I haven't been visiting this part of the forum for some time, as I was tired of all the complaints (including my own). So I gave it some time and kept hope the squad builder would improve. In meantime I have played X-Wing, but haven't touched the official Squad Builder until today.
In two weeks time the app is available for 6 months. FFG themselves stated that " several cr itical fea tures were either missing or non-functional ", that they " are dedicated to providing you with the best possible Squad Builder experience " and that" y ou c an expect to see immed iate and regular updat es to th e web site an d m obile app s o ver the n ext seve r al d ay s ".
So I'm wondering what critical features were missing, that have since been added? I can't really see the dedication to create the best possible Squad Building experience, not even remotely. The app gets some updates for new X-Wing content or formats, some minor fixes and that's it. Most of the feedback in this forum is valid, but ignored.
I came to the realization that this won't change. This is the level of quality and functionality of the official Squad Builder. Maybe my expectations were too high (I doubt so), but I'm fine with it now. I just use a third party squad builder.
Posted this here to see if others are still having hope, because of FFG's claim/goal to bring the best possible Squad Builder experience, or that most of you came to the same conclusion as me (ages ago ;)).