I really want the First Order (and Resistance) and why they are viable as factions.

By That Blasted Samophlange, in Star Wars: Legion

I actually really like the look of the First Order, I find most of them look more visually appealing than the Empire. The resistance on the other hand. .. I feel like they really downgraded from the look of the Rebels.

I have mixed feelings I like the look of the first order but not really sure how they are different from the empire. As much as stormtroopers are made fun of these days when we first see them in action they murder walk through trained marines who controlled a choke point. Our first look at First Order stormtroopers they beat some backwater hicks with scrapped together weapons. I never got the feel that First Order stormtroopers where scary or even particularly good at combat (with the exception of Finn and "TR-8R")

We haven't seen enough of the resistance infantry for me to have an honest opinion of them.

I'm all for FO and even Resistance just to add more variety. I won't play them, but I would love to play against them just so every game isn't rebel vs. imperial or a mirror match.

I will be playing Republic, though, and my son plans on playing Separatists.

Edited by Darth 2Face

I did not like the Resistance equipment. Wasn't cool. I felt like the resistance military did absolutely nothing in the movies but either die for drama or provide the maiden in distress for the heroes to save. The sequel trilogy puts too much emphasis on the hero characters I think. The rank and file appear utterly useless.

That being said, yeah, first order had cool gear and I'd be happy to see them in Legion.

I think FO can stand as a separate faction but at the end of TLJ the resistance becomes the (new) Rebellion. Even the speeders they use are supposed to be old Rebellion tech. I submit that for game purposes,the First Order could still be a new faction but the Resistance really just become an add-on for the Rebellion. That way if they ever do Scum and Villainy that would be the six faction as opposed to having the resistance taking up that slot.

I'm eager for sequel trilogy factions. FFG has proven they can make distinct factions in X-Wing and I've no doubt they can do the same in Legion, and the more factions the better. It'll keep the game fresh and interesting. Another season or two of Resistance and Ep IX should provide plenty of material for both FO and Resistance.

Also, bow to the First Order!!!

On 3/7/2019 at 2:22 AM, chr335 said:

I have mixed feelings I like the look of the first order but not really sure how they are different from the empire.

My thoughts exactly. The clones are already almost too similar to stormtroopers...

However, some alternate heads and a character or two wouldn't be bad, I guess.

On 3/8/2019 at 2:20 PM, Obvious_Ninja said:

That   way if they ever do Scum and Villainy that would be the six factio  n as opposed to having the resistance taking up that slot.  

X-Wing has 7, there’s nothing stopping an odd number from happening here as well.

Until Ep 9 potentially I don’t feel like the Resistance has enough distinct ground troops, tbh, though. And FO isn’t a ton better, really?

I approve this message! I can't wait for them too!

I will probably never play them, but would not care if they came out. I think the basic trooper unit could be the same as the imperial storm trooper but change courage value to 2 or more since they are brainwashed. Probably need to wait another couple years before that happens though. Resistance, maybe make pilots special forces? But just copy basic Troop from rebel.

On 3/5/2019 at 1:35 AM, xmarkusx said:

Would love to have the new trilogy -era stuff out for Legion! Anything rather than Clone Wars -era, it blows my mind that people really nowdays like that ****.

No need for new factions either, Resistance = Rebels and First Order = Empire -as far i'm concerned.

Same here. Those movies were so terrible and I don’t care about how good a children’s cartoon was. Nothing makes me have interest in clone wars era. Now I do have interest in the resistance and first order. Kylo ren would be a fun commander.

9 minutes ago, ninclouse2000 said:

Same here. Those movies were so terrible and I don’t care about how good a children’s cartoon was. Nothing makes me have interest in clone wars era. Now I do have interest in the resistance and first order. Kylo ren would be a fun commander.

...I’ve gotta say I don’t think I’ve ever come across that pair of opinions before o_O

1 minute ago, SpiderMana said:

...I’ve gotta say I don’t think I’ve ever come across that pair of opinions before o_O

I feel like jj abrams did with Kylo what George Lucas wanted to do with Anakin but was unable and it only took jj one flick to write an emotional villain that I was entertained by. Plus there wasn’t an army of stupid droids in the new trilogy.

3 hours ago, SpiderMana said:

...I’ve gotta say I don’t think I’ve ever come across that pair of opinions before o_O

It’s not terribly dissimilar from the only people who like the prequels being those who were children when they came out.

To be fair, the clone wars cartoon only has a few pretty good episodes anyway.

The CIS droids are conceptually cool, though. (Roger roger)

I would love to see the sequel trilogy content in Legion. I think the FO already has plenty of variety, and after IX I’m sure the resistance will have enough to at least get started. I’m sure after the ST is done there will be a lot more content in comics, games, and books allowed for that era to expand it more also. Not to mention Disney’s new streaming service.

