[Sierra Vista, AZ] Tournament at Orbital Games (March 23rd)

By Admiral Calkins, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Orbital Games and Cochise Squadron will be hosting a casual Armada tournament in Sierra Vista on Saturday, March 23rd, 2019. This event is to introduce some of our newer players to the Armada tournament scene as well as invite players from our fellow groups to the north down for a fun event (Tucson, Phoenix, and even Prescott). Registration for the event will be from 11:00 - 11:45am. Introductions, rules briefing, and first round pairings will be from 11:45am - 12:00pm, with the First Round kicking off at 12:00pm. The entry fee is $5 (and we already have enough players committed for a proper three-round swiss-style tournament). Please bring two copies of you fleet list. Prizes will be from the 2018 Season Three Organized Play kit. We look forward to seeing you there and May the Force be With You!


If only I was still at Huachuca haha, have a good time.

31 minutes ago, MDeliso said:

If only I was still at Huachuca haha, have a good time.

Thanks. Wish you were here too. We can never have too many players.

So awesome that you jump started that scene, man. Maybe I'll get back there TDY some day soon.

13 minutes ago, Truthiness said:

So awesome that you jump started that scene, man. Maybe I'll get back there TDY some day soon.

Me too. It was either that or weekly matches with the only other Armada player in a 50-mile radius. We're even pulling people from Tucson now to come down and play.

That would be great if you get back here on TDY. I'll let you know if I'm ever TDY to the Beltway (or can actually make it to NOVA).