to paint Lord Vader to try OSL. Overall, I'm pleased how it turned out.





While still waiting for Bossk to arrive, I painted a second squad of Deathtrooper using a different technique to get a more contrasting finish.




Terrific work. What colors did you use for the Occupier? I quite like how the grey catches the lighting.

I’ve used the same colors than with my AT-ST following Sorastro’s guide.

So, Mechanicus Standard Grey mixed with some Zandri Dust. Then gradually lighted by mixing it with Celestial Grey mixed with a little Zandri Dust.

After that, I applied a thin coat of a dilluted Typhus Corrosion to give it a more dirty look.

Cool. I did something very similar with my AT-ST. I think the Typhus makes a huge difference though.

17 hours ago, LunarSol said:

Cool. I did something very similar with my AT-ST. I think the Typhus makes a huge difference though.

Oh absolutely! It's the step that makes it looks from 'right out of the factory' to 'already spent a couple years on the battlefield'.

Not sure we can see it from the pictures of my AT-ST, but I used Typhus Corrosion only on the feet and legs and not on the head. That way the head looks cleaner.

Bossk's done (One in many done during this weekend). Might revisit him later to do the shoulder patchs, not sure yet.




Downed AT-ST, Endor style!






10 Points per Ewok killed?

1 hour ago, Qualitypunk said:

10 Points per Ewok killed?

Let the hunt begin!!

Very nice! I love the Ewok too.

These look so good! Thanks for sharing.

Finally finished my Shoretroopers squad. They took longer than expected, but I'm happy with the result.



Great job on everything! Quick question. What product did you use for the fake tree branches and twigs on your bases?