Kari’s Scouts

By sarumanthewhite, in Runewars List Building

I haven’t had a chance to really play the Outland Scouts just yet, but after 1 game, I can imagine what Seasoned Pathfinder can do. My opponent essentially had to surround a piece of terrain to prevent me from running up behind him. This disrupted his attack and essentially split his force. I would love to see a list which pushes this concept to the max by having little to none of its forces deployed during the normal setup process. For now, here’s what I have...

Kari Wraithstalker 32
Fortuna’s DIce 6
Heavy Crossbowmen 27
Rank Discipline 4
Wind Rune 6
Heavy Crossbowmen 27
Rank Discipline 4
Wind Rune 6
Rune Golems 28
Visored Helms 7
Outland Scouts 43
Moment of Inspiration 5
Seasoned Pathfinder 4