Finally found my first victory today. My Leia + Triple AT-RT defeated Vader & Boba in a game of Long March, Key Positions, and Limited Visibility.
The objectives were a hill on the Imperial end, a large building in the center, and a hollowed out tree on my Rebel end.
I deployed most of my forces in the center, with my Fleet trooper squad almost already in base contact with the nearest objective. Two squads of Rebel Troopers deployed on the left and right flank, each. My Sniper team deployed behind some crates, next to a building on the left flank. I opted to deploy the pack of AT-RTs in the center, but leaning more to the left flank.
Round One.
With Limited Visibility, Coordinated Bombardment was out of the question until Round Three. So I started with No Time For Sorrows (vs Standing Orders). I lost my last game due to being too passive so I thought the extra move for some troopers would help. I sent one squad on the left flank into heavy cover, and moved my Fleets beneath the tree (it was hollow with openings in front and behind, so they could walk through it completely).
With the Limited Viz, nothing really happened. The Imperials moved a Stormtrooper squad up on my right and a full squad of Saboteur Scouts. Boba raced up the left, with another Stormtrooper squad, a Snowtrooper squad, and support from a Sniper scout team in a high building. Vader came plodding down the center.
Round Two.
I played Covering Fire, as we would be able to get into range 3 and make some attacks. On my right flank, I whittled down a Stormtrooper squad to just 3 minis, which included the DLT. The Imperial Scouts tossed out a bomb. I took the risk of activating my nearest AT-RT, which already had 2 wounds. I luckily suffered no damage and being barely able to see the Scouts, fired back and took a few of them down.
Boba came in a annihilated one of my rotary RTs, which had been softened by the advancing Stormtroopers. However, the Laser Cannon RT fired back and put a couple wounds onto Boba. Leia moved to the right flank to hand out dodges and some inspiration. My snipers just waited for the visibility to clear.
Round Three.
With one AT-RT down, I played Turning the Tide. I activated one to get the Stormtroopers on the left flank down to almost nothing. With my Troopers on the right flank out of cover, I pulled the Fleets out of the tree and they reached range 2 of the Scouts. 12 dice took them down, but saved 2 minis with E Stims. Vader came and threw his lightsaber, cutting the second Rotary AT-RT down. Boba was pressing the issue on my left, flamethrowering an entire Trooper squad, so I sent the cannon RT toward him, behind a house. Leia returned to the left flank as it began to waver.
Round Four.
Leia called in the Coordinated Bombardment. While the battle had already resulted in many losses, and several high-value targets were too close to hit, she managed to kill one member of the Sniper team, kill the unit leader of the Stormtrooper squad on the right flank, and hit a couple Snowtroopers. However, Vader swung around the center building and engaged my Fleets. You can guess how that went. He did not wipe them all in one go, so they punched back, delivering a couple wounds.
After Boba BBQ'd one of my squads on the left, the laser AT-RT hurtled some crates to engage him. A melee put him to 3 wounds, and shut him down for the round. He withdrew and escaped into the house.
Round Five.
Sabotaged Communications. I was down to thin Trooper forces. My snipers had clear fire on Vader & the remnants of the Imperials on the right flank. With Boba escaped, I decided to hit the advancing Snowtroopers with my last troopers on the left flank, and the last AT-RT finished them off. I had one squad on the right flank down to just a unit leader, who retreated to claim the objective (Tree). I only had to worry about Vader & Boba.
Round Six.
Somebody Has to Save Our Skins (vs Whipcord)
Boba Fett seemed uncertain of venturing out of the house just yet, he would enter a crossfire of Leia, Sniper team, the laser AT-RT, and the last two troopers (Z6) of my last squad on the left flank.
Leia rallied the 2-man Trooper squad, moved into base contact with the tree and used take cover to Dodge herself and the 2-man Trooper unit. Then, I got to immediately activate those troopers. I had to clear their last Suppression to get 2 actions. A lucky die meant they sprinted into base contact with the center objective building.
With my having 2 points to 0, Boba rocketed out of the house to contest the center. Since Leia had already activated and had E-Stims, he couldn't kill her. Vader couldn't make it to the center, and the Imperial sniper team couldn't make it back to the hill objective, giving me the win.
My list:
Leia Organa 90
Esteemed Leader,
Emergency Stims,
Fleet Troopers 44
Scatter Gun Trooper,
Fleet Trooper,
Targeting Scopes,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Troopers 40
Z-6 Trooper,
Rebel Trooper,
Rebel Commandos (Strike Team) 16
DH-447 Sniper,
Duck and Cover,
Long-Range Comlink,
AT-RT 55
AT-RT Laser Cannon,
AT-RT 55
AT-RT Rotary Blaster,
AT-RT 55
AT-RT Rotary Blaster,
Standing Orders,
No Time for Sorrows,
Coordinated Bombardment,
Somebody Has to Save Our Skins,
Turning the Tide,
Sabotaged Communications,
Covering Fire,