Futile Resistance IC

By Stormbourne, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

10 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:

With their captor's disclosure that they are to be sold into slavery, Lance begins tediously fiddling with the lock once more, this time with a true sense of urgency. This is not just another holding cell wake up following a night of fuzzily-remembered revelry...

His renewed efforts are met with success.. but they do not go unnoticed...

(Do we have all our personal equipment other than our weapons and 'unique' items? I'd like Lance to spin and activate his grab-chute, try to entangle the awakening guard.)

everything else is there make a ranged light roll to try and entangle him but first vig initiative

Edited by Stormbourne

jumping forward and forgetting his guns the guard spins on you hitting you with his tail

Slap to the face : 1eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 threat

p-s-s.png a-a.png a-s-s.png d-th-th.png d-f-f.png

9 damage before soak

The Selonian swiftly leaps up, sweeping at him with his tail. Striking with surprising force, it knocks Lance around, but he still manages to activate the chute at the surprised guard.

"Take that, ya frakkin' weasel!"

Lance reaches down to retrieve his Model 80, where it had clattered to the floor, and levels it at the Selonian. While the guard still struggles to extricate himself from the chute, Lance backs his way toward the closest cell, and opens the barrier. "Free the others. Quickly," he whispers.

Ranged Light/engaged (entangle w/chute) : 3eA+2eD 1 success, 1 threat

a-s.png a-s.png a-a.png d-th.png d-f-th.png

(Maneuver to retrieve blaster, 2nd maneuver to open nearest cell-takes 2 Strain.. also, Threat?)

Dashtha looked at the scene unfolding outside her cell " So uncivilised "

"Slavery? Why yes, it is. Thank you for that astute observation, there, blue-eyes." Or are they green..? Even in the dim light of the cell, Lance can tell the young woman is rather attractive, in a bookish sort of way. Reminds him why he spent so much time in the library at university, but so little time learning...

"A little help, here?" He beckons her from her now open cell with an impatient gesture. "For civility's sake?!"

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

"Slavery? Why yes, it is. Thank you for that astute observation, there, blue-eyes." Or are they green..? Even in the dim light of the cell, Lance can tell the young woman is rather attractive, in a bookish sort of way. Reminds him why he spent so much time in the library at university, but so little time learning...

"A little help, here?" He beckons her from her now open cell with an impatient gesture. "For civility's sake?!"

yes considering you are now on the correct side of the cell it is a simple matter to turn off the cells one by one and you start with dashtha's

breaking free : 3eA+3eD 1 success, 1 advantage
a-a-a.png a-s.png a-a.png d-th.png d--.png d-th.png

@SithArissa you see the guard get out of the grav-chute what do you do after your needed cool check?

Edited by Stormbourne



Pamalyn was able to jury rigg her cell open on the first attempt. She saw the human male engaged with the Selonian.

She quickly scans and notices the Zeec in the other cell...

Edited by Sincereagape
5 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:



Pamalyn was able to jury rigg her cell open on the first attempt. She saw the human male engaged with the Selonian.

She quickly scans and notices the Rodian in another cell...

(Ooc: when it is Pamalyns turn in initiatives she will use her maneuver to move over to the cell and unlock The Zeec’s cell)

Please keep the two seperate that is why we have the two threads

Lance takes careful aim, as the guard attempts to flee. A bolt of plasma flies from the top barrel of his blaster, and strikes the Selonian's flank, the acrid scent of burnt fur permeating the small room. "Stop!! One more step and we'll be eating weasel for a week."

Ranged Light/ short : 3eA+1eB+1eD 3 successes, 1 advantage

a-s-a.png a-s.png a-s-a.png b--.png d-th.png (Aim maneuver, Pass a Boost to next PC)

Pamalyn’s never liked the smell of burnt flesh, especially coming from a Selonian.

One of the other captives had already managed to obtain his blaster, and since her first taunting of the Selonian she had spotted her nova viper on his hip.

She noticed deckards newest blaster shoot put the blaster at a twenty five agree arc from her dominant hand

Taking a a deep breath...Pamaly lunges for her Mothers nova viper....

1. Using edge hawks boost

2. Flipping over a destiny point.

3. Upgrading one green to one yellow and adding a blue...

: 1eA+1eP+1eB+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 threat
a--.png p-s-s.png b--.png d--.png d--.png c-th-th.png


im thinking the threat

1.could have Pamalyn fall prone

2.cause a strain?

Edited by Sincereagape
7 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:

Pamalyn’s never liked the smell of burnt flesh, especially coming from a Selonian.

One of the other captives had already managed to obtain his blaster, and since her first taunting of the Selonian she had spotted her nova viper on his hip.

She noticed deckards newest blaster shoot put the blaster at a twenty five agree arc from her dominant hand

Taking a a deep breath...Pamaly lunges for her Mothers nova viper....

