Expansion pack supplements for the "rare" cards?

By JonHook, in Living Card Games

JerusalemJones said:

One of the original concepts for both the Game of Thrones and Warhammer: Invasion core sets was that they would be completely playable without having to buy any expansion sets whatsoever.


1st, happy birthday JJ.

Second, this is a false idea, and it's not orgiginal : Magic the G. proposes multiple preconstructed decks, fully operationnal. You can buy two of them and play without having to buy anything more.

The original part is that you can have ALL the cards and then let your creativity do the job without telling yourself that some cards should be fantastic for your deck but impossible to afford.

But creativity is linked to construction rules...and if you want to explore all the possibilities, you need cards enough to make all the possible decks.

If rules say you can have every cards tree times, it would be logical to have that.

Now, you're not forced to do that (like preconstructed decks don't mean buying extra rare cards at 150 $ / piece).

So even if a "get-all-in-3-box" issues, you don't HAVE TO buy it and can still keep playing your way.

But now, I think that we'll never see such a box.

So I'll just be happy with the future packaging, that's fair enough (especially for Warhammer Invasion that don't already have loads of expensions).

Good day.

Pikaboo said:

Second, this is a false idea, and it's not orgiginal : Magic the G. proposes multiple preconstructed decks, fully operationnal. You can buy two of them and play without having to buy anything more.

not to speak for Jerusalem but original can have multiple meanings in that context. I took his usage of original to mean 'first' and not 'new'.

JerusalemJones said:

I think that the new coalation (3 of each card) is the best way to go, but except for completists it is not necessary to purchase 3 of everything to play these games, either in a competitive or casual atmosphere. I won't be upset if they do decide to rerelease some fo the old packs in the new format, or release a special expansion witht he additional cards (although it almost seems like they would do better to release am expansion was was just 2 copies of each of the 60 cards that were x1 cards the first time around). But not wanting to play the game because of the old release formats seems to be cutting off your nose to spite your face. You're depriving yourself of the joy of the games because you feel you need to spend more money than you really have to.

I'm someone who has just started sinking my teeth on Call of Cthulhu LCG, and I'm afraid to look at the older expansions. I already talked to a Portuguese distributor, who is kind enough to order every month the new expansions, starting in the Yuggoth Contract subcollection, but I'm secretly hoping they release a pack with the unique cards, as is being proposed here.

I have to admit, I'm doing it for the collection, and owning 3 of each card is my ultimate goal, but not only is buying 3 of each older expansion beyond my monetary capacity, I have no idea what to do with the extra 6 "common" cards. One can't "trade" them, because there is almost no point (besides, it's very rare to find someone who even knows about this game in Portugal), and I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, so there's no way they'll mingle with the cool crowd. And I'm not about to throw them away.

So, to sum up, I'm voicing my opinion with a resounding YES!, I'm hoping that somewhere in time, there's an expansion with 2 copies of the rare cards, so I can truly collect them all (this sounds almost pathetically familiar)

I just bought the Core Set, Assault on Ulthuan, and the 1st Battle Pack from the Corruption Cycle, and I can vouch for it being more than enough for casual players to have one copy of each set. I would advise against buying multiples unless you were going to play in a really competative tourney or something. Most of the single copy cards are heroes anyway, in which case being unique, there cannot be more than one copy on the table, and you can only have one hero per zone anyway. If FFG did release a "catch-up" set to round out the collection, I'd definitely go for it, but I'm not breaking my wallet and buying up with more product than needed just do so myself. I love the game though, now having played it a bit I'd say it's one of the best card-based games I've ever played and I highly recommend it!

Pikaboo said:

JerusalemJones said:

One of the original concepts for both the Game of Thrones and Warhammer: Invasion core sets was that they would be completely playable without having to buy any expansion sets whatsoever.


1st, happy birthday JJ.

Thanks! I forgot that it puts a little birthday cake icon next to your name on your birthday.

Pikaboo said:

Second, this is a false idea, and it's not orgiginal : Magic the G. proposes multiple preconstructed decks, fully operationnal. You can buy two of them and play without having to buy anything more.

The original part is that you can have ALL the cards and then let your creativity do the job without telling yourself that some cards should be fantastic for your deck but impossible to afford.

Darksbane got it right about my use of original. When FFG was creating the LCG core sets, they wanted to have a single box that could be played by itself, without the needs to ever purchase another product. Now, being the kind of person I am I would have MUCH preferred a x3 set, or all sets going the way of CoC where it was one box with 1x of each card, so by buying three sets I wasn't getting multiple duplicates. However, even saying that, there are some key cards in the Game of Thrones CS that I have no qualms having mulitple copies of. Outside of the Core Sets, I think every product should now come with x3 of every card. And, yes, the Core Sets are a little irritating to have to buy multiples to get a playset of every card, but I have only bought one Warhammer Core Set, and for the most part I am pleased with my card distriubtion, even thoughI will never likely win a major event because of this drawback. But I sure enjoy playing the game.

