Coruscant Back Alley's Triple Cross mission

By Fightwookies, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hey @a1bert

Can neutral figures suffer damage from Blast/Cleave/Parting Gift/Demolish? I would have previously thought yes, but Neutral Figures says:

"These figures cannot suffer H (damage) or be targeted by attacks, abilities, or any game effect except as specified by the mission’s rules."

If those abilities/effects aren't specified in the Mission rules, they should not be able to impact the gangsters (neutral figures), right? I feel like I might be missing a ruling on that somewhere, but haven't been able to track it down.

And that brought us to another question.

Greg Monson also pointed out on Slack that the Triple Cross mission rules don't specifically allow you to attack the gangsters. For contrast, Uscru Courier mission specifically notes that you can attack the droids. So, RAW currently, it doesn't seem like there is any legal way to attack the gangsters?

Edited by Fightwookies


They should probably just errata it to hostile figures. I don't think being neutral really adds any value to the mission and just makes the rules more confusing/broken.

If a figure or object has Health, it can suffer damage. (And by extension can be target of an attack. By having health, "as specified by mission rules" covers abilities that make the target suffer damage.)

Being hostile would add other complications, for example extra movement point cost, being able to push them, etc.

Edited by a1bert
23 hours ago, a1bert said:

If a figure   or object has Health, it can suffer damage. (And by extension can be target of an attack. By having health, "as specified by mission rules" covers abilities that make the target suffer damage.)

That’s good enough for me, but just a quick follow-up.

Is it written somewhere that if a figure or object has health it can be attacked? I don’t fully understand why Uscru Priority Message specifies that you can attack the droids (objects), and Triple Cross doesn’t make the same specification about the gangsters (neutral). Is that just inconsistencies?

Edited by Fightwookies

The mission rules should say the object can be attacked, then it automatically can suffer damage from other sources. If the mission rules give object health but doesn't add any ways to make the object suffer damage, it's "obvious" that it should be able suffer damage from somewhere, thus being able to be targeted.

As for Triple Cross, inconsistency that has been missed by the editors. Space on cards is often an issue, but there seems to be just enough space to include the basic "can be attacked". There are some precedents in Jabba's Realm for neutral figures with health though. (Although some mission was later errata'ed to no longer be neutral figure.)

Edited by a1bert

So then, since it’s “intended” that they can be attacked because they have health (which I get and would argue for being necessary because it has to be able to die somehow to gain vps), is it intended that actions like Vader’s choke can target a gangster? Or is that specifically not intended by calling the gangsters neutral figures instead of “hostile figures” as Vader’s ability specifies?

I'll have to ask. Force Choke requires a hostile figure, but allowing attacking (overriding the hostile requirement) still doesn't make a neutral figure hostile.

Since the gangsters are neutral, I guess that Jabba's Nefarious Gains ability does not apply with them either.

In this mission, the adjective "neutral" is restricting certain actions and abilities. Seems it's not coincidental.

Edited by bokepasa

What happens, if the space, you want to deploy a gangster on, is not free?

- No gangster deployed?

- Reroll?

- Deploy as close as possible?

Edited by DerBaer

Deploy as close as possible, with the player who rolled the die choosing the location if there are multiple valid spaces

Deploy tells you to place the figure on or as close to the specified location (space or tile) as possible.
