New SW Board Game Announced

By Duciris, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

Looks amazing, I’ve been a bit burnt by some of FFG’s more recent releases but this looks mint. Can’t wait to play it!

14 hours ago, jcmonson said:

IG-88 will be making an appearance as either a character or crew. So IG-88 could be one of the 3 and it would add another bounty hunter. That is from this quote from the product page:

Lando Calrissian may excel at rigging a game of sabacc, but IG-88 is more likely blast a hole in an organic!

I almost wrote that last night but didn't because you left off this part: " Your odds depend on your character and crew: Lando Calrissian may excel at rigging a game of sabacc, but IG-88 is more likely blast a hole in an organic!" So it is just as likely that IG-88 is a representative of another crew as it is that he is one of the 8 main characters.

yeah, I left that part out, but my fist sentence says basically the same thing. My point was that IG88 is confirmed in the game as a character or crew.

This is a PvP competitive game, so how would solo (small s) play?

17 minutes ago, jcmonson said:

yeah, I left that part out, but my fist sentence says basically the same thing. My point was that IG88 is confirmed in the game as a character or crew.

So ... it turns out I read your post too fast and didn't see that you specifically mentioned crew. My bad. 😳

1 hour ago, Budgernaut said:

So ... it turns out I read your post too fast and didn't see that you specifically mentioned crew. My bad. 😳

No worries

Its cheaper, quicker, and less mini intensive than Rebellion? I'm sold.

20 hours ago, Hida Vedaru said:

Hera is a good guess. Would expect either Cad Bane or Aurra Sing, as they both led crews and had ships at times.

Hera isn't scum or villainy. At least Jyn was kinda affiliated with the Partisans, which are a lot more scum than the rebels.

I'm happy that all of the mini-looking cards are full-sized instead, with their requirements slid under the player/ship boards. Mini cards irk me.

I'm hoping they'll do a live play before release. I feel their recent use of Streaming is a good direction.

Oh well. Another day one buy

I really like the idea of this game. Always thought the concept would make an amazing open world video game, but that never happened. Might have to get this.

On 2/9/2019 at 8:48 PM, Nerf_Herder2187 said:

Hera isn't scum or villainy. At least Jyn was kinda affiliated with the Partisans, which are a lot more scum than the rebels.

I dont think they all have to be "scum" eh? She was a smuggler, busting fuel and melons off of Lothal. Eventually she became a rebel, but she started before the rebellion was even a thing.

On 2/11/2019 at 1:35 PM, Hida Vedaru said:

I dont think they all have to be "scum" eh? She was a smuggler, busting fuel and melons off of Lothal. Eventually she became a rebel, but she started before the rebellion was even a thing.

She was only on Lothal at that point because Fulcrum had directed them there...because they were a cell of the Rebel Alliance.

But I think I understand what you're getting at. I love Hera in any game or media, so I hope she does appear.