Am I the only person that thinks it's crazy that Fantasy Flight is charging the same price for the MoD deluxe game mat as they are the MoD expansion?
As far as I've heard, the Deluxe Game-mat is the only thing that is included, and it doesn't include any of the house cards or tokens that comes with the regular Mother of Dragons expansion, correct? First off, consider the fact that the second edition comes with the traditional 6 houses, 6 sets of house cards, 6 sets of house tokens, 6 sets of plastic combat pieces, the tides of war deck, the 3 Westeros Decks, the Wildlings deck, the 3 influence track tokens, and the game board for $60. Charging $40 for just a large board and nothing else feels unreasonable. Does that large cardboard game mat really cost anywhere close to $40 to make? I understand Fantasy Flight is a business that needs to make money, but $40?? How can Fantasy Flight truly say that the $40 for the "Deluxe" cardboard Game-mat is fairly priced???
If my friends and I wanted to play MoD with the Deluxe map it would cost us $80 ($40 for the Mod expansion and $40 for the Deluxe game mat). That's $20 more than the base game! I don't think this is a fair price. Obviously I can play the MoD expansion without the Delux game map, (which I have, tons of fun, actually just won last night with house Targaryen), but we play enough that upgrading to the deluxe board would be worth it, just probably not at the price of $40 because my friend has already spent $40. I completely understand that no one is forcing us to buy it , but come on, $40 for just a board, and the only way to use that board is if you've already spent another $40? Again, how can Fantasy Flight truly say that the $40 for the "Deluxe" cardboard Game-mat is fairly priced???
I hope that Fantasy Flight plans on implementing a discount for people who have already bought the MoD expansion, or a pre-order discount.
Does anyone else feel this way?
Am I just an old man yelling at the clouds?
Edited by mcadam316