Are there any players in or around Winter Park Florida?

By theslinger0056, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

I am just looking for more people to play the game with cuz i'm thinking of jumping back in. If anyone is interested cool stuff games in winter park is a ideal place

there's a cool stuff games in florida hosting a regional in June, see the AGOT main page...

i was sort of wondering what kind of florida crowd there might be to host a regional anyway

yeah i don't know i have never seen anyone playing there.

I'm in Spring Hill...about 2 hours away.

I've visited the cool stuff store; I do ALL my online ordering from them, they rock.

I might be willing to make a road trip there, if it seemed like a good tourney was happening or soemthing.

Wish I was closer, though.

do you have any people around your area who play? I mean if we can find enough people we could do a tournament or something.

I can get a couple of people up to speed...

I have one bud who loves the game, but he lives in Clearwater...

My wife plays, but almost...reluctantly, hehe. Just to sate me, really. She's more a fan of the novels themselves, than the games...

I have 1-2 others in mind who could get into it; especially once they start reading the books! (Which they've said should be soon...)

well thats pretty good i might be able to get one or two of my friends in to it. And i think some time this week im going to go to cool stuff and talk to the store owners and ask if there are any players who show up for thrones.

I used to to go Cool Stuff regularly, last time was a few months ago, but on Wednesday nights there are a few people that do play there. I dont own any cards, and they were nice enough to let me play one of their decks and help out as we played.

Wednesday nights is there board game night.

Usually starts around 7ish.

cool thanks man