2 Questions about Doran Martell

By mcadam316, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game

Doran Martell's card effect reads: " Immediately move your opponent to the bottom of one influence track of your choice."

My first question is this:

1a.) Say the Baratheon player attacks the Martell player, and Baratheon is in the First position on the Fiefdom track and Martell is second. Baratheon therefor holds the Valyrian Steel blade. If the Martell player plays Doran, and chooses to immediately send Baratheon to the bottom of the Fiefdom track, then that would mean that Martell moves into the first position, and Baratheon has to give Martell the Valyrian Steel blade, correct? Is this true, or does Baratheon get to hold the sword until the end of the round?

1b.) If Martell now holds the blade then is he able to use it in that same combat against Baratheon?

1c.) Everything is the same in this situation, but Baratheon had used the Valyrian Steel blade in a combat prior to the one it initiated on Martell. When Martell uses Doran to take the Valyrian Steel blade from Baratheon, can Martell use the sword that same turn or will he have to wait until next round? To put it in simpler terms, since the Valyrian steel blade can only be used once per turn, it can't be used again even if it changes hands from one player to another because of card effects, correct?

The second question:

2a.) Say the Baratheon player attacks the Martell player, and Baratheon is in the First position on the Kings Court. Therefor, Baratheon holds the Messenger Raven and is able to play three star ( ) tokens. In this example, Baratheon attacks Martell with an attack +1, and supports his attack with a support +1. If the Martell player plays Doran, and chooses to send Baratheon to the bottom of the Kings court track, then that would mean that Baratheon is no longer able to play star tokens, correct? If the card's effect is " immediate " then wouldn't that mean that Baratheon has to remove all star token pieces from the board immediately ?

2b.) If yes, does that mean that the Baratheon attack that was initiated using an attack +1 is canceled because Baratheon can no longer play star tokens?

Let me know if I'm not being clear. I tried to give as much detail as possible.



Edited by mcadam316

1a Yes it moves at step 3 of combat (playing cards and resolving text ability), so it switches before the blade can be used by Baratheon

1b Yes, Martell can now use it at step 4 of combat.

1c The blade can only be used once a turn, so it is considered used (and remains flipped to the used side) until the next turn.

2a & b It won't affect the orders already on the board for that turn. This question is actually in the faq - https://images-cdn.fantasyflightgames.com/filer_public/54/52/5452515d-61a6-47d3-898b-ee4913228b0b/va65_agot2_faq_v1_4.pdf