A Unique visual Battle Report

By Evoknight, in Battle Reports

I am trying a new approach to battle reports and not doing the same old YouTube video report. It is broken into multiple episodes because my daughter couldn't play through a full game in one sitting < dam kids attention span>

I hope you enjoy!




These are great! Love the still format and the added graphics really help paint a scene. I appreciated your "top-down" overview of the battlefield leading into Turn 5. Helped with getting my bearings and put the "action shots" into perspective.

Thanks for the compliments! I am going to continue to use this format. I find that the Video reports are to time consuming and filled with " dead air" not to mention the camera work isnt consistant. I am a graphic designer so using images and graphics are easier than editing :)

Thanks again for the kind words.

I'm kinda doing both time lapse and still report on blogger and YouTube.. your detail and story and fantastic

These are great! Very visual I love it, nice paint jobs btw.

I can't watch a 30min YouTube video where it's all watching them roll dice. No one wants to see dice rolls, just show moves and shooting results.

Does the Empire list not add up to 354?

Great work! These were a lot of fun to read.

Very cute and well done battle report. It was a lot of fun to read!