Dori hero and Beorn hero

By alcuin18, in Rules questions & answers

I'm not sure if this has been asked before but can you use hero Dori's defense adding ability with hero Beorn since it targets the defense of a hero and not the hero?

Dori's text:

Response: After another hero is declared as a defender, exhaust Dori to add his defense to the defending hero's defense for this attack.

Beorn's text:

Sentinel. Cannot have attachments.

Immune to player card effects.

Beorn does not exhaust to defend

Sadly it doesn't work. You can target Beorn's resource pool, but targetting Beorn's defense is targeting Beorn.

Thanks for the quick reply! That's a bummer. It would really make Dori a more viable hero. 😞

On the hall of Beorn search application is a ‘Beorn Support’ category. There are several options you can find there.