I totally agree. I only have 1 core set and 1of the asylum packs I've bought. If the price wasn't too high, I'd think about buy the extra rares. But I rather like having to decide whether or not to sacrifice a rare card as a resource or not.

jhaelen said:

Pikaboo said:

You say that because you've probably done so (buying everything 3 times) but I don't think it's the majority.

Well, I have bought only one copy of every AP, so I would not be interested in buying reprints with three copies of every card. Because then I'd have four or even six copies of each of them.

I might be interested in a box including two copies of every 'rare' card from the APs. But even then it would depend on the price.

Hi, I got to play W:I at Gen Con and am going to pick up the core set. In case anyone is listening: if you make extra packs for "rare" cards, I will buy them and get into the tournament scene. If not, I will probably let it pass. I got out of Magic because I hated the wastehow many completely useless, valueless cards are sitting in basements? I intended never to play another card game because I didn't want to support something that's business model was based on making sure people bought lots of stuff they would never use. The new LCG model eliminates that, which I think is great, but I still can't see buying 3 base sets, having three sets of tokens, boards, etc., just to be able to compete. Put out the cards! Charge a premium! I will buy them! Please!

I was thinking something similar as I purchased my second GoT core set and looking at the cards. I am playing the game casually with my GF and brother, so I am trying to get a decent deck up for each house. There are some cards, namely events, that I want in multiple decks, but having only 2 copies makes it difficult (Retreat, Distraction being two major examples). I was thinking a supplimental chapter pack to the Core set that had 3x of some of the neutral events, attachments, and locations just to help flesh out decks without having to buy tons of Core Sets. Keep the in house-affiliated cards and all characters in the Core Set, but make the events/attachments/locations a little easier to obtain.

I would be in support of FF going back and printing small boxes to suppliment the older sets that only had 1 or 2 of certain cards per box. To me its just not worth getting another box with restricted numbers of cards based on rarity, because even though the rare cards are good, the cards you already have 3 of are completely useless. With the new LOTR LCG, even though I'm really into it, I'm not willing to spend another $40 for a small handful of actual useful cards. I'll just be patient for more expansions to come out to increase the card pool. If you really feel that cards are powerful, the unique or restricted rules are there to keep them from being too prevalent in play.

I think people who already bought 2-3 boxes wouldn't be that upset. They made that choice and have been enjoying playing with those extra cards this whole time. I'm not offended when for instance a video game does a cheaper "game of the year" version later. I got to play it early, and I spent the original value because it was worth it to me.

I was incredibly happy they tossed the notion of card rarity affecting how many per box (which I do feel was still clinging a bit to the CCG mentality more than optimal playability). I am more than happy to pay a little more to get 3 of each card from the start.

I bought a single copy the LotR LCG base set and will definately get the 60 "expansions". The fact that FFG decided to make the small expansions 20x3 played a major role in my decision of getting into the LotR LCG.

When I learned that the base set would include one-ofs and two-ofs, I was a bit disappointed, but I accept their argument that they wanted to game to offer the best possible out-of-the-box experience which means a greater card variety.

I would like to have all the deck building options available to me, but not for the price of another two core sets. I would however spend 10$-20$ for an "upgrade pack" that would complete the player deck cards found in the base game to three-ofs. It would also be a nice gesture from FFG towards its player base.

jhaelen said:

Well, I have bought only one copy of every AP, so I would not be interested in buying reprints with three copies of every card. Because then I'd have four or even six copies of each of them.

I might be interested in a box including two copies of every 'rare' card from the APs. But even then it would depend on the price.

i´ve also bought one copy of each AGOT pack so far.

now, buying every pack again would be as if i had bought the old ones for nothing. llorando.gif

these were 24 CP´s plus Core and Deluxepacks!!!! quite some bucks invested for nothing? enfadado.gif

but i also know people who already bought them twice ... so maybe FFG could sell boxes of at least on copy of all "rare" cards from the (first edition) packs?

i think these would be better because it would adress more people, no?

I would LOVE to see "Supplement Packs" or somesuch that contain (3 - X) copies of each card from each deck in the Core Set for each game, where X is the number of copies included in the Core Set. So 1x cards in the CS would have 2 copies in the SP, 2x cards would have 1 copy.