1. Using edge hawks boost

2. Flipping over a destiny point.

3. Upgrading one green to one yellow and adding a blue...

: 1eA+1eP+1eB+2eD+1eC 2 successes, 2 threat
a--.png p-s-s.png b--.png d--.png d--.png c-th-th.png


im thinking the threat

1.could have Pamalyn fall prone

2.cause a strain?

I'm gonna say that you fail to stop the selonian escaping

Edited by Stormbourne

The guard continues its flight undeterred, so Lance chases after, in a last-ditch effort to prevent it raising the alarm. Are we on a ship..? Think so...

"Stop, dammit!" Barely keeping up, he raises his blaster to fire again.

She was able to grab it! Lunging forward Pamalyn was able to take the Nova Viper from the hip of the Selonian.

However, that gave the furry mammal the opening he needed to burst out of the room.

She was still on the ground when Lance rushed after the Selonian.

Pamalyn quickly sprung up from the ground and unlocked the Rodian’s cell door. She gave him a smile with her nova viper blaster in hand ready in for other trouble

“Let’s get the heck out of here.”

Edited by Sincereagape

Zeec quickly stretches and makes sure he has everything. He misses the grip of his rifle, and feels singularly vulnerable without it, but says nothing. "I am grateful for the assistance, though it looks like we're not out of trouble yet. We'll have to continue to collaborate if we're going to take this vessel back from our captors."

Dashtha rifles through the satchel hurriedly trying to determine what had been tampered with. She was not going to lose months of work to a **** weasly bastard. Or she hoped she wasn't. There had already been enough setbacks. And now people were waving guns around.

(Bastard is fine but we can't say dam, makes sense.)

Edited by SithArissa
8 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Dashtha rifles through the satchel hurriedly trying to determine what had been tampered with. She was not going to lose months of work to a **** weasly bastard. Or she hoped she wasn't. There had already been enough setbacks. And now people were waving guns around.

(Bastard is fine but we can't say dam, makes sense.)

silver lining the weaselly bastard is now a guinea pig, what are the benefits you where looking to create with this batch (i'll then have you roll to see how how many are present and what side effects there may be)

Lance gives chase, but the Selonian seems mostly unfazed by the blaster hit, and he himself is not in the best of shape. Catching his breath, he procures a stimpack from a pouch, and quickly administers it.

Better.. a little.. Looking around, he discovers he is in an engine room. Hmm..

current set up


everyone but dash and lance is freed at 5

dash is at 11 with a high selonian, lance at 13 having lost the guard

Edited by Stormbourne

Catching his breath, Lance looks around the engine room. "You can run away.. but I bet I can get you to come back.."

Great, Lance.. Now you're talking to yourself.. and this is a terrible idea, for the record...

"Hmm.. Not sure what it is, but it looks important.."

Taking aim with the blaster, he steps back and fires, wincing as he looks away. Not too important, though, I hope...


Pamalyn wanted to take a moment to check on the Rodia, but she didn't have to much time to. Lance rushed after the Selonian out of the room and down the hall.

There were in a ship. From the size of it, she was guessing a Corvette, but she wasn't 100% sure.

She exited the infirmary and proceeded to follow the direction of where Lance had rushed. Then she heard the blaster shots.

"What's he up to?" She muttered.

She burst into the engine room. As soon as she entered she took a position of cover. She looked over to Lance and asked.

"Are you trying to draw them to us flyboy?"

Zeec wordlessly follows along. Upon entering the engine room, he addresses his new companions.

"Our chances of survival will be maximized if we stick together. Especially since only one of us seems to have a weapon at the moment." He nods at Lance's blaster.

Dashtha, after retrieving her satchel, quickly pulls her datapad and starts recording the symptoms the subject was showing. Other things were happening elsewhere but the opportunity to gain data had been slim recently. That was the primary concern at the moment.

Edited by SithArissa

"Gahh!!" Lance vents, in frustration. "I'm trying to.." Turning to face the new speaker.. Karkin' gundarks, she's gorgeous! Flyboy, huh?

"Hey! Lance Deckard, and I am a pretty talented flyer, planetside at least. More of an adventurer, really. But enough about me.. You are definitely a flyer." Correllian, or I'm a Hutt.. her voice, the way she carries herself. "Can you take control of this bird from in here?"

Reluctantly tearing his gaze from the lithe blonde, he acknowledges the Rodian with a nod.

Edited by Edgehawk

“Don’t forget about this,” Pamaly states tapping the grip of her Nova Viper Blaster Pistol.

“I would have stopped the oversized fury if he did not have this blaster on him. Call it a family heirloom with sentimental value.”

She turns to Lance, with a friendly smile. “Pamalyn. The name is Pamalyn Stilead. What green boy said is right. Stick together we survive. I could have sworn there was at least one more locked up in that room. Uncivilized girl, where did she go?”

she continued...

”I doubt I can take control from here. I can fly ‘em well. The boys back home build them for me. I’ll have to reach the bridge of the ship in order to see what this sucker has in her. Unless, there is another ship on board.”