Campaign question

By Cavkov, in Legends of the Alliance

So I am very stoked to get into IA soon. (Playing Armada and Legion also). I really like what FFG have done with the app intergration and the Solo possibilities.

So my question is what are the differences between the campaign vs the app campaign?

Is it worth playing both with the app and with the rulebook?

They are different ways to play the game.

In the app there is no:
- "intelligent" opposition - the app has limited ways to scheme and plan ahead, so the app makes the figures more powerful, and heroes do not recover damage when they perform a rest (or other ways recover strain while having suffered no strain).
- imperial class deck - the app doesn't have imperial flavor apart from the flavor of the campaign itself. In the campaign the imperial side can be very different while playing the same campaign.
- agenda cards - the agenda cards provide small surprises to the rebels, increasing replayability.
The app replaces imperial class cards and agenda cards with group bonuses (often varying from one activation to the next), and sometimes campaign-specific activation instructions.

If your players do not have an issue with the 1 vs many, then the regular campaigns give a different experience. While the basic story is the same in Jabba's Realm and Return to Hoth, the missions are not, so playing one mode will not spoil the other.

So, "worth it" depends on the group.

1 hour ago, a1bert said:

They are different ways to play the game.

In the app there is no:
- "intelligent" opposition - the app has limited ways to scheme and plan ahead, so the app makes the figures more powerful, and heroes do not recover damage when they perform a rest (or other ways recover strain while having suffered no strain).
- imperial class deck - the app doesn't have imperial flavor apart from the flavor of the campaign itself. In the campaign the imperial side can be very different while playing the same campaign.
- agenda cards - the agenda cards provide small surprises to the rebels, increasing replayability.
The app replaces imperial class cards and agenda cards with group bonuses (often varying from one activation to the next), and sometimes campaign-specific activation instructions.

If your players do not have an issue with the 1 vs many, then the regular campaigns give a different experience. While the basic story is the same in Jabba's Realm and Return to Hoth, the missions are not, so playing one mode will not spoil the other.

So, "worth it" depends on the group.

Thank you. Yeah I understand that the mechanics may defer. Was thinking mostly about the story and missions. Cool!

The best way I've heard to describe it is that the app campaign is an adaption - its like the movie version of a book. It's shorter and cuts out the 'filler'; the basic storyline is the same but everything is a little different. And of course, some people will like one or the other more, depending on their tastes, or might appreciate both of them despite their differences.

I find the story elements and variety of missions and encounters is much richer with the app. It can manage things that an Imperial player just can't. It can adjust and scale the level of challenge on the fly. It can manage branching story lines and variations on map development that can't be managed live. I prefer the story development in the app version quite a lot. I also prefer the opportunity to work cooperatively with my friends. When you have a regular group of 4, the app offers the better experience, as far as I'm concerned.

I love how once this game was sold as "Two games in one" (skirmish + campaign) and now it's three! (Skirmish + campaign + app)

I especially like the app because I can play Co-OP now with my sons where before I had to ALWAYS be the Imperial player, mostly because I could handle all the moving parts better

23 hours ago, HirumaShigure said:

I love how once this game was sold as "Two games in one" (skirmish + campaign) and now it's three! (Skirmish + campaign + app)

I especially like the app because I can play Co-OP now with my sons where before I had to ALWAYS be the Imperial player, mostly because I could handle all the moving parts better

That does sound fun. I have yet to play the app with anyone else.

The app was awesome for me because I am the one from our game group who owns the game. It can be tough getting all 3-4 of us together to play through a full (or mini) campaign, but we do so probably 2-3 times a year to hash out all of the missions in a single weekend.

I personally want to play the game a little more frequently than that and the app is an awesome way for me to do so.