Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone had taken the time to put together a phase breakdown that walks through the steps of the game when using expansions and all the bells and whistles they bring with them. I tend to play with the whole kit and kaboodle, all the expansions and extras, and I find that I often find myself forgetting a step here and there. Perhaps I forget a guardian marker, or to place a Kingsport token, etc. The bulk of my forgetfulness is in the Mythos phase, I suppose, since there is so much to remember to do there when you use everything.
Since the rules and protocols are spread out among the rulebooks, it can make keeping things organized difficult. So, if anyone has combined the order of things into one document or reference sheet I'd very much like a copy of it. If there is not such a reference floating around the players here, I'll take it upon myself to make one (probably in early January when I get some free time) and make it available.