Here's a question about 1E. Does a character have to start the game with a Force Power in order to learn to use the Force? Or, can he become a Jedi later on, after the game starts?
In 2E, the answer is that a character first has to become Force Sensitive (a concept introduced in 2E), and then he can be trained in the use of the Force, even after character generation.
But, in 1E, it's not as clear.
First off, 1E uses attribute dice for Force Powers. You can put up to 3D in Force Powers (3 powers at 1D each, one power at 3D, or one power at 2D with a second power at 1D). For every D put into Force Powers, that's one less D that can be put into the character's six attributes.
It's not specifically spelled out, I don't think, but the feeling I get from RAW is that Force Powers--at least one of them--must be pre-conceived in 1E Star Wars when the character is generated.
I mean, is it fair that a character who starts the game with two Force Powers, 1D in each, has 2D less in attributes, while another character who did not start with Force Powers, acquires them during the game and doesn't experience the attribute penalty?
Then, the combat argument is, "Well, a character that starts with 1D in Force Powers and then grows his Force Powers after the game starts is not penalized in attribute dice (he only suffered the 1D set back at character creation)."