Strength, Craft and Life Tokens for Talisman

By Duke_of_the_Blood_Keep, in Fantasy Flight Supply

What do you think the chances are that FFG might release these as a separate token set? Obviously these would be great for players who have the B:I edition of the game but also they would find many uses with other games and design projects.

Am I alone in thinking these would make a great addition to the range?

I think this would be a great idea, my friends and i play and we use all the wxpansions so we often have more then 8 players (yes games take forver, sometimes two days) but we run out of tokens and end up using what ever we can. i would buy a set of tokens maybe two if FFG sold them.


FFG already have a range of the "butterscotch" tokens in various colours, so I doubt they would add the tokens from Talisman which were made from the origianl GW ones.

That said, I think it would be a pretty cool addition to the range, especially if they had a whole new range of colours.