May the Fourth Be With You (Lake Stevens, WA) 2019.05.04

By Kleeg005, in X-Wing Organized Play

MOB Games in Lake Stevens, WA will be running a May the Fourth casual tournament. Hyperspace lists, Wave 2 Kit prize support - with the standard caveat that if we have enough entries we'll dip into the Curled Paw stash. $5 registration at 930am, dials down at 10am. (There are whispers that X-Wing product may be discounted as well.) Fly casual!

It occurred to me that I should leave a little bit of an after-tournament report. Late though it may.

The weather that weekend was *really* nice, which I think hurt attendance a little. We had six: two regulars, one business traveler, one erstwhile regular, one from another shop, and one guy at his first tournament. We went three rounds of swiss, with one Separatist, one Republic beef, two Rebel beef, one Rebel aces, and one Imperial ace/swarm. Imps came out on top, going 3/0 against Rebels and Republic, with Soontir, Mauler, Howlrunner, Iden, and Seyn. Everybody flew casual and helped the new guy, who got in his twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth games. I used Tabletop TO, as it seems to be the most stable on my phone. Thanks to those who resisted the siren call of the sun and made it out!