DQ Adventures

By Drakson, in DungeonQuest

My wife and I love this game and have played it for years, owning the original and until recently have not bought a lot of these types of games. I have been killed in 4 moves, she turned around and went back to the starting position to win the game. I have been killed one move from getting out of the dungeon because I drew a rotating room tile and it rotated into a solid wall. I have fallen into the bottomless pit at the beginning and near the end. I have had to fight various monsters 15 times in 16 turns. Occasionally I have made it to the sleeping dragon, sometimes I get the treasure, sometimes not. If you wake him, you lose your treasure and not die but then you still have to make your way out before the sun sets. Sometimes not much time to waste and search rooms etc because the sun is always setting. Not a lot of strategy but you never know what is going to happen. Most of the time you don't make it, I think there is a 15% chance you will but more than likely you will be killed by something, fall into something, get stuck in a room and cannot light your torch (wasting time as the sun is setting) fall victim to a trap or some other thing will happen. This game can last a hour or in might last 5 or 10 minutes. Even if you are killed it is interesting to watch the other person to see what will happen and if he beats the sun going down, especially if you were killed into the middle of the game and not in the beginning and then like my wife just turns around and goes back and wins.

It is interesting when you enter the dragon chamber because as you get treasure the chance you will awaken him increases for you and for the next person who may enter. Sometimes if you are first you may try to get too much treasure so it will be harder on the next but then you awaken the dragon and lose all your treasure by being greedy.

I don't know what the rules will be in the new one but I didn't find the rules to be bad in the original. The original has 4 plastic charactures and except for the cards being small cardboard type material instead of newer plastic type material I am not sure what contents can be improved. Mine has held up for years.

A great game and it will be a good game for newer players who do not want a very long game or just want to play a game when they do not have a lot of time.