please take 5 strain minus a resilience check (
), if you roll a despair take wounds instead
what do you do?
please take 5 strain minus a resilience check (
), if you roll a despair take wounds instead
what do you do?
Edited by StormbourneLance Deckard has felt better. It is not, however, the first time he has awakened to find himself behind bars.
Raising his head with a slight groan, he notices a slumbering guard, with his blaster resting in his lap. Ok. So he has my blaster.. But does he have my picks? He tries to be discreet as he feels around to see if his lockpicking tools are still secreted away in his trenchcoat.
6 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Lance Deckard has felt better. It is not, however, the first time he has awakened to find himself behind bars.
Raising his head with a slight groan, he notices a slumbering guard, with his blaster resting in his lap. Ok. So he has my blaster.. But does he have my picks? He tries to be discreet as he feels around to see if his lockpicking tools are still secreted away in his trenchcoat.
you still have them they only seemed to be concerned with disarming you not striping you
Lance locates his tools and gets to work on the lock, but quickly realizes the mechanism is more complicated than he had initially thought.
Looking up, he hopes he might see some sort of access panel or duct, like they somehow always find in the holos... of course not.
Stowing his picks, he realizes that just getting up and moving about, he feels marginally better. Except he has to pee. And he's thirsty. A glance around the small cell reveals no solution to either dilemma, so he hails the sleeping guard.
"Hey pal!! Hey!! I gotta go. And something cold to drink."
3 minutes ago, Edgehawk said:Lance locates his tools and gets to work on the lock, but quickly realizes the mechanism is more complicated than he had initially thought.
Looking up, he hopes he might see some sort of access panel or duct, like they somehow always find in the holos... of course not.
Stowing his picks, he realizes that just getting up and moving about, he feels marginally better. Except he has to pee. And he's thirsty. A glance around the small cell reveals no solution to either dilemma, so he hails the sleeping guard.
"Hey pal!! Hey!! I gotta go. And something cold to drink."
leadership vs
1 success, 1 advantage
I'll use the Advantage to my benefit in my dealings with the guard, if appropriate.
(Intended for OOC. I'll edit later.)
Edited by Edgehawkyou realise that the guard is a selonian as they start awake
cuh tar et- shaking it head it switches languages you want what?
after repeating yourself they throw you a water skin
Pamalyn gathers her senses in the corner of the room/cell.
Ugh...this is one nasty headache.
Sitting in the corner in an "Asian Squat" position, she scans the room and notices there are a few others in the cell/room with her.
One of them asks the guard a questions regarding water and toileting.
Searching her personal belongings. She has her armor still adorned...ration packs...binders (always handy)...thermal cloak...breath mask...scanner goggles.....
Dagnabit..where is my gun?!
The room is dark and full of terrors?
Pamalyn puts on her scanner googles which allow her to see in the dark....
Scanner Goggles to see if there are other guards in dark room
1 success, 1 advantage
(Can I use the advantage to have any other guards in the room to not notice Pamalyn?)
Scanning guard to see additional weapons
2 successes, 2 threat
Edited by Sincereagape
23 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:Pamalyn gathers her senses in the corner of the room/cell.
Ugh...this is one nasty headache.
Sitting in the corner in an "Asian Squat" position, she scans the room and notices there are a few others in the cell/room with her.
One of them asks the guard a questions regarding water and toileting.
Searching her personal belongings. She has her armor still adorned...ration packs...binders (always handy)...thermal cloak...breath mask...scanner goggles.....
Dagnabit..where is my gun?!
The room is dark and full of terrors?
Pamalyn puts on her scanner googles which allow her to see in the dark....
Scanner Goggles to see if there are other guards in dark room : 2eA+1eB+2eC+1eD 1 success, 1 advantage
(Can I use the advantage to have any other guards in the room to not notice Pamalyn?)
Scanning guard to see additional weapons : 2eA+1eB+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat
you don't have your unique items not yet
why did you add a blue? your scanner goggles only remove the black for darkness
Just now, Stormbourne said:you don't have your unique items not yet
why did you add a blue? your scanner goggles only remove the black for darkness
I checked with you in the OOC thread if I can gain a boost dice for actively searching and taking my time. But you did not respond.
1 minute ago, Sincereagape said:I checked with you in the OOC thread if I can gain a boost dice for actively searching and taking my time. But you did not respond.
okay well this will catch you up to what's been happening so far
so no else
he does have a every nice gun at his hip a nova viper if your not much mistaken he does notice you though
like what you see?
"If you are referring to yourself? Then no. Because you are the sleaziest Selonian I've ever seen this side of Nar Shadda."
Pamalyn had to hold back a racist comment towards Selonians. She just wanted to get out of here, but did not want to resort to racial slurs..just yet.
"Now, if you are referring to the Nova Viper at the side of your hip? Then Yes. Because that is my gun, and by the end of the day that'll be back in my possession."
OOC: Did I notice any other guards in the room?
7 minutes ago, Sincereagape said:"If you are referring to yourself? Then no. Because you are the sleaziest Selonian I've ever seen this side of Nar Shadda."
Pamalyn had to hold back a racist comment towards Selonians. She just wanted to get out of here, but did not want to resort to racial slurs..just yet.
"Now, if you are referring to the Nova Viper at the side of your hip? Then Yes. Because that is my gun, and by the end of the day that'll be back in my possession."