I would definitely like to play the First Order! Kylo Ren would probably be able to immobilize things with a command card or a force upgrade. I’d imagine the troopers to be more elite than the empire. Maybe black attack dice but obviously more expensive.

14 minutes ago, Derrault said:

It’s  not terribly dissimilar from the only people who like the prequels being those who were children when they came  ou   t  . 

I mean I fall in that category. I was 3(?) when TPM came out.

But in my experience people willing to look past the sequel trilogy’s flaws are also perfectly willing to look past the Prequels’ flaws. Because in the end what matters is spaceships and laser swords and cool-white-armor dudes.

I think it would be easy to add the FO and resistance as minor factions for the empire and rebels. But then again they would be able to come up with full factions. The FO have a lot of hardware, and I'm sure the res have plenty of official concept art for stuff. Yes they look and function practically the same as their forebears, but FFG could write in rules that make them different enough. I don't see FFG wasting the sequels when they can eventually get around to it. X-Wing has FO and Res, so I'd imagine they'll eventually do the same here.

On 3/6/2019 at 2:13 AM, Bohemian73 said:

last year it seemed more people wanted Clone Wars over the sequels. There is just so much more content there with 3 movies and the TV series.

Well, the poll I did last year definitely showed that people wanted Clone Wars first and foremost, with scum a little ways behind. Very few people wanted the Sequels. Of course this may have changed by now.

I am all for more variety but I would likely not buy sequel stuff. My budget strains with just OT stuff and I made a promise to my brother that I would buy clone wars stuff if they announced it no questions asked.

2 hours ago, Derrault said:

To be fair, the clone wars cartoon only has a few pretty good episodes anyway.


On 3/4/2019 at 3:35 PM, bllaw said:

Adding more factions makes it more confusing and a lot harder to keep the game balanced.

Imagine the game had no factions.

Sure it would be “balanced” but it’s likely the playable pool of units would shrink to only the most viable options.

It’s much much harder to create options that are balanced as your pool of options grows.

Factions split the pool of options meaning overall you get more viable options.

They do want to make sure the factions are fun to play against each other and this does get harder the more factions a game has. But overall if you want a game to keep growing they need to one or more of the following things.

make more factions.


make old options obsolete. (Power creep)


establish limited formats (hyperspace)

Im not sure the game will get to a level of unit diversity where we need limited format like hyperspace But I could totally see them moving comptitive to a lower point total and more restrictive org chart.

Edited by TylerTT
5 minutes ago, TylerTT said:

Imagine the game had no factions.

Sure it would be “balanced” but it’s likely the playable pool of units would shrink to only the most viable options.

It’s much much harder to create options that are balanced as your pool of options grows.

Factions split the pool of options meaning overall you get more viable options.

They do want to make sure the factions are fun to play against each other and this does get harder the more factions a game has. But overall if you want a game to keep growing they need to one or more of the following things.

make more factions.


make old options obsolete. (Power creep)


establish limited formats (hyperspace)

Im not sure the game will get to a level of unit diversity where we need limited format like hyperspace But I could totally see them moving comptitive to a lower point total and more restrictive org chart.

A lower point total? Wow. You’v just gone the complete opposite way to most of the forum who say the point total should go up. Why do you think a lower point total would be an improvement?

Big games are great for fun events and Leagues where you only want one match per evening.

If you want to play multiple rounds in a day and host lots of players you need a tighter play time and less space.

Also a tighter org chart would lead to less spamming of the most powerful units, lessening the effect of imbalanced options.

And it’s much easier to recruit more players if the event format has a lower barrier to entry.

i foresee more support for low and higher point games of legion.

1 minute ago, TylerTT said:

Big games are great for fun events and Leagues where you only want one match per evening.

If you want to play multiple rounds in a day and host lots of players you need a tighter play time and less space.

Also a tighter org chart would lead to less spamming of the most powerful units, lessening the effect of imbalanced options.

And it’s much easier to recruit more players if the event format has a lower barrier to entry.

i foresee more support for low and higher point games of legion.

I understand your points but no one spams the most powerful units. Currently the most powerful units are Vader and arguably the at-st. They are both balanced by being extremely expensive. Even if you do bring 2 at-sts if you go against someone of the same skill as you who has no at-sts but more corps you will likely lose.

There are currently 7 potential factions, 4 of which are confirmed/in-game already:





First Order


Generic Scum That Don't Fit Anywhere Else

1 hour ago, Jabby said:

I understand your points but no one spams the most powerful units. Currently the most powerful units are Vader and arguably the at-st. They are both balanced by being extremely expensive. Even if you do bring 2 at-sts if you go against someone of the same skill as you who has no at-sts but more corps you will likely lose.

most powerful relative to point costs.

so like sniper teams and activation spam.