Using cards outside of their typical archetype

By GrandSpleen, in Strategy and deck-building

Do you ever run cards “outside” of their intended archetype? Some examples of things I do sometimes:

Keys of Orthanc work well in 3 and 4 player games, depending on the quest, without any Doomed effects in your own deck. Either the encounter deck will throw some at you, or another player will. Good option for resource generation in a deck that doesn’t really have access to other types.

Elven-light with Steed of Imladris is a good card draw combo for monospirit, even without a Noldor theme. Draw can be hard to overcome in monospirit. Incidentally, it works just as well as a combo for tactics-spirit with Trollshaw Scout. Only problem is that this is a combo, so it requires card draw to set it up in the first place!

I use Keen as Lances without any order form of victory display shenanigans. The threat reduction is useful in an emergency, and the draw is useful if resources are piling up and you have nothing to play.

I built a spirit/tactics deck around Hama (hero) and Elven-light. But then the errata came before I got a chance to play it.

I don't do it, but I've seen dwarfless-decks run WANI just to reduce effective deck size. The errata didn't affect them.

Ethir Swordsman gets run outside Outlands quite a bit.

Lord of Morthond in a Celeborn/Thranduil/LeImrahil Silvan deck is most excellent.

This is something I should do more of honestly.