OOC: Did I notice any other guards in the room?
i said that there was no one
your gun? he says sauntering over to your cell i didn't realise my father took this off you, and you are lively for a corpse as he waves the gun at you
i do believe mentioning that you didn't spawn with your unique items but they are all on the ship
Edited by Stormbourne“Still a daddy’s boy eh? Better than being still attached to your mother I guess. But my intuition says your still sucking on her teet with no plans of being weened off anytime soon.”
Pamalyn still remained in her Asian squat position with plans to go prone if the Selonian was being trigger happy. She did not see anyone else in the room which was a good thing. It is only a matter of taking care of this one.
"Ugh, what's going on..." Zeec Mejin trails off as he awakens to find himself in a strange place. He cautiously watches the exchange between the two strangers, carefully weighing his options. At last, he speaks. "I have done you no harm. What is the purpose of your detaining me here?"
Dashtha lay on the cold floor, other people were making a lot of noise. She just wanted to sleep. She'd been through a lot and this hadn't helped any. A slight moment of panic made her jolt up as she tried to find her satchel with her experiment samples. It wasn't there. She looked about the dingy room hoping to see it discarded on the floor.
9 hours ago, Sincereagape said:“Still a daddy’s boy eh? Better than being still attached to your mother I guess. But my intuition says your still sucking on her teet with no plans of being weened off anytime soon.”
Pamalyn still remained in her Asian squat position with plans to go prone if the Selonian was being trigger happy. She did not see anyone else in the room which was a good thing. It is only a matter of taking care of this one.
slapped in the face
1 failure, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
so he turns off the front wall to your cell spins around in a full 360 but misses hitting you with his tail and puts the barrier back up before you can react
8 hours ago, btmaja said:"Ugh, what's going on..." Zeec Mejin trails off as he awakens to find himself in a strange place. He cautiously watches the exchange between the two strangers, carefully weighing his options. At last, he speaks. "I have done you no harm. What is the purpose of your detaining me here?"
turning to you you sell, we sell you
4 hours ago, SithArissa said:Dashtha lay on the cold floor, other people were making a lot of noise. She just wanted to sleep. She'd been through a lot and this hadn't helped any. A slight moment of panic made her jolt up as she tried to find her satchel with her experiment samples. It wasn't there. She looked about the dingy room hoping to see it discarded on the floor.
nope but considering your familiarity with it you can easily pick out it scent someones smoking it
Undeterred by the gruff response he received from the guard, Zeec nods assuringly at the woman who had addressed him. The vents might indeed be a good avenue for escape... but something would first have to be done about this guard. Zeec begins closely observing the guard, waiting for him to make a mistake of some kind.
Scanning the room, Pamalyn is able to notice the Maintenance duct. When the Selonian falls back to sleep, she scoots over to her other cell mates and whispers to whomever will listen...
”There might be a way out of here.”
she motions to the maintenance duct.
(OOC: is there just one maintenance duct or does each cell have one?)
Edited by Sincereagape7 hours ago, Sincereagape said:Scanning the room, Pamalyn is able to notice the Maintenance duct. When the Selonian falls back to sleep, she scoots over to her other cell mates and whispers to whomever will listen...
”There might be a way out of here.”
she motions to the maintenance duct.
(OOC: is there just one maintenance duct or does each cell have one?)
just one for the room
Zeec nods at Pamalyn, having now also noticed the vent that she pointed out.
"That is likely our best chance of escape. But first we must see to these cell doors. Beyond that, I think we will all have to work together for our mutual benefit. With that in mind, does anyone here have the means of opening these doors without alerting the guard?"
"Already tried, but no chance-cube. The furball seems easily provoked, though..." Lance trails off, thoughts wandering, but not really forming a plan as yet.
"Don't know about you guys and gals, but I'll make a lousy slave."
The Rodian and the Male Human take time to respond to Pamalyn.
“I am open to working together in order to get out of here. Slavery doesn’t suit me either. You guys might end up in the spice mines while I’ll end up dressed in a slave bikini dancing for a sponge Hutt.”
Pamalyn goes to examine the maintenance duct.
“I am going to see where this leads. If I’m not back when the fur ball wakes up. Distract him. He’s easily triggered.”
Pamaly says with a wink.
(OOC: @Stormbourne pamaly will examine if the maintenance duct has some type of lock on it.
If she can open it. She will crawl through and see where it leads. )
5 hours ago, Sincereagape said:The Rodian and the Male Human take time to respond to Pamalyn.
“I am open to working together in order to get out of here. Slavery doesn’t suit me either. You guys might end up in the spice mines while I’ll end up dressed in a slave bikini dancing for a sponge Hutt.”
Pamalyn goes to examine the maintenance duct.
“I am going to see where this leads. If I’m not back when the fur ball wakes up. Distract him. He’s easily triggered.”
Pamaly says with a wink.
(OOC: @Stormbourne pamaly will examine if the maintenance duct has some type of lock on it.
If she can open it. She will crawl through and see where it leads. )
well could i get a
mechanics check to unlock your cell first? any one else who is trying to get out of there cell can also make the same check
you can try again if you wish but you get to ignore the
With their captor's disclosure that they are to be sold into slavery, Lance begins tediously fiddling with the lock once more, this time with a true sense of urgency. This is not just another holding cell wake up following a night of fuzzily-remembered revelry...
His renewed efforts are met with success.. but they do not go unnoticed...
(Do we have all our personal equipment other than our weapons and 'unique' items? I'd like Lance to spin and activate his grab-chute, try to entangle the awakening guard.)