Basic Question...

By Steven Frizzell, in Rules questions & answers

Are characters and/or locations in the staging area considered to be “in play”? What about cards in your hand?

I’ve assumed YES to the first question and been playing them as “in play” and using core Gandalf to put 4 damage on enemies in the staging area. Now there is some confusion...please help.

Cards in the staging area are in play. Basically 'in play' means 'not inside a deck and not in your hand' orrrr also 'not in the victory display or 'set aside/removed from the game.'" Yeah I think that covers the 99% of cases.

Gandalf can place his 4 damage on enemies in the staging area.

They are definitely in play. Think of the staging area as a place where enemies roam in the distance before they notice and attack you. Locations likewise are simply places you aren't at right now, but may need to travel to.

Edited by Wandalf the Gizzard

Thanks for confirming my interpretation of the rules on this. Good to know there a still players watching for questions like this.

There is quite an active community in two other places, also good resources for rules questions or just for discussion in general. Discord has a Cardboard of the Rings podcast channel, and there is a Facebook group for LotR LCG also.

I would also add