First Tournament

By TIE wing, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Few days ago, I had my first official tournament at my local gaming store. The format was hyperspace, which wasn't really a problem because the only things I even had were hyperspace legal.

Here was my list:
Norra Wexley

Expert handling, R2 Astromech, Ion Cannon Turret, Proton bombs, Veteran Turret gunner.

Evaan Verlaine

Selfless, R5 Astromech, Ion Cannon Turret, Seismic Charges, Veteran Turret gunner.

Wedge Antilles

Proton Torpedoes, R5 Astromech, Servomotor S-foils



Saw Gurrera

Elusive, tactical officer, pivot wing, hull upgrade


Trick shot, deadman's switch, Magva Yarrow, Stealth device

Gold squadron vet


Obstacles: all asteroids. Randomly placed

Opponet's Mill. Falcon started up top left corner, with saw and y wing in the middle. My units were in the bottom right corner.

I moved slowly, leading towards the asteroid field to blast with seismic charge.I decided to start attacking the y wing first. His Mill.f. was flying on the side, attacking me from a distance. When his Y wing was low on health, I started attacking the U wing instead, finishing the y wing with a seis charge. Soon afterwards, the U wig was finished also. Now just need to finish off chewbacca... He was a tough wookie to crack! At the end, I got half points on Chewie and full on every thing else totalling 151, while my opponent destroyed Norra and half points on Wedge, totalling 98pts. At the end, I won! (and it's my 3rd time playing only!) 😁


what did you face in the other rounds?