predicting both sides of an agenda with riders

By TheRyanAndKevinAlliance, in Twilight Imperium

Rules say you can't cast votes for more than one outcome on an agenda (8.7).

What about riders? If I've got two riders in my hand, can I use both, predicting different outcomes for each?

Spirit of the rules, maybe not (if you lean toward considering the riders as parallel to casting votes).

Rules as written? Silent so far. Anyone see anything that would prohibit this?

I see it as a viable tactic to play, say, both the Imperial and the Leadership(?) Riders on either side of a For/Against vote. That way, no matter the Agenda outcome you'd gain either a VP or three CCs.

Oh, definitely. Make your opponents choose which outcome they'd rather not give you. Was just consulting with everyone to make sure I hadn't missed a rule (or a ruling/errata). Thanks!

You can play riders to predict 2 different outcomes for SAME agenda.
totally legit. Confirmed by Dane (game dev).

Very cool, thanks! Going to get in a game this weekend, and this situation has come up at least once in each of the last couple times I've played.

Fun times!