Tie Phantom and Gunner??

By smauel, in X-Wing Squad Builder

1 hour ago, Damo1701 said:

Why are there no new Imperial gunner cards with the Decimator?

Probably in part because they said they wouldn't put non-conversion content in ships that were in the conversion kits.

3 hours ago, JJ48 said:

Probably in part because they said they wouldn't put non-conversion content in ships that were in the conversion kits.

Which leaves us with a ship that went from useful to not useful and virtually nothing to use in lists with multiples.

FFG also said they wouldn't restrict upgrades, but, the cross-faction upgrades have been found in single faction boxes, opening up the singles market once again, alongside not including enough generics in the kits.

Basically, the Empire have been diddled because they didn't playtest enough to know Vader should always have been a dual-slot upgrade, like Palpatine.

On 2/20/2019 at 7:10 AM, Damo1701 said:

Basically, the Empire have been diddled because they didn't playtest enough to know Vader should always have been a dual-slot upgrade, like Palpatine.

You'll notice Vader's points didn't change. Which means they didn't see him being unbalanced in other situations. As an empire player, I appreciate this change.

Edited by sthej
6 hours ago, sthej said:

You'll notice Vader's points didn't change. Which means they didn't see him being unbalanced in other situations. As an empire player, I appreciate this change.

While that's true, it doesn't help the lack of use the Phantom is going face until they do decide that they are going to try to "fix" it again.

Which, IMO, is a shame as it's rather fun to fly. It can be rather useful, with the right upgrades, which, now cannot appear.

15 hours ago, Damo1701 said:

While that's true, it doesn't help the lack of use the Phantom is going face until they do decide that they are going to try to "fix" it again.

Which, IMO, is a shame as it's rather fun to fly. It can be rather useful, with the right upgrades, which, now cannot appear.

Still seems pretty useful to me, and I still regularly see people fly it.

On 2/20/2019 at 10:06 AM, Damo1701 said:

Sorry, but, updating Vader to take 2 crew slots is by far the best change they could have made, while at the same time allowing phantoms to remain somewhat relevant in extended.

I mean, gunner/copilot is right there, I now can't take a perceptive Copilot on a pair of Phantoms now.

However, until there is actually a reason to get the Phantoms out, they will remain away.

An all-Phantom list taking second place in a System Open isn't 'relevant' or 'a reason to get them out'?