Malaga IA Regional (Spain) - 02/16/2019

By bokepasa, in Imperial Assault Organized Play

Hi all,

On Saturday 16 February the third IA Regional was played in Spain. This time it was in Málaga (Andalucía).

The event gathered 14 players. The winner was Lucas Carrillo with a Rebels list including: Han, Chewie, Sabine, Gideon, Hera, 3PO, R2D2 and Heroic Effort.

After 4 Swiss Rounds, the Top8 was as follows:

1. Alberto (ADG) 4-0 Spectres (Extra Armor)
2. Lucas Carrillo 3-1 Rebels (Han, Chewie, Sabine, Gideon, Hera, 3PO, R2D2, Heroic Effort)
3. Javier Alcalde 3-1 Scum (Jabba, Sabine, Hondo, eWeequays, eJawa, 3PO, R2, Greedo, Devious Scheme)
4. Miguel Sabio 3-1 Spectres (Doubt)
5. Oscar Frances 3-1 Spectres (Doubt)
6. Morfeo 2-2 Scum (Jabba, Sabine, Hondo, Onar, eJawa, Greedo, 3PO, R2D2, Devious Scheme, Black Market)
7. Jose Bernal 2-2 Scum (Jabba, Sabine, Hondo, eWeequays, eJawa, 3PO, R2, Greedo, Devious Scheme)ectres (Doubt)
8. Manuel Vicente 2-2 Rebels (Han, Sabine, Jyn Odan, Hera, 3PO, Gideon, Chopper,...)

Some conclusions after 3 Regionals in Spain:

  • The Spectre's supremacy has finally been defeated
  • Imperial faction is yet to appear in a Top8
  • Spectre's list seems a new faction :)


Edited by bokepasa