How compatible will it be???

By Blustar, in Deathwatch

I'm just wondering, are we going to need to learn 3 different rulesets to play DH, RT and DW or will they all be compatible?

Have you been able to mix DH and RT yet?


Other than a few changes, they all use the same system.

I don't even use or like the system, but they all seem to be pretty much the same. gran_risa.gif

Beyond that, though, I'm going to shut up.


They're all compatible so far, can't see them changing that in Deathwatch. The difference in game system between RT and DH is only in starting level, which is the difference between those 2 and Ascension, and will probably expand to include Deathwatch.

DH ans RT are fully compatible, (leaving out the changes in the psychic rules). The diference is all a matter of power, (so like is with Ascension, and will be with DW). The Core Rules doesn't change, so are compatibles.

Maybe what you are asking is if is it possible to mix characters from both games, (or any other with this system). My answer is "maybe". The diference of power takes lots of work from the GM to make game balance. I'm running a RT game with a player who plays a DH character, (and the group has some NCP chars who use DH career), in some cases the DH character outgunned the RT characters, (having +10 or +20 skills), but in other cases the RT characters make the diference with their superior atributes. Startly i had the problem with the careers, (when the DH career end), but Ascension solves my problem with this...

i really dont have much more to add other than they are all compatible, as they are all made to be compatible and with Ascension the RT psyker rules are translated into DH terms and DH characters get RT power levels as well as the influence system needed to.

i can see deathwatch requiring a level 8 DH character to be on par with a rank 1 marine or a rank 5 RT character, just my guessing as of right now

I'm thinking that DW starting marines will be on par with ascension DH.