Inheritance cycle promo cards

By RafaelNN, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

As I understand it, these promo cards are art only. No stats, fate cost, traits, names, etc. Are thy legal for play, or are they only for collection?

Only for collection.

Is there an ofricial ruling or something that says this?

On 3/25/2019 at 1:56 PM, Mirith said:

Only for collection.

It’s odd that playing a card in a language you don’t speak is fine, but playing the art only version isn’t. I suppose the foreign one at least has the numbers...

They are described as "Art Cards" and don't have any playable text on them (At least the full art champions have their stats).

It would also be taken as a slap to the face to game stores if they published promos you could only get by supporting their online ordering system, instead of being able to buy product from your FLGS. These are already bad enough.

Edited by Mirith

Reached out to Alex Watkins, head of Global OP:

"T he full art textless art print cards in the sales promotion are not tournament legal."
