Politics can be Deadly (Mafia)

By clontroper5, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

okay mag I think its cal tell me why I'm wrong

There is no drawbacks left in my mind

Dewbacks lol

Tell me why its not you!

Cal has been relatively quiet this game, and he jumped on my LP train yesterday which I think makes even sense either way. It could be jumping on whatever looked like it would end in someone dead, and it could be he, like myself, had him pegged as dewback.

Bring up the vote trains

Look how hard I defended GNIPS after he revealed himself to me night one

On 2/5/2019 at 9:09 PM, Caldias said:

I have no idea how to proceed. Revealing faction feels bad, and I still have no way of knowing who belongs to what team, or if even someone had info, if it would be a great idea for them to share it as the other party would likely try and torpedo them. At least, I suppose, both sides are still balanced. One side cannot completely torpedo another yet, and we have no idea what (if there is a 3rd party) the third party's win condition could be. Presumably it would be something to balance against mass claiming once one side has more people for a majority.

So um mag were both you know what's but we cant say it so or we might just insta die lol

why dont we just vote cal you good with that?

Do you really think its me?

Also cal has literally not said anything meaningful all game.

It's all like "stabbing jelly"

"I have no idea what to do"

"La de daa de dooo"

Well I think I've made up my mind f it

Thanks for this game I enjoyed it

##vote @cal

Goodnight all

##vote caldias


🔨 hammer 🔨

@Caldias is slain, and @Matt3412 searches the body, to his dismay he finds that Caldias was a Rancor!

The Announcer approaches from behind,

Unfortunate isn't it, losing power... I think this experience has been quite enlightening, and now the poeple will know their True Leader!

He reveals himself, @Madaghmire , a person you thought was a politician was actually the one behind all of the deaths! He produces a lightsaber and with a quick flick of the Wrist @Matt3412 falls limp.

@Madaghmire is Victorious! He was the third party member

Observers: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1smFPc2_6XBRlXmxxP5ACWv5PfP5S2A47WZ_wyXuvzQ8/edit?usp=sharing

Edited by clontroper5

It’s treason, then.

Thanks for playing! I learned a lot about this style of game and if anyone would like to run one that is similar in the future (or if I do another one) I have a couple points that I would have changed

1) let everyone have the ability to reveal alignment

2) I would have removed the restrictions on the Vigilantes and let them kill more at their own discretion

3) a suggestion that was made to me was allowing poeple to switch alignment

Matt you murderer

Mad you Arsehole.

Although you were correct to kill me. I regret not breaking you D1 as I did indeed see it. That was your worst ever post I think, a lot of mistakes in it.

Matt, that is the second time you voted somebody without them defending themselves, resulting in a loss for your party. In these types of situations, it really is best to drag the day out as long as possible and ensure that everybody has had a say.

Yup I know

But at least Matt doesn't die on Day 1 this time xD

5 hours ago, Ginkapo said:

Mad you Arsehole.

Although you were correct to kill me. I regret not breaking you D1 as I did indeed see it. That was your worst ever post I think, a lot of mistakes in it.

Yeah my d1 wasnt good. I was surprised you backed off so fast

Edited by Madaghmire
57 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Yeah my d1 wasnt good. I was surprised you backed off so fast

My exact thoughts were, "Mad isnt that f***ing M****ic"

So you got lucky.

Well I guess I showed you

Bravo @Madaghmire - also, delighted to see a third party win at last!