So i never painted anything. I was terrible during art courses at school. But i want to try. Still, i have many questions:
1) i've read the guide from army painter. Ok, i can do it. However, my store only has citadel color. Are they the same? Or there is something i should know about using them?
2) are color primer sprays really necessary? They are a little expensive... and if they are necessary, how much of them should i buy? Can only 2, a black one and a white one, be enough?
3) regarding shade... well, looks like magic to me. But army painter says "dip and that's it, it's easy!" and yeah, it looks doable. However, my store doesn't have army painter quickshade. Should i get citadel shade (quite dirrefent if i understand, no dipping) or should i buy the army painter quickshade online?
4) i understand even less about the anti-shine matt varnish. again should i buy it? the army painter one, or there is a citadel variant?
i guess that's enough... for now... XD
thank you for the patience!