Virtual clue

By kraftclub, in General Discussion

Mystery: Beyond one - "After an invest. resolves a Research Enc., he may spend 1 Clue he gained from that enc. and place that Clue on this card."

Norman gets a clue from Research Env. and has already achieved his reward - "Once per round, you may spend 1 fewer Clue to pay for an effect"

a) Norman keeps the clue and a new clue from baggy goes on The Beyond One

b) Norman has to loose the clue


I assuming you are using the Silver Key relic? This mishmash has come up several times over the years. Most people have just gone with the concept that you can use it to get a free re-roll, but not for something like using it to generate a free clue on the mystery.

It's his reward, but silver key has the same wording

8 hours ago, kraftclub said:

It's his reward, but silver key has the same wording

Ahhh, even though you said reward I didn't even look at the character mission/rewards. I would think that even though the wording is the same it still makes sense that you wouldn't use the reward any different from the previous Silver Key ruling of the past. I'm not sure if it has ever been officially ruled on by FFG but you can try asking them for a clarification . It would be interesting to hear an official evaluation.

yea they should work the same

anyway if it was spend clue to place eldritch token after some encounter it could be done with 0,

but the "spend zero clues to place that clue on X" is the issue, I'm starting to agree with option B)

Edited by kraftclub

I play it as your option #A until FFG clarifies that Mysteries do not count as "effects".

5 hours ago, BlackHalo2 said:

I play it as your option #A until FFG clarifies that Mysteries do not count as "effects".

Except that an effect would be something that modifies character stats, like through equipment, spells, and weapons with special abilities. A mystery clue encounter by nature doesn't seem like it would fit the narrative of being considered for that.

4 hours ago, LordPyrex said:

Except that an effect would be something that modifies character stats, like through equipment, spells, and weapons with special abilities 

I will need a reference guide citation for this mechanic...

10 hours ago, LordPyrex said:

Except that an effect would be something that modifies character stats, like through equipment, spells, and weapons with special abilities.

I think I may have oversimplified with this statement regarding what constitutes effects, for that confusion I apologize. Attacks, some events, reckoning. These all have effects as well. The only thing that I know of from the RR regarding effects and clues is on Page 11 is under the Spend and says "When an investigator spends a token or card, such as a Clue token, he discards it in exchange for an effect."

A lot of my searching on this has been tied to the Silver Key because of its identical wording. These are the sources

Here's what has come up about the silver key in 2013 over on BGG and then again a few years later. And another board game forum where it came up.

It sounds like the magic words that don't line up are 'Spend' and 'Place that'. I'm unsure if anyone has ever asked for an official ruling. That may be the only way that you'll be able to look further down the rabbit hole. If you do, please post it!

11 hours ago, LordPyrex said:

Except that an effect would be something that modifies character stats, like through equipment, spells, and weapons with special abilities. A mystery clue encounter by nature doesn't seem like it would fit the narrative of being considered for that.

What you say is logical, but "effect" has not been explicitly defined. The term "effect" can be interpreted literally and when done so, "effect" encompasses almost everything.

There is a character with a similar ability but for focus tokens. I believe this is Ursula Downs. So it would be interesting to know her interaction with Mythos cards that allow a focus to be spent to gain some effect (such as spend a focus to gain a clue).

Using the definition above that would not be possible as a mythos card is neither equipment, spells, weapons or a special ability.

On 4/24/2019 at 1:43 PM, LordPyrex said:

Here's what has come up about the silver key in 2013 over on BGG and then again a few years later. And another board game forum where it came up. 

they kinda go with b) norman spends the clue

seems fair

I read it as he spends no clue to enable effect of placing it on the mystery card ultimately losing the clue.

Placing the clue on the card is the effect of the card and the original cost of the effect the clue. Norman and silverkey affects only the cost part of the mystery