Politics can be Deadly (Mafia)

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

1 hour ago, ovinomanc3r said:

Which are them?

I didn't miss the Matt-Ghost one but I'm puzzled with the other one.

I am also thinking on how to approach a couple of teammates. If they're my team I would like to let them alive but not knowing the thing is 2 against me vs one with me...

I dunno, Matt, that really looks pragmatic.

It would have been hard to miss Matt/Ghost, although thats assuming ghost is right. There’s one other set of players I think are connected. I’m about ready to make a push but I want to hear from Caldias/Constantine to see if they add something I’ve missed before I overextend and cost my team position on d2.

5 hours ago, Matt3412 said:

@PodRacer I implore you to reconsider your vote on the Gentleman GNIPS at the present time.

I think after much consideration you will understand that other options are more pragmatic.

My dear Honourable Member, it seems you are remarkably assured of sharing similar ties of party service to a number of us now...

Having finished rereading Hansard for the day, I thank the Commons Librarian and notify the Clerk of the House to kindly ##unvote @Matt3412 .

Later, I retire to the Members Private Dining Room where, by way of the Strangers Bar, I finish up a simple supper of veal and truffle before partaking of a fine Mygeto Single Malt once favored by the Iron Supreme Chancellor Chancellor Gordok Brunig himself.

The liquor makes me bold and I decide to take the gamble.

“Clerk! CLERK!” I cried - and with a spontaneity of action that belies my latter years I sign the chit and pass through the Government lobby once more.

##vote @ovinomanc3r

I have no idea how to proceed. Revealing faction feels bad, and I still have no way of knowing who belongs to what team, or if even someone had info, if it would be a great idea for them to share it as the other party would likely try and torpedo them. At least, I suppose, both sides are still balanced. One side cannot completely torpedo another yet, and we have no idea what (if there is a 3rd party) the third party's win condition could be. Presumably it would be something to balance against mass claiming once one side has more people for a majority.

New format of game for me, I really don’t know how to present my allegiance without leaking too much. Potential SK among us.

or should i throw caution to the wind and do a “witness meeeee” mad max style ?? 🤔 🤔

Just under 16 hours remaining

In the interest of getting at least some info, I'll

##vote Ovinomancer

to put him at L-1

@ovinomanc3r You Have Been Called to the Stand To testify before this body, SO HELP YOU GOD

What was this breadloaf I missed with matt and gnip then?

Just now, PodRacer said:

What was this breadloaf I missed with matt and gnip then?

I have no clue either. I was looking but couldn't find what they were referencing.

I am going to unvote to prevent any Nefarious actions

##unvote ovi

Actually nvm ##vote @ovi

##vote matt


##vote matt

Secret agenda man. Me no likey.

2 hours ago, PodRacer said:

What was this breadloaf I missed with matt and gnip then?

2 hours ago, Caldias said:

I have no clue either. I was looking but couldn't find what they were referencing.

I could of course be wrong, but I am basing it on a pattern that I think I spotted. Ovi's death will verify iis existence. It could backfire horribly, but his responses to my questions have made me doubt that a bit.

Dewback Party member.

No power role so...

Lynch at your own discretion.

Counterwagon time folks

##vote Ovinomanc3r


Crocodile shooooooes...

🔨 hammer 🔨

The debate finally ends with a majority vote. @ovinomanc3r has been Expelled from the body, his body will undoubtedly make a grotesque crunch noise has it hits the planet floor thousands of meters down from the Platform he was chucked off.

@ovinomanc3r was the Dewback party Speaker.

The night will now begin and last 24 hours

So apologies for the inconveniences but it appears my internet is out (we are in the process of of transitioning providers and apparently it's not a 100% smooth one) I will have to update everything from my phone which may take some some.

Delay shouldn't last longer then a few hours.