Clan Spirit in L5R...

By Bakura83, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

On ‎3‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 10:05 AM, Tonbo Karasu said:

And you had the decency to jump off into the Shadowlands as soon as possible, if I'm right.

For me it's a little more involved than that, but, I was essentially a Shadowlands player before there was ever a Shadowlands faction.

15 hours ago, Shiba Gunichi said:

Yeah, an honest Shadowlands fan doesn't annoy me in the slightest. Heck, Shinden Fu Leng was/is the best of the old Clan Forums, in my opinion.

Someone who tries to turn a non-Shadowlands faction into Shadowlands lite, on the other hand? Go away.

I would consider myself to be an honest Shadowlands player. I originally started by playing Shadowlands cards in every deck I built for any clan (literally every deck I built started with Oni No Akuma, then looked for as many other Shadowlands cards that the honor loss would allow, plus 3x Avoid Fate to protect against Iris Festival. Ruined Fortress of the Scorpion is the original Shadowlands stronghold IMO, as this was the box I used to dominate with until Jade edition)

For these reasons, I technically fall into the category of someone trying to turn a non-Shadowlands faction into Shadowlands...…. and I will likely do that once the LCG gets enough Shadowlands cards into the pool for me to do it. I already have a couple funsies Shadowlands decks that are just chomping at the bit to get some new cards.

The problem I always run into is when Shadowlands becomes popular, I tend to lose interest. I also like the underdog and trying things that are different. I still remember heated arguments between the "loyal" Shadowlands players who adopted the Junzo's Army box when it came along, while I was still playing off Ruined Fortress of the Scorpion. Of course I was much younger and more competitive then. Ruined Fortress was just better in all ways (I converted a couple Junzo's Army players by showing them how I could play Dark Lord's Favor against them as I could go lower on honor that them, :D ) and, as most young people do, I cared to much about trivial things like cardboard rectangles.

In the old CCG the Spider Clan embodied more what I originally set out to do with the Shadowlands, but, as their own clan it was a little awkward and executed rather sloppily. I sided with Kali-Ma when the vote between return to a horde or become a clan took place.

I think it's pretty exiting to be back to square one with Shadowlands. I'd be fine if they never got a stronghold of their own and I was stuck cramming as many Goblin Sneaks and Oni no Ted's into my decks as possible. I can wait to see how this all shakes out.

Edited by Ishi Tonu